Shu Tales

Red Hair slept soundly in its stable. Unknowing to the magnificent animal, two men had gathered outside Xia Pi Castle to capture it. The horse's master retired for the night and left Red Hair unguarded. This seemed to be the perfect opportunity for two particular Shu warriors to make their move.

Ma Chao trailed along the castle's wall with his comrade Zhao Yun right behind him. The two brave souls had taken it upon themselves to obtain the fastest horse in all the land. Having such an animal would greatly benefit their lord Liu Bei and the Shu kingdom.

Finally, they reached the stable. "All right, this is it," said Ma Chao. "We'll run in, jump on him, and ride him back to lord Liu Bei."

Zhao Yun nodded to show his approval of the plan.

Only a few feet away from Red Hair, Ma Chao begins to say, "Here it is. Now, we can take Red Hair back and breed it with another Red Hair to make baby Red Hairs."

"What?" Zhao Yun was taken aback by Ma Chao's remark. "There is only one Red Hair."

"Nonsense, Justice will always find a way."

"What's wrong with you? Justice can't do that."

"Don't you ever doubt Justice!"

Ma Chao's scream causes light to emit through the castle and an angry man's voice shatters the night's silence. "Who's there?!"

"Shit, quick grab the horse." Ma Chao attempts to jump onto Red Hair's back, only to startle the horse and almost get kicked in the face. "Ah, stupid animal don't you know I, Ma Chao the Splendid, have come to claim you in the name of Justice."

Seeing as how Ma Chao had no way of calming the animal, Zhao Yun would have to tame Red Hair. "Easy boy." He grabbed some hay that was lying around and presented it to the horse. "We won't hurt you." To Zhao Yun's satisfaction, Red Hair calmed and took the food he was offered. "Good. See how easy that was." Suddenly, Red Hair kicks Zhao Yun in the stomach and sends him flying. "Noooooooo, I thought we had something special."

To worsen the situation Lu Bu enters the stable. "Ma Chao! You after my horse again? I'm gonna kill you!"

"Shit, Zhao Yun run!"

While huffing for air Zhao Yun says, "Dude, I just got kicked by a horse."

Ma Chao grabs Zhao Yun's leg and drags him as he attempts to flee Lu Bu's rage.

"Come back here!" Lu Bu chases Ma Chao and Zhao Yun as he swings his spear over his head menacingly.

Thus begins the Shu Tales.

Dynasty Warriors Intro Sequence with only Shu Members