If you're not confused, you're not paying attention. -Tom Peters

"Can I ask you something?"

Hermione smiled and looked up from her book.


Ron glanced over at Harry, who was sleeping quietly on his bed, then moved over to where Hermione was sitting by the window.

"Why do you read that?" he asked quietly.

Hermione glanced down at the book then back up at him.

"Because it's interesting," she whispered.

Ron smiled and leaned in.

"How interesting?"

Hermione bit her lip and tilted her head to the side.

"I don't know, you tell me."

Ron leaned in fully and brushed his lips against hers. Hermione sighed into his mouth and moved closer, her book falling to the ground completely forgotten.

"Ugh! Can't you two wait till tomorrow night?"

Hermione and Ron turned to see Harry sit up in bed and rub his eyes. Hermione turned red and glanced over at Ron then got up.

"I should go find your mother. She wanted us to go down to Diagon Alley soon," she said before walking out the door. The moment the door closed a pillow hit Harry in the head.


Ron got up and moved back over to his own bed.

"Thanks, Harry. The only time we get alone before the wedding and you ruin it," he muttered.

Harry smiled.

"Well, I didn't have to wake up to see you two snogging," he replied watching Ron as he pulled close out of the dresser. "Besides, you'll plenty of time to catch up after the wedding."

Ron looked over at Harry and snorted.

"With the way Mum's going, I'd be surprised if I even see Hermione," he said before leaving the room with his clothes.

Harry smiled and started to get dressed as well. He was glad to have a few moments with his friends before they got married, even if that meant that Mrs. Weasley had to demand that the bride, groom and most of the immediate family spend the last week before the wedding in the overly cramped Burrow.

"Harry," Hermione whispered, walking up beside them as they walked down Diagon Alley. Ron, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley were up ahead while Hagrid followed closely behind.

"Hey, Hermione," he greeted.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. He frowned and she pointed to his scar. "I've noticed that you've been sleeping a lot. Does it have anything to do with your scar?"

Harry shook his head, rubbing his scar unconsciously.

"No… I just feel tired," he replied.

"Are you sure?"

Harry smiled.

"Trust me, Hermione. If my scar started hurting, you and Ron would be the first to know," he said before they entered Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. Once again, Mrs. Weasley began fussing over some of the items in the store while Ginny just rolled her eyes and disappeared down one of the isles. Harry glanced over at the twins and Ron, who were talking by the cash register before moving down the isle Ginny had just gone down. Hermione smiled and moved over to Ron, leaning on the counter. Fred smile broadened when he saw her.

"Hermione! My sweet dear, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Fred. How's Angelina?"

It seemed as if she had just said the right words. Fred's face lit up and his grin got bigger.

"She's due any minute now. She's actually at her parent's house for the weekend," he said. George suddenly appeared from the back, grinning.

"Was that fair Hermione I heard from the back?" he asked, taking her hand in a flourish and kissing it. Ron snatched her hand out of his brother's and held it close to his side.

"Oy! Don't start getting friendly with her," he warned.

George looked appalled.

"Friendly?!" he gasped. "What type of brother do you take me for? My dear Ronniekins! If anything, I'd be worried about her being taken by a rather handsome looking man who looks strangely like me."

Ron whirled around but it was too late. Fred had snuck up behind Hermione and hoisted her over his shoulders like a bag of potatoes. With Hermione screaming for him to put her down, he took off out the door and down the street, Ron close on his heels.

"What's going on?"

George turned with a grin to see Harry, Ginny and his mother approach the cash register.

"Oh nothing," he answered happily.

Ginny looked around and frowned.

"Where's Hermione and Ron?"

As if to answer their question Fred ran by the store with Hermione on his shoulder. Ron was right behind them, yelling some rather nasty oaths of dismemberment if Fred didn't put down his fiancée.


Harry started laughing.

"Ron's always chasing after her, isn't he," he said, laughing some more. Ginny shook her head at the two men.

"There's something wrong with all the men in this family," she muttered to herself before walking out the door. She turned in the direction Fred had run off in.

"OY! If you mess up the bride, Fred, you'll have more to deal with than the groom! For once I'd like to have a sister!" she screamed.

They saw her wait for a moment then she marched off toward where the three had left. Harry glanced over at Mrs. Weasley, who was muttering to herself.

"Tomorrow's going to be interesting," he said before they left as well.

"When are you going over to the Burrow?" Hermione asked Ron as she looked through her closet for her shoes.

Ron looked up from the letter he was writing.

"Six, I think," he answered, going back to his letter.

Hermione nodded and shifted an old box around.

"There they are," she muttered, reaching out and grabbing them. She stepped away from her closet and looked over at her desk, where Ron was sitting. Setting down her shoes, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning over his shoulder.

"What are you writing?" she asked.

Ron smirked and folded the letter so she couldn't read it.

"That's a question I usually ask you," he replied, turning around in his chair and pulling her down on his lap. She glanced behind her at the letter.

"Seriously, Ron. I'd love to congratulate the person who managed to get you to write," she said, reaching out to take a peek.

Ron just shook his head and took her hand before it reached the letter.

"That's beautiful, Hermione, but I really don't want you to know that I'm writing to Victor. Oh, damn, I've given it away," he said mockingly, grabbing the letter and stuffing it in his pocket. He then smiled at Hermione.

"You'll find out tomorrow," he said lovingly before unceremoniously dumping her on the ground and leaving the room.


She followed him out and watched him sit down on the couch and pick up a magazine. Crookshanks appeared from the kitchen and jumped up on the couch beside him, setting his large bulk down on Ron's lap. Ron scratched the thing's head as he read the magazine and Hermione couldn't help but smile.

"It's hard to believe that you two are actually getting along," she said.

Ron looked up at her and shrugged.

"Crookshanks couldn't resist my charming good looks for long," he said.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sat down beside him, pulling her cat off of Ron.

"You flatter yourself too much," she said. "I just think he didn't like you because you were such a prat."

Ron looked at her and smiled.

"Well said, my dear fiancée. Pray tell, what other insult do you have for me before we get married?" he asked.

Hermione rubbed Crookshanks' belly and shrugged.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it," she responded.

Ron grinned and leaned in to kiss her. Their lips had just met when something started tapping on the door. Ron let out a frustrated sigh.

"If that's Hedwig, I'm going to kill Harry," he growled, looking over at the window to see what it was. Hermione turned as well and saw a black owl at the window.

"It's a post owl," she said, moving Crookshanks off her lap and going over to the window. She opened it and the bird handed her an envelope before flapping off.

"Who's it from?"

Hermione glanced over at him before shaking her head.

"It doesn't say. Just has my name," she replied, sitting back down. She opened the envelope and pulled out the sheet of parchment. At first there was silence then Ron snorted and got up.

"What type of git sends an empty piece of parchment?" he asked.

Hermione frowned.


The parchment wasn't empty. It was written on. Why would Ron say that it was empty?

Unless it was addressed to you only, then of course he wouldn't see it, she said to herself.

She decided not to say anything until she had read the letter herself. She placed the letter on the couch and walked over to Ron, who was now putting on his coat.

"Are you excited?" he asked.

Hermione zipped up his coat and looked up at him.

"Depends on what about?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

Ron gave her a cheeky grin and leaned in, kissing her cheek.

"You'll find out tomorrow night," he whispered before taking out his wand and disapparating.

Hermione smiled and turned back to the letter. She went back over to the couch and sat down beside Crookshanks. Picking up the letter, she began to read.

Dear Hermione,

I must first introduce myself, seeing as that is a common courtesy that I always indulge in. My name is John Doe. You don't know who I am, but I certainly know who you are. Your intelligence is well known across Europe and even across the waters in America. You've helped place Muggleborns back into a state of respect. You started the Elf Protection Program and speak at least nine different languages, including Troll, which I must admit is quite amazing. You also travel quite a bit to give lectures to other schools across Europe, Northern America and Australia. I have even had the pleasure of hearing you speak a few times at the War rallies a few years ago before Voldemort was vanquished. Your speeches aroused me into thinking that taking matters into your own hands was a very good idea and I have been doing so ever since.

This is why I have written to you, Ms. Granger. I have a very keen interest in discussing certain matters with you. I hope that you and I can become very close friends in the near future. Like you, I intend to do a very good deed for my country. I hope you will help me in doing so.

So this is where I beseech your help. You are the only one who can aid me in my quest. Please reply soon

Your avid fan,

John Doe

"John Doe?" Hermione whispered, thoroughly confused. It wasn't the fact that this man knew so much about her that confused her. Ever since the war, her life had been anything but private, especially after her and Ron's engagement.

What confused her was what this man actually wanted with her. She had received messages before. Mostly threats, but occasionally she got the sick love note accompanied by pictures of her with Harry or Ron.

This man had not threatened her nor had he given the note the company of some very intimate picture of her. He just wanted her help.

She glanced up at the door, biting her lip.

She wasn't exactly sure if she should tell Ron about this. With the wedding tomorrow, she wasn't about to jeopardize this chance by freaking Ron out with this little complimentary letter.

Sighing she stood up and went to her bedroom, placing the letter in her desk drawer with some of her more personal files from work. After locking the drawer she sat down in the chair and sighed again.

"It's just a letter," she said to herself. She closed her eyes and tried to think about tomorrow.

"It's just a letter."

A/N: AAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDDD, We're off! Welcome to the magical world of my warped mind! I hope you enjoy the ride.