AN: I am sure that you guys are probably going to be pretty upset, but I am putting this story on hold, for now. But, I WILL FINISH BELLA'S ADDICTION- promise. It's just that I don't really have the inspiration or ideas to finish this story yet. So, I am going to write up a few chapters in my spare time and then post them when I get ahead so that I can get back to posting regularly. I would like to say that I have a valid excuse for not writing, but I don't. I've just been lazy with this story and found other things to do all summer long. Plus, I have been cheating. Sorry!
By cheating I mean working on another story. It's titled Roomies and I have posted it on fiction press. Oh yes, be shocked and awed! This one is original! I have six chapters of it posted, and I have been working on it, which is why Bella's Addiction hasn't been being worked on. Here's the link to it: /s/2478607/1/Roomies (If the link doesn't show just search for the story on or me- I have the same name there as I do here.)
As always, reviews are much appreciated.
Once again, I am sorry. So, please don't kill me. Just go read my other story! And, keep looking for when I update next.