Not much to say here, but this is a LONG as heck chapter. And it's March Break! HORRAY!


Chapter 9: True Colours

A few hours later, the group had arrived into Fortree city, a place where everything was in the treetops, except for the Pokémon Center and the Mart.

Everyone gaped as they saw the many treehouses that made the homes of the inhabitants. "Look at all this! This is amazing!" May exclaimed.

"I know! How the heck did they do all this?" Ash asked rhetorically. Brock shrugged, however, and said, "Beats me. Come on, we should go to the Pokémon Center."

Ash nodded, and headed over to the red roofed building, with the others trailing behind him. He actually had the decency to wait for his friends before entering as a group.

The four went up to the counter, where an always familiar Pokémon Nurse stepped out and introduced herself. A large, pink round Pokémon stepped out behind Joy. She had a plain looking smile on her face. On top of her round, egg shaped body was a small nurse, who wore the same apron as Joy.

"Welcome to Fortree City!" The Nurse said.

"Chansey!" The Pokémon chirped happily.

Ash smiled. "Hello there Joy. We're going to go with the usual healing measure." He said, placing all his Pokeballs on the counter in front of him. May and Brock did the same, and Pikachu jumped up onto the counter.. However, Steele was a bit hesitant.

"What's wrong Steele?" May asked. The boy cringed a bit, and looked at Nurse Joy. " offense, but I'd prefer if I'd do the procedure on my Pokémon myself."

Joy blinked, and raised an eyebrow at him. "Pardon me? I don't really think you should do that. The Pokémon Healing method is a family secret that's only known to the Joys. I don't see how you are able to heal your Pokémon without me." She said.

At this, Steele's eye twitched. "Oh, I apologize for my rudeness." He said calmly. "Very well then. You may do your 'family procedure'." He said with a hint of sarcasm. He placed his Pokeballs onto the counter, after returning Flareon to his ball.

Joy smiled at this, and placed the balls into a really big white tray that had curved out holes that neatly tucked in each ball. After all of them were set into this tray, she gave them to Chansey, who left the room and took them deeper into the Center.

Ash spoke again after the Pokémon disappeared. "We'll also require a few rooms for our stay."

"Alright." Joy turned to the computer that was on the counter. She made a few keystrokes, but frowned soon afterwards. "Well that's not good, now is it?" She muttered. She typed in a few more keystrokes, but got more frustrated. "Grrrr... what's wrong with this thing?"

Steele took particular interest in what Joy was saying, and actually listened in on what the nurse was saying.

Ash blinked, and inquired as to the problem. "What's going on?"

"For some reason, the system isn't responding. It's just giving me this message. I don't know what it means." Joy said, pouting for a bit. "Looks like I'll have to call Rick again."

"Rick?" Max asked.

"Rick's the town's computer technician. He can fix anything that's related to computers. He's amazing. He's always fixed up the system whenever it crashes."

Steele immediately spoke, pushing Ash out of the way so that he was in front. "So the system has crashed before?"

Joy nodded. "Yes. Frequently."

The boy rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Can I take a look?"

Joy shrugged. "I guess so. I don't really think you can do much to it."

Thanking the nurse, the boy went behind the counter, and took a look at the monitor, to see what message was popping up. His eyes widened as he saw the monitor. There was a blue screen on the monitor, and had white text that displayed numerous commands and binary code. The only legible words, at least to Joy, were the words, "The system has detected a fatal command, and has terminated the system to prevent damage"

He nodded as he finished scanning the screen. "Oh. You just got hit by the Blue Screen of Death. I can fix it." He gave the diagnosis for the problem.

Ash blinked, and turned to his friends. "The Blue Screen of wha?"

"I'll explain later." Steele waved him off, hearing what he said. "Lemme just do this...and then this..." He started typing in commands and keystrokes as he worked with the system. Joy looked over his shoulder curiously as she examined his work, as did Ash and Co. Max gasped in amazement as he saw Steele work. "This guy's a major nerd!" Max cried. He was instantly silenced by May, who covered his mouth with a hand.

"Max! When Steele's done, you ought to apologize!" May said, giving the big sister routine.

Steele, who indeed did hear them, ignored their squabble for the time being. After typing in a few more commands, he pressed the enter button in a dramatic finish, and smiled. "Done!"

Joy and the group 'woahed' in awe as Steele finished. Joy walked over to the comp, and typed in a few keystrokes. She smiled triumphantly. "It does work! Thanks... Steele, was it?"

He nodded, and Joy smiled. "Thanks again! Now lemme see about those rooms." She started to type on the keyboard, as the group walked back to the counter so that they were facing opposite of Joy. A beeping sound was heard, and Joy gave a melancholy expression. "Oh no. I'm sorry children." She said.

Brock, who had already been hit with another swoon of 'love', asked, overdramatically worriedly, "Oh no! What's wrong my love?" He grabbed her hand, and started to kiss it.

Joy withdrew her hand flicked his forehead to get him away, and turned to the rest of the group. "It seems we only have 2 vacant rooms available."

Ash shrugged. "That's alright. 2 of us can sleep in one and 3 in the other."

"They're...Queen sized beds." Joy added.

Steele smirked to himself, and quickly said, "That's alright! Book 'em up to us!" He grinned. Joy raised an eyebrow at Steele's rash action, but shrugged as he did save the system. "Alright." She performed a few more keystrokes.


Ash and May opened their mouths to object, but instantly sighed with defeat. At that, their stomachs instantly grumbled loudly.

"I'm starving." Ash and May said simultaneously. They both blinked, and smiled warmly at each other.

Brock pointed towards a door on the other end of the Center. "The buffet's right over there. Go crazy."

Ash and May grinned, and sprinted off towards the buffet. Max and Brock followed, going even faster, screaming, "Save some for us!"

Joy smiled as the four went to eat, but noticed that Steele was still in her presence. "Aren't you going to eat?" She asked.

Steele shook his head. "No thank you. I'm fine for now." He smiled. "And actually, I need to talk to you about a few things."

"Ok. What's up?" Joy asked, actually happy that someone wanted to converse with her for once.

"It's not too much, since you're pretty busy with your job and all." Steele said. "First off, concerning your computer, I did a bit of digging while I was fixing that BSOD- Blue Screen Of Death. I traced the problem back to its source, and I discovered a few...interesting things."

Joy's interest was peaked. "Oh? And that would be?"

"Your computer's got 44 infections."

Joy's eyes widened. "Holy fucking ass crackers." She gaped. "44! That's alot."

"Yes it is. Problem is, that was found with just a few second scan, so a full system scan might detect more. And another thing, I'm not sure whether the infections are within that specific computer," He pointed to the computer that was behind the counter. "Or in the actual network of Pokémon Center computers." He finished.

"So what do you propose to do?"

"Well, first off, I have to see whether its the computer or the network that's infected. If it's just the computer, I can wipe those infections out in a snap. If it's the network..." He hesitated.

"If it's the network...?" Joy echoed questioningly, encouraging him to finish.

"Then I'm afraid you're going to lose the whole system. 44 infections is alot, and I have no idea how long they've been there. Who knows what sort of damage the system has taken already?" Steele explained, with remorse in his voice. "The system's alright for now, but I recommend you get this 'Rick' over here so he can do his stuff. Then I'm going to work a little magic of my own." He said. "Is that alright?"

Joy nodded. "Definitely. And I bet my sister in LilyCove had been visiting a few...inappropriate sites and let those infections in." She accused under her breath.

Steele raised his eyebrows in surprise, but shrugged it off, not wanting to know about it. "And one more thing: Can you show me where the rooms are? I want to put my stuff away."

Joy nodded, and grabbed a key from the counter, and started to walk down a hallway deeper into a different part of the center, beckoning the trainer to follow.


Meanwhile, Ash and May attacked the buffet like starved dogs. They grabbed at least 6 of everything that was available on that table, whether it was plain bread, or pancakes, or anything else they can get their hands on.

As the two ravaged the food, Brock and Max were busy apologizing to everyone else who was eating or was about to grab something for Ash and May's behaviour. "They're REALLY hungry." They said to the 10 or so people who were there. Raising they eyebrows, they let it go, and immediately walked out into the lounge area.

Once everyone else was gone, Brock looked over at the two teens, who had about 4 plates stuffed with numerous pieces of food, and shook his head sadly. "You guys have bottomless stomachs." He commented.

"Yep!" The two said simultaneously, and walked over to the lounge area. A loud bang was heard across the center as the plates clattered onto the table, and the two started to wolf down their food.

Steele had managed to walk by, and experienced the unpleasant sight of two starving folks eating down their dinner like wolves. "Holy crap. Have you guys actually eaten this past week?" He asked genuinely. He glanced at Brock, who gave a nod. He shook his head sadly. "Shameful."

Ash and May paused eating for a moment. The two glanced at each other, and shrugged. They continued to wolf down their dinner, and Steele facepalmed.

Suddenly, there was a loud scream coming from the desk where Nurse Joy was. The group stopped what they were doing, and looked over to see what the commotion was. "Come on!" Brock had instantly sprung to action and was already halfway there. The others followed quickly, where they saw a scary sight.

A green haired teen, about Ash's age, was panicking madly. He started to scream and babble about that he didn't do anything. Steele went over to said kid, and he grabbed him by the shoulders to stabilize him. "Hey! Get a hold of yourself!" He shook him around for a moment to knock him back into reality. The boy calmed down for a moment, and Steele continued. "What happened?"

"Joy...I gave her my Pokémon to heal up, but after a moment, she just...just..." He made a collapsing motion with his hand. Steele's eyes widened. "She collapsed?" The boy nodded. "Where is she?" He pointed towards the other end of the desk. The boy's eyes narrowed, and he walked over to where the boy was pointing at. He yelped out after a moment. "Brock! Get over here!" he called out to his strong friend.

The Breeder went over to where Steele was, and gasped overdramatically. He went to his knees, and started to melodramatically weep. "Oh! Joy! She was so young! So beautiful! We were going to get married and have a honeymoon in Johto!" He cried overdramatically, as Steele rolled his eyes.

"Brock. She's alright. She just collapsed. Here, lay her down onto the couch over there." Steele said. Brock obliged and gently lay her down onto the nearby couch. Everyone that was present had started to crowd around the unconscious Nurse. Steele looked back at the boy who had reported the incident. "Ok, kid. Tell me everything that happened up to that point. "

The green haired boy nodded. "I came in to heal up my Pokémon. I gave them to Joy, who gave the pokeballs to her Chansey. When I looked back at her, she looked really spaced out. I tried talking to her but she wasn't listening. It was like she was hypnotized. She fell to the ground soon afterwards, and then I panicked. That's when you came in." He explained.

Steele nodded, taking in select information that would be useful to diagnose her condition. He pushed though the crowd to the Nurse. He went up beside her, and gently placed a hand on her forehead. It was slightly warm. "Hmmm..." He pondered to himself.

The rest of the crowd raised an eyebrow as the boy examined Joy. Steele noticed that everyone was seriously starting to make him nervous. "Hey! You guys don't have anything better to do around here? This is official medical work going on here; I'd appreciate it if you just give me some space." He snapped.

Everyone's eyes widened, and stated to disperse, some muttering how rude the kid was, and others admiring his dedication to help someone out, while a few wondered if the kid really DID have any medical training.

Steele placed a hand on Joy's cheek. It was hot. She has a fever. "She's been really sick lately." He commented. He placed a thumb and forefinger onto one of her eyelids, and forcefully opened it. He looked at her pupil, which had sunken in and was extremely small.

Ash had stepped up beside Steele, and was looking down on Joy. "Is she going to be alright?"

Steele nodded. "Yep. I can't really make a diagnosis however until she wakes up. If she's getting double vision and major headaches, then she got a concussion." He said. Ash nodded, understanding. He stared down at the nurse for a few moments. What could have happened that could put her into this state?

That's when it happened. At first, Ash had disregarded it as a trick on his eyes. But when it happened again, his curiosity was starting to peak. It wasn't happening now, so he decided to wait until it happened again.

There it was! A few seconds later, her hand was twitching. Ash reported this to Steele, pointing to the hand. Steele glanced at her, and saw more movement. She was starting to recover. "Good. She's waking up." He said.

Brock heard this, as did May, but she didn't react to the news as much as he did. "Oh! My Joy will be ok! YAY!" He jumped for joy (Lol Pun)

The Nurse opened her eyes, and placed a hand onto her head. Steele sighed with relief. He went beside her, and kneeled down to her level, as she was lying down on a couch. "Nurse Joy. How are you feeling?"

The Pokémon Nurse blinked rapidly for a few moments, most likely to get her eyes focused, and squinted at the person who was speaking to her. "S-Steele?" she said quietly.

The boy nodded. "Yes, it's me. How are you feeling? You took a really nasty fall."

Joy groaned as her head started to pound. "Terrible. My head's throbbing like no tomorrow." She suddenly looked at him oddly, like he had just decided to wear a multi-coloured Mohawk. "Since when did you have a twin?" She wondered.

Steele blinked, surprised. He looked beside him in both directions. There was no one who looked like him nearby. "Uh...Joy? I don't have a twin."

"Yes you do. He's right there." Joy pointed a finger beside the boy. At least, she tried to. Her finger instead ended up pointing towards the air conditioner on the other side of the room.

Steele raised an eyebrow at Joy's odd behaviour. "Hmm...major headache, double vision, lack of coordination..." he sat there for a moment, his brain processing and relating the information and comparing them to his list of medical conditions. He nodded after a few moments, and looked at his friends. "I was right. Concussion." He informed them.

Joy blinked. "Concussion? I don't have a- owwww..." she rubbed her temples. "Ok, maybe I do have a concussion..."

Steele nodded. "Nurse, I want you to stay lying down until I can find a way to get you home. Alright?" he informed her. She nodded slowly, and Steele got up to his feet.

Ash and Co. ran over to him, and started to ask him multiple questions at once. "Is she alright?" "What do you mean, get her home?" "Will we be able to get married?" "What will we do about our Pokémon?" They all cried.

Steele raised his hands in defence."Alright already! Ease up on me!" He snapped, successfully getting them to calm down. He continued after they had decided to let him talk. "She'll be fine. It's just a concussion, though she shouldn't be here. Too noisy and too stressful. Chansey can take care of her, and I'll see if I can get another Joy over here or something." He looked at Brock. "And Brock. Don't bother." He said simply.

He was just about to go inform Chansey of the situation, when a really LOUD Joy interrupted him. "Oooooooo! Look at the pretty colours!" the nurse said childishly, grabbing randomly into the air for the supposed 'colours'.

Steele blinked, and turned around, seeing Joy pick at the air like it was candy. Everyone else that was in the Pokémon Center also heard the Nurse, and they all had the same reaction. Heck, one of them even said to their friend, "WTF?"

May went over to the nurse first, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Nurse Joy? Are you alright?"

Joy blinked, and looked at her for a few moments, before burrowing deeper into the couch, pointing at May's face. "woooooooah! Dudette! I've totally, like, seen you before!" she said in a hippie styled voice. May raised an eyebrow at her, and glanced back at her friends. Brock was instantly beside her in a second.

"Joy? Are you feeling alright?" the Breeder asked the nurse, taking a shot at what was going on.

"Of course I'm alright silly!" Joy suddenly looked at Brock as if he was the hottest thing she had ever seen. She made a small swoon and suddenly grabbed hold of the 18 year old, pulling him down beside her. "Oooh. You're hot. I like that in a guy." She started to 'check' him out, which weirded Brock out more than when his Vulpix started to do random things with a log that time in Johto. And that was EXTREMELY weird.

May was obviously surprised at the Nurse's odd behaviour, and didn't want anything to progress further with Brock and her. Therefore, she went right up in between the two, pushed Brock straight off the couch, him landing with a resonant THUD, and flicked Joy right in between the eyes, and dragged the boy away.

"Ok, there is seriously something wrong with Joy." May concluded, after tossing Brock to the ground. Max was right beside him in an instant, ready to restrain him if he attempted to get to the 'lovely' Joy once again.

Ash blinked at May's reaction to the situation, but quickly disregarded it. He turned to Steele, the one who actually knew what was going on. "What's up with Nurse Joy? She hit her head too hard or something?" he wondered, half-joking.

"I think so..." Steele replied, seriously instead of jokingly. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and scanned his brain for different conditions that may result from this.

Joy had gone silent, unmoving after Brock was tugged away from her. She was lying face up, body up, with a cushion resting under her head. Steele went up to her yet again, and examined her once again in the same style as before, checking her pupils, pulse and breathing, etc, etc. "She fell unconscious again. Odd..." r

Ash and May glanced at each other worriedly. This can't be good.

Steele looked back at the unconscious nurse, and noticed something new. Her arms had tensed up, looking slightly shorter and flexed out a bit more than usual. The junior doctor raised an eyebrow at this, and noticed the same tension on every part of her body. "What the..." he wondered.

He didn't really have time to finish that sentence, for Joy had started to seriously go nuts, in a figurative sense. Her arms and legs started to shake violently, the muscles contracting and relaxing sharply and rapidly. From the outside, Joy had started to go into convulsions. She was shaking violently and madly. Steele's eyes widened. "Oh no..."

DUN DUN DUUUUN! HA! Didn't expect that, did you?

Next chapter will be up soon!