A/N: i couldn't take it anymore! here's an epilogue becasue i couldn;t help myself. enjoy!


The twenty-five year old Hitachiin twins sat on the love seat in front of the fire in the den of a mansion they had come think of as their second home. They sat in identical, neat suits, red ties around their necks and black shoes shined to perfection on their feet. Kaoru's leg was moving a mile a minute as he looked around the room impatiently, Hikaru sitting to his left and relaxing on the armrest. The older twin looked to his brother and scoffed, drawing Kaoru's wide-eyed gaze to him.

"What?" he blurted and Hikaru shook his head slightly.

"How many years have we known her, and you're still nervous about this?" Hikaru smirked, sitting up a little straighter.

"Yeah, we'll see how calm you are when you ask Sakura this question," Kaoru shot back, resuming his survey of the room.

"You asked her once already and she said yes," Hikaru recalled, shifting in his seat as he ignored his twin's comment. "You're just making it official now. I'm surprised you waited this long."

"We both agreed to wait a while," Kaoru explained, sitting back a bit, his knee still moving. "She thought we should both be single for a while before we went ahead and got married."

"If I were you I wouldn't have waited this long," Hikaru muttered, dusting a piece of lint off his pants.

"Sure," Kaoru hummed before shifting to face his twin, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking, "That's why you and Sakura are happily married, right?"

Hikaru glared at his younger twin as he only continued smirking.

"She wanted to reconnect with Mariko and Saigo," Hikaru muttered. "I didn't ask because she needed time, and I'll give her all the time she needs."

"And you're coming down on me about waiting so long," Kaoru smirked wider.

"What the hell is taking your woman so long?" Hikaru wondered, shifting to look behind them at the door leading into the room.

Kaoru chuckled looking back at the fire, not noticing Hikaru smile slightly at the door before turning back to face the fire as well. Kaoru gave a small frown when he didn't hear his twin complaining anymore and looked at him, only to have his eyes covered by delicate slender fingers.

"Guess who," a familiar voice murmured in his ear, making him smile and lean his head back over the head of the couch to meet a grinning Mariko, her hair draping over their faces as she leaned toward his lips and kissed him tenderly, her hands on his cheeks. "Sorry I took so long."

"That's alright, Princess," he murmured back as she stood tall to walk around his side of the couch, one hand gliding over his shoulders as she did and he continued smiling at her.

"Where's Sakura?" Hikaru wondered as Mariko sat herself between the twins, closer to Kaoru so he could sling his arm around her shoulders. Any nervousness he felt was subdued by her presence, and he was sure about what he was about to ask her.

"She's still getting ready," Mariko replied, adjusting her dress so that she could lift her legs and set her ankles on Hikaru's knees to lean against Kaoru. She ran a hand down Kaoru's leg to meet his hand and entwine their fingers. "Where are we going for dinner?"

"That's a surprise, Princess," Kaoru murmured in her ear before nuzzling the back of her ear and making her giggle.

"Ok! I am here! I am ready!"

The three looked to the doorway to see Sakura quickly running her fingers through her golden hair as she approached the couch. Hikaru shot to his feet, making Mariko almost fall as her ankles dropped to the floor, but Kaoru held her and helped her sit up as the older Hitachiin twin met Sakura next to the couch and quickly pulled her in for a heated lip-lock.

"I'm glad we set them up," Mariko grinned at Kaoru and he smirked back with a nod as he kissed her temple. Hikaru and Sakura emerged from their kiss slowly, the blonde still in a daze as Hikaru looked over her face, instantly coming to a decision.

"Screw this," he breathed, making Sakura frown in confusion and wonder. "I'm not waiting any more."

Without another word, he took Sakura's hands and knelt to one knee, making Sakura gasp and Kaoru and Mariko shot straight up on the couch.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Kaoru snapped, making Mariko turn and frown at him but she quickly turned back to the scene before them as Hikaru ignored his twin and spoke.

"Sakura, will you marry me?" he asked as the blonde's eyes welled up with tears.

She didn't wait one second before pulling Hikaru to his feet and throwing her arms around his neck, grinning, "Yes!"

Hikaru grinned in return and held her tightly to him, unwilling to let her go.

"That's not fair!" Kaoru snapped, standing and gripping Mariko's hand to pull her with him as she frowned at him, the now engaged couple looking up at them in wonder. "We were supposed to do that together and after dinner!"

Hikaru gave Kaoru a blank stare as the younger twin realized he'd ruined the surprise and turned to Mariko who stared at him with wide, violet eyes.

"Way to go, brother," Hikaru sighed, pulling Sakura under his arm to face the two as they only stared at each other.

"You were gonna propose too?" Mariko breathed and Kaoru swallowed before nodding. She smiled and slid her arms around chest, settling her cheek on it as he frowned for a moment but wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "You already proposed, remember? I said yes."

"I told you!" Hikaru chimed in and Kaoru only glared at his twin, before looking back at Mariko when she lifted her gaze to his.

"I like the way you did it back then," she admitted, lifting a hand to stroke his cheek. "And my answer is still yes. We'll just have to tell dad."

"We already asked," the twins shrugged together, making the girls glance between them with wide eyes.

"He was a bit reluctant, but we persuaded him," Hikaru joked, squeezing Sakura a little closer to him as she giggled.

"Nothing too damaging to his pride, I hope," Mariko smirked, stepping away from Kaoru's embrace enough to take his hand lead him toward the other couple.

"I'm sure he cried after we left," Kaoru guessed. "We're taking both his daughters away…at the same time."

"If he's anything like Milord, he definitely cried," Hikaru replied as they all headed for the door to head out.

"I was wondering why he locked himself in the office yesterday," Sakura breathed in realization.

"That was when we talked to him," Hikaru nodded.

"Where are we going?" Mariko nearly whined, and pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"It's a surprise!" Kaoru replied, imitating her tone and grinning when she glared at him just before they all stepped out, Sakura and Hikaru laughing.

Half an Hour Later...

"Ouran?" Mariko blurted as the limo pulled up to the academy. "Why are we here?"

"You'll see," Kaoru smiled, opening the door and stepping out to offer his hand to her and she took it, climbing out as well with Hikaru and Sakura right behind.

They all headed toward the gate, the girls arm in arm with their fiancés as they walked through the familiar halls they'd roamed during their years there.

"Seriously, why are we here?" Mariko frowned to Kaoru as they stepped toward an all too familiar door: The Third Music Room.

"Open the doors and find out, Princesses," the twins smiled together making Sakura and Mariko frown at each other in wonder, but they both shrugged and reached out to push the doors open.

"Welcome!" a chorus came from inside the room, making both girls jump in surprise because the twins had said it too as they gestured inside to the girls. The girls peeked inside to see a group of young men and one young woman, in formal wear, all smiling as the four walked in and the twins walked ahead of them to take their places in the group.

Opening the doors, they found the Ouran Host Club.

"What is all this?" Sakura grinned as she and her twin approached the group.

"This is your engagement party!" Honey grinned, bounding toward the girls. He hadn't changed at all from his cheerful, cute self and the only thing different about him was that he had grown about a foot taller so that he was about Sakura's height. "Saku-chan, will you have cake and tea with me one last time before you get married?"

"Of course, Honey-senpai," Sakura grinned, throwing her arms around him for a hug before taking his hand and letting him lead her toward one of the tables set up in the room, Hikaru and Mori following after them. Mori hadn't changed much either. He was still very tall, very quiet, and the only thing different was that he'd grown a thick mustache that nearly covered his entire mouth.

"Well, there goes half of my entourage," Mariko smiled, placing her hands on her hips.

"Fear not, Princess!" Tamaki cheered, suddenly appearing beside her, taking her hand in one of his and supporting her waist in the other as he dipped her back and brought his face close to hers. "You shall never have half of my heart, I assure you."

"Yippee," Mariko blurted through a smile, unaffected by his charms and he stood her up as he gave a pout and Kaoru laughed at the scene.

"Come on, Mariko!" he whined. "I haven't been a host for years, the least you can do is humor me!"

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry," she smiled, then held a wrist to her forehead as she pretended to swoon and Tamaki caught her again. "Oh, Tamaki! I missed you so! Speak sweet nothings to me like you used to!"

"With pleasure, Princess," Tamaki grinned as he stood her up again, but their attention was caught by a slow, steady clapping next to them.

"A fine performance, Miss Mariko," Kyouya nodded, adjusting his glasses before placing his hands behind his back as Tamaki glared at him.

"Why thank you, Kyouya," Mariko grinned, stepping toward him and hugging him quickly. "How are you?"

"I'm doing very well, thank you," he nodded, politely. "Allow me to introduce you to my wife…" He trailed off as he turned to one of the tables where a young woman with short black hair sipped at a tea cup as he called, "Hitomi."

The woman shot her blue gaze toward him and hurriedly wiped her mouth before standing and rushing to his side as he held out his arm, smiling when she took it and he pulled her close.

"Hitomi, this is Mariko Hasigawa, Kaoru's fiancé," he introduced, gesturing to Mariko who smiled as well.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she smiled, holding out a hand for Mariko to shake, which she did as Kaoru stepped next to Mariko and slipped a hand around her hip.

"So, this is the elusive wife you only bring out for special occasions," he smirked as Tamaki stepped toward Haruhi to take her hand lead her toward the four.

"Very funny, Kaoru," Hitomi smiled as she hugged Kyouya's arm. Mariko caught sight of Haruhi and excused herself to step Kaoru and hug the other girl.

"I see you've grown out of your tom boy appearance," Mariko smiled at her, holding her out to take in the white dress Haruhi was wearing, her brown hair clipped up out of her face to let the rest drape down her back. "You're so beautiful!"

"Thank you, Mariko," Haruhi nodded and was about to explain that her father was certainly glad of the change but Mariko spotted the ring on Haruhi's left ring finger and her jaw dropped as her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

"You're married?" she breathed, drawing everyone's attention as Haruhi gave a slight blush as she glanced around.

"Engaged, actually," she corrected. "He proposed a few weeks ago."

"Who?" Sakura suddenly appeared, looking at the ring as well.

There was silence for a moment before Haruhi looked up at Tamaki who was standing next to her. He cleared his throat so that the girls looked up at him and he couldn't keep a grin from forming when realization shined in their eyes. The two girls screamed and hugged Haruhi fiercely, making her look very uncomfortable. It didn't seem like that big a deal.

"Took you long enough, Milord," the twins grinned, slapping Tamaki's back each as he glared between them.

"Once the two of you were occupied enough with your princesses, I made quick to secure mine," Tamaki puffed out his chest in triumph, and the twins burst into laughter, making him whirl on them. "What are you laughing at?"

"You haven't changed Milord!" the twins laughed hysterically, making their fiancés laugh as Haruhi only shook her head at the three.

The group celebrated the three engagements over tea, cake, reminiscing and laughter. It had been far too long since they had all been together, and they hoped it would never be so long again, even if four of the hosts were married. Hitomi fit right into their group, taking and giving back whatever foolery ensued.

At the end of the night, a picture was taken, and given to each of them. They decided to continue the tradition of having a party every so often to honor the Ouran Host Club where it all began.

A/N: i couldn't help it! i had to do it! and~ for the story of Kyouya and Hitomi, check out my other Ouran fic, Light in the Shadow King. ok, so for the real last time, reviews?