Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own High School Musical, never have, never will.

Hi everyone!

Here is a story that was requested that I wrote, if that makes any sense...

This story is dedicated to Stress overload, whom was my verrrrry first reviewer.!


Gotta Go My Own Way - Chapter One

It was a warm summer's day, and Hermione Granger – the Hogwarts Know-It-All – was sitting in her bedroom at her parents house, thinking.

Thinking about what? Even she wasn't sure. She was thinking about multiple things. Whether she loved Ron – her boyfriend of 11 months – as he loved her, or whether they were moving too fast and should just remain friends for a while longer before diving into a serious relationship.

Finally, she came to a conclusion. "I don't want to tell Ron how I feel, so I'll use a song on a CD to tell him. I'll have to lend him a CD player too," she thought out loud.

She logged onto her computer, opened LimeWire, a data-sharing program, and downloaded a song from her all-time favourite movie, High School Musical 2. She burnt the song onto a CD, and then played it back in her CD player to make sure it worked.

She pulled off her pyjamas, put on some clothes, and ran out the door, CD player in hand.

Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at the Burrow. She ran in the front door, spotted Mrs Weasley, and asked, "Is Ron home?"

"Yes, dear," she replied, "He's in his room."

Hermione sprinted up the rickety stairs to the room right at the top, labelled 'Ronald's Room'. She barged in the door, not bothering to knock, and was welcomed with, "Bloody hell Hermione! Haven't you heard of knocking?" exclaimed Ron.

"Ron, I have to talk to you," she replied, completely disregarding his previous question.

"About what?"

"Ron, I really, really like you, as a friend. But I just think that we are moving too fast with our relationship."

"What?! But Hermione-"

"No, Ron. Maybe someday we can be together, but just not now. You've been so busy with Quidditch practice that I hardly ever get to see you any more, except for when you're trying to get answers from me for homework."


"This disc will explain it all," she said as she conjured a powerpoint, plugged in the CD player, and kissed Ron on the cheek as she pressed play. She then ran out his bedroom door, then out the front door, and started the long walk back to her house.

Back at the Weasley house, Ron was staring, shocked at the place where Hermione had just left.

"Goodbye Hermione," he whispered to himself, "I love you."

He then started listening to the song that blared through the speakers.

I gotta say what's on my mind

Something about us doesn't seem right…these days

Life keeps getting in the way

Whenever we try,

Somehow the plan is always rearranged

It's so hard to say,

But I gotta do what's best for me

You'll be okay

I've got to move on and be who I am

I just don't belong here

I hope you understand

We might find our place in this world someday,

But at least for now,

I gotta go my own way

Don't wanna leave it all behind,

But I get my hopes up,

And I watch them fall, everytime

Another colour turns to gray

And it's just too hard to watch it all

Slowly fade away

I'm leaving today

'Cause I gotta do what's best for me

You'll be okay

I've got to move on and be who I am

I just don't belong here

I hope you understand

We might find our place in this world someday,

But at least for now,

I gotta go my own way

What about us?

What about everything we've been through?

But what about trust?

You know I never wanted to hurt you

What about me?

What am I supposed to do?

I gotta leave but I'll miss you…


I've got to move on and be who I am

Why d'you have to go?

I just don't belong here,

I hope you understand (just try to understand)

We might find our place in this world someday,

But at least for now,

I gotta go my own way.

I gotta go my own way

I gotta go…my own way.

Ron stared at the CD player, tears welling up in his cerulean blue eyes, as he looked back on the past few months of their relationship. "She's right. I haven't been paying much attention to her. This is all my fault," he thought.

Ron was so absorbed in thoughts about Hermione, that he didn't hear his bedroom door open.

"Mate? What's wrong?" said a familiar male voice.

Ron looked up and saw Harry, staring at him, concern in his emerald eyes. "It's Hermione. She just broke up with me," he replied, and got up to press the play button on the CD player so that Harry could hear the song.

Once the song ended, Harry said, "That song is from a muggle film called High School Musical 2. I know exactly how to get you two back together!"

And before Ron could say a word, Harry had rushed out the door to talk to Ginny about the problem, and how they were going to fix it.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's about 9 o'clock at night, and I have school tomorrow, so I have to go to bed. I will update ASAP…

Xx hooked-on-harry xX