Author's Note: Whoa! An update! Yeah it took over a year, but through inspiration from reviews and the Shades of Night update I have finally managed to write something I was okay with posting. This isn't really much of a true chapter, it's about 800 words shorter than what I like to write, but I've been struggling with this for so long that I decided to finish it in this abridged form and move on. Hopefully future chapters will be easier for me and be updated a bit more frequently (and with ME2 coming out it might be a possibility!). Anyway I hope you can find some enjoyment from this, I know it's not as good as the rest. Thanks to all the people who didn't remove their alerts/favorites!

Garrus was surprised. Thrilled. Speechless. He knew their relationship had grown much stronger, but this was big. As far as he knew, no one else on board the Normandy was allowed to call her by her first name. Then again, anyone else with this right would probably only exercise it in one-on-one situations, but he still doubted it.

"All right then, Jane it is" was all he could muster at the moment.

"But only in informal settings like this" pointed out Shepard. "It would be inappropriate otherwise, and god knows rumors get started that way."

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't dare, and we certainly don't want rumors going around" replied the turian honestly, aware that rumors would only hurt his chances, but unaware that rumors were already getting started deep within the wards.

"Excellent, I figured I didn't have to worry about it, but I just thought I'd make sure."

She sighed.

"Anyway I think I'm going to retire for the night, all that dancing tired me out. And I think I slept too much earlier."

Garrus had absolutely no idea why excess sleep would induce sleepiness, but there were more pressing matters at hand. "Well allow me to walk you to your… wherever it is you're staying" he offered, his comfort and confidence around her growing.

She let out a small chuckle. "I have an apartment here on the Citadel" she answered. It was common for anyone who frequented The Citadel to have some sort of residence on it. "And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have some company on the way."

Garrus smiled as much as a turian could at this response, as he half-expected her to respond like she had earlier on Feros. "Well then" he started, regaining his composure and trying to not seem too pleased, "lead the way."

They walked for just a short distance before pulling up at a rapid transit car. Garrus had imagined them walking and talking the whole way there, himself serving as some extra protection in the notoriously seedy Wards that he was presumably more familiar with, just in case something were to go wrong. Now he felt silly for having the thought, and wondered if she allowed him to come along just to be nice.

"Are you getting in?" came her voice from inside the car. Garrus returned from his thoughts and was greeted by Shepard's dark, piercing eyes staring right into his. He wanted to kick himself for being so embarrassing, but instead just quickly shuffled himself into the car and closed the door behind himself.

The sudden feelings of shame and self-consciousness made him overthink his every word while they sped towards her apartment. Their dialogue was suddenly gauche and he had resorted to talking about their mission."Because work is what everyone wants to talk about when they are trying to relax" he thought to himself.

By the time he had finally regained his composure, the rapid transit was slowing to a stop and It was time to get out. The walk the rest of the way to Shepard's apartment was mercifully short.

"Well, this is my place" said Shepard, breaking the heavy silence. "Thanks for the good time Garrus."

"My pleasure Comman- Jane" he answered, attempting to take full advantage of this newfound privilege. And then he froze, unsure what to do next.

It didn't matter.

Shepard smiled at his response, said a quick "goodnight," entered the room and closed the door behind her before Garrus knew what had happened.

He feebly said "goodnight" to the door staring back at him.

"I need a drink."

Kaidan led his Asari cohort to a popular bar in the Wards that was renowned for serving pungent liquors from and for all races. He had been here several times in all of his visits to The Citadel. While not the most glamorous spot on the station, he found it a more-than-suitable place for one to drink away their troubles. And troubles he had plenty of.

When it came to the Citadel, Liara assumed she was the least acquainted of all the Normandy's crew. She had only been here briefly on a few occasions, and had never been to this part of the Wards before. Upon entering the bar she received a few glances, and figured Asaris did not frequent this particular pub. However she trusted Kaidan's judgment enough and did not really care about the other patrons at the moment, what she had just seen had all but confirmed her suspicions and made her depressed.

The pair took two open and adjacent seats at the bar. When the Salarian bartender asked what they wanted Kaidan spoke up.

"Two shots of anything that could kill a small animal, please. I don't want to remember today, tomorrow."

Liara suddenly was questioning whether trusting Kaidan's judgment was the best idea, and the smirk on the bartender's face was adding to her doubts.

Twenty minutes and enough drinks later, she could not have cared less. The alcohol had done its job.

"Tell me, Kaidan" she began, feeling comfortable enough to speak freely with the lieutenant, "what is it that is troubling you?"

"Do you really want to know?" he asked, with a smile on his face despite the answer to that question.

"Yes, I- I am quite curious."

"Truth is, I've got a 'thing' for Commander Shepard" he answered, hand gesture and all.

Liara was very surprised, as evidenced by her gaping mouth. "Are you even allowed to be with her? She is your superior officer."

"No I don't think so, but I think those rules and regulations about fraternization are pointless, maybe she does too..."

Liara was about to reply when she saw a familiar face enter her plane of view.

"Garrus!" she called out, serving as both an announcement and a way to get his attention.

"Liara, Kaidan" he said with a nod to each.

"Sit, join us" she said, more as a demand than a request.

He settled into his seat to the right of Alenko and ordered a Turian spirit that to any other race would be highly toxic.

"Hell of a night" was all the Turian said after finishing his next drink, and signaled to the Salarian for another.

"You can say that again" agreed Kaidan, "what's your excuse for drinking?"

Garrus was unsure how to answer this question. "…just a lot of things on my mind right now that I don't know how to deal with appropriately." It was the vaguest answer he could think up on the spot. "Your excuse?"

"Oh he has a crush on Shepard" blurted out Liara, seemingly unaware that Kaidan had told her that in confidence, drunken confidence.

Hearing this said by the Asari was sobering for Kaidan. His face became flushed, and not because of the drink. He stood up with a look of unbelieving anger on his face. Without even a glance in Liara's direction he moved away from the bar, out of the building, and disappeared into the crowds of the Wards before anyone had a chance to say anything.

"Oh my, I should not have said that. Do you think I should go apologize? Garrus? ...Garrus!?"

Garrus had heard her question.

For all you Joker fans, sorry for not including him in this chapter, I was having real trouble with his parts in particular. He'll definitely return in the next chapter though, thanks for reading.