Um, (hides) did I say end of the week

Um, (hides) did I say end of the week? M'bad… So, as of right now, this is the last chapter. I know that my chapters have been leaning more towards the romance side than the humor side, but hey, surely you don't want the story to be pure comedy? Or maybe you do…

Jude POV

When we got back to camp, everyone was gone. I turned to Karma, eyebrow quirked questioningly.

"You should've seen it; it was hilarious. Jamie was trying, and failing, to be rational, and Sadie was practically hyperventilating, and then Kyle came up with a good idea!" was Karma's overly-verbose response.

"Kyle, as in Kyle of SME?" I asked blinking.

"Well I suppose that if anyone in SME would choose to be smart it would be Kyle," Tommy said thoughtfully. I response to my raised eyebrow, said; "Kyle wants to be a Marine Biologist."

This was too much new information for me. SME… Kyle… Marine Biologist…

And then Sadie and Jamie crashed into camp.

"Where the hell have you been!" Sadie yelled. I quickly scrambled for an answer.

"N- nature hike," I stuttered. Sadie was a force to be reckoned with when mad.

"A NATURE HIKE?!" I winced. Sadie was being loud, and I was tired from… prior activities. "Jude, we had no idea were you two were! We thought we were going to have to tell Darius that we lost you, and-"

"DUDE!" a voice yelled.

"Jude not Dude," I shot instinctively as Spied ran into the campsite.

"DUDE!" two more voices yelled as Wally and Kyle appeared.

"I was on a nature hike," I said to the three worried faces.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Wally said. "Why'd you have to go during breakfast? We were starving when we woke up, and then we had to go find you and Squinty!" I blinked. Oh goody, the concern was for their stomachs. Oh well, less people to yell at me.

Sadie continued to yell at me for a little while more, and then Spied's stomach interrupted.

"My Spiedykins is hungry! Make him some breakfast!" Karma commanded.



Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, tonight is the night of the all-staff dinner. So, considering we all like our heads on our shoulders, we attended.

"I was thinking," Tommy said, plopping down next to me at one of the tables. "We never settled this rematch."

I sat there, thinking. He was right; so how did we fix this? Oh, but of course!

"Well I think the answer is obvious." He looked at me intently. "We'll resolve this matter with a good old fashioned game of Prank-the-Darius."

"Are you mad?" he whispered feverously. "Heads will roll, and then come back on our heads, and then roll again!"

"Aww, is LTQ scared?"

"Never!" he insisted.

"Very well then," I said.

He spent the remainder of the dinner glaring at me. I spent the remainder of the dinner whispering tales of Tommy's Boyz Attack days to Sadie.


I cannot believe it! Tommy actually fell for it! He pranked Darius, got caught, and then… oh, the resulting punishment from Big D had been simply marvelous to watch. After all, it's not ever day you get to hear a music icon yell at a washed-up ex-boybander; "I don't want to so much as hear your voice anywhere near my studio until you've done every single Boyz Attack photo shoot offer you've ever rejected! And that includes the KFC one!"

Yes, life was good. That is, until…

"You lose," he grinned at me that night in camp. "Lake. Now."

"I don't lose," I said. "How could I?"

"Because, Jude, we had a deal; you didn't even attempt to prank Darius. You lose by forfeit."

I gulped; he was right.


Why oh why did I ever agree to this childish, Parent Trap-esque deal? Or, more importantly, why did I have to choose jumping into an icy lake butt-naked in the dead of night as the consequence? WHY?

"Jude, the lake's not getting any warmer," Tommy said.

Shutting my eyes and gritting my teeth, I jumped in, and nearly froze. The lake was just a few degrees above being an ice cube. What possesses costal waters to be so frigging cold in the peak of summer?

I quickly climbed out, teeth chattering. I glared at him. "I should've never agreed to Karma's deal. I should've ditched you and made Kwest my producer."

He feigned a dramatic death by stab wound while I watched, unimpressed.

"Are you finished?" He nodded. "Then come here and give me those towels. I'm freezing."



It was two weeks after the incident with Karma, and one week after we came back from camping. I was currently in my house, being driven insane. Yes, I could still work on my music at home, but it wasn't enough! It wasn't turning out right, and I had no producer to figure out what was wrong, and SME, well, yeah...

Quickly, I jumped up and, backpack and guitar in hand (and, well, back), I ran out to my car.

When I got to G-Major, Darius glared at me. "Nice of you to finally show up! T is in Studio A with Kar-"

I ran to Studio A. When I got there, Tommy looked surprised, and Karma looked smug. "I knew you couldn't do it," she said. "Now, would you like it told now or later?"

But I never heard her. Instead, I pulled Tommy out into the lobby by his collar (dragging him by his ear would've been a nice touch, but skin is slippery). "EVERYBODY!" I yelled. 'Everybody' looked at me questioningly, no doubt wondering when the man with the needle would be here. "I have an announcement to make." Then I started kissing Tommy, who immediately responded.

I heard cat-calls, which I ignored, as I broke off. "Won't be necessary, thanks," I said to Karma over my shoulder. "I think they already know." Tommy, impatient with lack of contact, brought his lips to mine again.

Suddenly, a voice thundered; "Harrison, Quincy! Album, now!"

I sighed in relief. "Thank you Darius. I was going insane." I felt much less frantic now, although quite a few G-Major employees still looked like they were waiting for the straight jacket.

Oh well, I don't really care.

"Hey, Quincy," I began as we entered the recording booth. "You have to help me with the bridge, I can't figure it out-"

I was cut off as he leaned down for another kiss.

There. Done. Slightly humorous.

Oh, and for anyone reading We're Just Forgetting, I know what I want to do with the plot, I'm just suffering from writer's block on how to get there. So hold tight, I'm working on it.

