"Minerva, I would have hardly believed what you did for Professor Trelawney if it wasn't confirmed by several faculty." Professor Snape leered at Professor McGonagall as they prepared to sit down to supper that evening.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Minerva snapped as she sat down, her voice sharp and loud. Several students at the nearby Hufflepuff table paused and looked up at the head table. She peered at them sharply over her square glasses, and the students quickly blanched and looked away.

On the other side of Severus, Madam Hooch snorted loudly. Minerva's body jerked at the sound, but she otherwise gave no reaction, and did not even move to look at the Quidditch referee / flying instructor. Hooch fidgeted with her tie and looked down at her food.

"Severus, I am a professional. I act as such. Just because I have no belief in the prediction abilities of others, does not mean that I'm going to defend them any less vehemently." Here, Minerva slid a quick glance in the direction of Hooch without moving her head. She carefully watched as Hooch moved food around on her plate. With a gentle sigh, Minerva turned back to her own plate.

When she was done playing with her food, Hooch got up to leave. She paused behind Minerva and leaned over to quietly whisper to her.

"Thank you, nonetheless, Minerva. It was very kind of you."

Minerva turned her head just slightly, capturing a whiff of Hooch's familiar lavender scent along with something else she couldn't quite place. She could see part of Hooch's robes, blades of grass and a smattering of dirt clumps clinging along the bottom hem of the black cloth.

"Not to worry, Rolanda." Suddenly, it hit her. Black tea. Hooch smelled like tea leaves…Trelawney. Miranda's throat constricted instantly, and her stomach clenched.

Hooch seemed to sense something, and her golden eyes softened to a pale yellow glow, "All the same, thank you. And," here, her eyes twinkled, "don't think this means I'll be more forgiving the next time I referee a Gryffindor Quidditch match." Her lips twitched, a smile upon them.

Minerva chuckled. Hooch always found a way to make her laugh. Hooch straightened up, and as she turned to finish her departure from the Great Hall, gave Minerva's shoulder a gentle pat and rub. Minnie sighed, despite herself. Her eyes misted over.

"It wouldn't last, you're too much alike." Professor Snape held Minerva's gaze, letting her know that once again, he missed nothing. So very much like Dumbledore. Both these men could read Minerva's every expression, whether it was displayed on her face or not. It was, however, annoying to think that Severus thought she had no chance with Hooch.

Minerva dipped her head, then raised her hand to cover her mouth as she cleared her throat and excused herself as well.

Hooch rapped her knuckles gently on the wooden door in the North tower where she and Trelawney shared rooms.

"Go away, Minerva. I'm not up to a game of 20 questions at the moment, nor am I interested in snogging right now. Mara is due any moment, and it wouldn't do to get caught. You must know how she feels about you."

Hooch raised her eyebrows and tilted her head, confused. 'WHAT?!'

The door flung open suddenly, throwing her back in stunned surprise.

"Tricks on you," Sibyll smiled widely, her glasses not on, but resting atop her head.

Hooch was left speechless, her eyes wide, face pale, and her lips slightly parted. Sibyll giggled, hooked a scarf-covered arm behind one of Hooch's elbows, and pulled the woman into their common room, arm in arm.

Hooch's brain caught up with her and she stopped short just inside the door as it closed behind her. Sibyll turned to look back at her. Hooch stared at Sibyll for a long moment.

"Cat got your tongue?" Sibyll giggled at her own joke.

Hooch reached out with both hands and tickled Sibyll's sides mercilessly. After a moment, she stopped and pulled back to allow the wild-haired woman to breathe. Hooch's golden eyes twinkled brightly as she observed Sibyll. With her glasses off, and the multicolored scarves floating around her slight frame, the Divination teacher was pretty. Just not Xiomara's type. They had become fast friends almost 6 years ago when Hooch arrived at Hogwarts. Both were viewed as a bit odd by the faculty and students alike.

Sibyll's eyes crinkled up as she realized that Hooch's mind was a million miles away.

"Xiomara Rolanda Deanna Hooch, admit it. I got you with the whole Minerva at the door bit." Sibyll giggled.

Hooch shook her head and wagged a finger at Sibyll. Trelawney ignored the motion and reached out to loosen Hooch's tie.

Hooch chuckled, a low, warm laugh. At that moment, there was a sharp rap at the door followed by someone forcefully throwing it open.

"Bloody Hell, Minnie!" Hooch cried out. Trelawney merely stared at the blurry vision of Minerva before them, her hands frozen on Hooch's tie. 'There she is,' Sibyll thought. 'I was beginning to think I was wrong about her coming.'

Minerva McGonagall blinked momentarily at the scene before her, shock and disbelief clearly written across her face. She'd had suspicions, of course. The rumors had circled for years that Professor Trelawney was bisexual, and Hooch was known as a bit of a lesbian, well, slut, while she was playing for the Holyhead Harpies. Sibyll had frequently made comments indicating that she and Hooch were at least good friends. The two women had separate personal rooms, but shared the North Tower common room. Because both women were a bit unusual in their own ways, the rest of the staff was more than happy to have them off in the Tower, a bit separated from the rest of the staff and Head-of-House rooms.

Minerva pinched in her cheeks a little without realizing it, attempting to thwart the tears she felt building up, 'Well, like Severus said, Rolanda and I are too much alike.' Her eyes misted over. 'I don't know why I persist in thinking I could ever have a chance with her.'

Hooch, eyes locked on Minerva, stepped away from Sibyll, her loosened tie slipping from bejeweled fingers. Professor Trelawney's head jerked as she realized something. Quickly, she slipped her glasses off her head and perched them on her nose.

"Minerva, I'm guessing your energetic entrance was for a particular reason?" Despite herself, Hooch smirked, a fact not lost on Minerva.

"Er, yes." Minerva focused her gaze through her small square glasses.

"I had agreed to talk to Professor Trelawney after dinner. When I approached, I heard the sound of voices, and jumped to the conclusion," here she paused as she broke eye contact with Hooch to gaze apologetically at Sibyll, " the wrong conclusion, mind you, that Dolores was here causing further trouble."

When Minerva looked back at Hooch, the soft twinkling golden eyes captured her. Indeed, Hooch was a vision, with her tie loosened and slightly askew and her hair slightly mussed.

"Th-thank you, Minerva," Sibyll sputtered. "I wanted to th-thank you for telling that hor-horrid Umbridge off for me."

Minerva tore her glazed eyes from Hooch to look at Sibyll.

"Not to worry, Professor Trelawney. My pleasure, which I believe I told you earlier." The sight of Sibyll's wild hair fluttering around and those large eyes…'Whatever does Hooch see in her?' she thought bitterly.

"I –I –I would like to repay you, Min-Minerva. How-how about dinner to-tomorrow evening?"

Both Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall stared at her with raised eyebrows.

Seemingly oblivious to their looks of incredulity, Sibyll smiled slyly.

"Well, I suppose," Minerva spoke, watching Hooch from the corner of her eye. Hooch seemed almost sick, suddenly. She fidgeted with her calloused hands in front of her.

Sibyll continued, "You will receive a more formal invitation by owl in the morning." Here, she gently moved some of her flyaway hair to the side, smiling. As her scarves floated up in the movement, Minerva captured a wisp of sherry and pulled herself up more rigidly.

"Oh, you want to ask something," Sibyll paused, tapped a slender finger to her lips for a moment. "Xiomara will be tutoring Ms. Weasley on some advanced flying techniques tomorrow evening."

Hearing this, Hooch furrowed her brow, 'So, Sibyll wanting to make a move on her after all? And Minerva's rants about Sibyll? I should have known that they both doth protest too much, so to speak.'

Minerva's face relaxed for a moment, 'Thank goodness. I'd be falling over myself trying to impress Rolanda, all for naught.' Sibyll and Hooch both noticed that Minerva seemed pleased with this information.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall's head popped up, "Xiomara?" She looked to Hooch.

"My full name is Xiomara Rolanda Deanna Hooch. When I was recruited to the Harpies, I was told that the Brits would have a hard time with my first name. So, Rolanda it was. After 20 odd years, I grew used to it. When Albus recruited me for Hogwarts, it seemed that I could not shake going by my middle name-or one of my middle names." Here Hooch shrugged, "That's all." She looked down at the floor.

"It's a lovely name. Xiomara," Minerva barely whispered. Hooch dragged her eyes up to see that Minerva's eyes registered surprise at her own words. They stared at one another for long moments.

"Well, I shall look forward to dinner, Sibyll. I'm sure it will be…interesting." Minerva turned on her heels and swept out the door.

After several long moments, Hooch turned to Sibyll, "You could have just told me you were interested in her. I'm not happy, but I would have understood." The sorrow in her tone was reflected in her facial features.

Hooch reached out and took one of Sibyll's hands between her own, "Good luck with her, my dear." She gave the hand a gentle squeeze, then let it slip away as she turned and went up the stairs to her room.

Late that evening, Sibyll was on her knees in the grass outside, when the swishing of robes came upon her.

"Albus, I was wondering how much longer I would have to wait for you. Its getting cold, you know." Professor Trelawney raised a hand and Professor Dumbledore took it and helped her to her feet. She smiled into his twinkling eyes.

"I was slowed down by Filch. My apologies, dear."

She smirked and patted his chest, "Don't let it happen again. Dear goodness, if you're going to be slowed down by someone, at least let it be someone more attractive."

His chuckle rolled over her, warming even her fingers, which had become chilled by the late night air.

"Sibyll, you are a joy, and I have missed our regular talks. Tell me, what romance has got you troubled this evening? Surely you aren't still troubled by Miss Granger and Mister Weasley?"

"Albus, I tell you this: Hermione Granger may indeed marry that Weasley boy, but I see danger in that relationship – for her. No good will come of it." She paused, "But I digress. What makes you think I am pondering romance at the moment?"

"Why else would you be looking for ladybugs? I do know a bit about sealing romantic blessings, child." He put an arm around her shoulder while his other hand dug around in a pocket of his robes. They began walking back towards the castle, Sibyll gently cradling a small jar with ladybugs flitting around inside.

"Sherbet Lemon?"

"No, Albus. But thank you for the offer." Sibyll pushed her glasses up her nose as she peered at the fuzz covered yellow candy being offered up, secretly wishing that her glasses weren't so clean at the moment. He popped the lint-coated candy into his mouth, and Sibyll contained a shiver of nausea.

As they entered the castle and prepared to part paths to their respective rooms, Professor Trelawney hunched forwards a bit, tapping Albus' arm, deciding she simply must tell him.

"Believe it or not, at long last, the most impossible romance may finally occur."

"The most impossible romance? Which would mean that Minerva and I have become straight and fallen in love? Please," he waves a hand dismissively, "I don't want to hear such things at this late hour. I'll have nightmares."

Sibyll giggled, a bubbly laugh ringing out in the now empty halls, "Oh, dear, no. But you were right in the fact that Minerva is involved."

Albus stopped short and looked at her. He carefully reached out, his well-manicured nails reflecting the light as he gently slid her glasses from her face and propped them up top her head.

She nodded, "Yes. Tomorrow night, I have set her up to have dinner with Xiomara. But neither knows yet. They both think I am having Minerva for dinner myself, to repay her for standing up to Umbridge. Speaking of Dolores…that horrid toad of an Inquisitor is shagging Filch as we speak down in the dungeons."

Albus' eyes widened, "Sibyll, my dear, you know how to ruin a beautiful moment. My heart was lifted by the thought of my dearest friend finally realizing love with Mara, and then you make me feel like I've just eaten a vomit flavored Bertie Bott with that Umbridge-Filch rot." With that, he kissed her cheek, then carefully replaced her glasses on her nose.

"Goodnight, Sibyll. I shall look forward to the positive results of your labors as a matchmaker."

Sibyll chuckled to herself, readjusted her glasses, and held up the jar of ladybugs to the lamplights before scampering off towards the North tower. She had to admit to herself that sometimes playing matchmaker was a bit more fun than simply predicting a match.

Hooch was asleep in one of the armchairs in their common room, half snoring, her lips slightly parted and the firelight dancing over her somnolent figure. Sibyll took a blanket from the back of the nearby loveseat and gently tucked it around the sleeping form. She slid a pillow gently behind Hooch's head and kissed her temple gently, taking in the scent of lavender, wood polish, and leather.

'Considering how short her hair is, it is difficult to believe such a mixture of scents could get captured in it, let alone smell so good in combination.' Sibyll smiled to herself and continued on up the stairs into her personal rooms.

When she slipped into bed, she carefully placed her earplugs in place, and put her glasses on the bedside table. She pulled a tie-dyed sleep mask from the top drawer and slid it into place before settling into her pillows for a good night's rest.

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