Sorry that I am posting the next chapter late. I was busy with my life and I been really tried after all the studying that I didn't want to see a computer screen for a couple of days. The story is going slow meaning the writing progress, I wrote yesterday the first time in a really long time in my fan fiction, and now I have to re read my story to remember everything again. I also I been starting to write another story for a scholarship that I am entering very soon. So I been pretty busy. So don't hate me for updating quickly I have a life of my own other than this story, and one of the major reason I didn't post a new chapter I didn't get a review for a long time. Disclaimer I do not own Naruto.

Chapter Five Closeness to a Kiss

Sakura point of view

I was coming outside of my room and a maid come to me, when I was closing the door. I could see that this was the maid that I threw my heal heel shoes at.

"Miss. Haruno I came up here to put away your shoes and also Mr. Nessa came already. He with your mother and the other guest you have too. She is at the Library room waiting for you?" the maid said to me. What? So now Jacob and my ex- teammates are together in the same room? Shit! Knowing Jacob he would be trying show off in front of them.

"You know what ? I have to go back in my room for something that I forgot, I put away the shoes myself? Can you do me a favor to tell my mother I be down in a minute?" I ask the maid to give me the shoes, so that I could put them away myself. And stall a little bit of time I need to mentally prepare with myself.

"Sure, Miss Haruno I inform your mother. Here are the shoes" she hand me my high heel shoes. She left and I went back to my room and put away the shoes in my closet. Then I went to put my hand on the door handle about to turn it. I was saying to myself you can do it! You could face Jacob with Sasuke close by actually it could be rewarding showing him that I move on. Yes, I can do it! Then I turn the door handle and went downstairs. Towards the Library room I can see some of the maids coming out of the room with trays of plates and teapots and cups. I guess they were having my mother eight o' clock tea?

I was now downstairs and walking towards the room I somehow felt I walking into hell of some kind. Then I open the door and saw Naruto and Kakashi sitting on the couch with there hands on there tummy, looks like they ate a lot if food. Sasuke was looking at Jacob in a thinking way. Jacob was smiling along with my mother.

"Sakura finally you are here!" Jacob said, and came towards me and hug me. He wants something? And I also want something from him too.

"Okay, Jacob what do you want?" I ask him since I know the only way I can get his script, if I kiss him on the cheek like we promise in our phone calls earlier today.

"Kiss on the cheek" he just said while pointing with his finger his cheek. I smile at him so predictable. I noticed that my old teammates ears pick up and also there eyes were on us. I took Jacob finger away from his cheek and kiss him on the cheek. It was the first time I ever kiss Jacob anywhere on his body, oh no why does that sound dirty! Jacob always kiss me on my hand and on my forehead he was only person other than my father as a child kiss my forehead, it was his special thing. After the cheek kiss my mother was jumping around.

"Thanks for the kiss! As your reward for kissing me on the cheek, I give what you so wanted in these last couple of months" Jacob said, and hand me a yellow envelop with a rose on top? Jacob is being romantic. Wait a second? I investigated the yellow envelop and I found out that it was his novel! I practically jump him after that.

"Thank you! So much, Jacob" I said while hugging him tightly. I could see Jacob was blushing red when he heard my thank you to him. Or was it because I am wearing inappropriate dress? It could be both? Soon we stop hugging and Jacob eyes were on the dress that I was wearing.

"You mother sure know what looks good on you" Jacob admire the dress, then I was the one that start to blush red. My mother was sitting on the couch enjoying the moment I have with Jacob and me. Kakashi and Naruto look happy for me or content, but Sasuke have look of angry in his eyes? Could it be that he likes me? No it can not be, if he have like me I would of still be at Konoha being a ninja now.

"Yeah, she does know whats looks good on me. So what you guys have been up to while I was getting ready?" I ask them.

"Honey, we just have tea together and have a friendly chat that is all" my mother said to me. Friendly chat? Others words they been talking about me.

"Pink flower, we are getting kind of late? We should be on our way to the party?" Jacob toll me. Oh yeah it is almost eight thirty and the Prime Mister's home is twenty minute drive we should be on our way. Sasuke was still watching us closely.

"You are right, so I hope you guys have a lovely night while I am gone" I said to Kakashi, Naruto, and even Sasuke.

"When are you guys going are coming back" my mother ask us. Who knows? Usually this type of party could last all night long and maybe up to the early morning of the next day.

"Who knows? We may come back tomorrow morning!" Jacob was joking around, at least I hope he was? Sasuke than glare at Jacob, he seem that he doesn't like the joke at all.

"Take the time you want, but remember that Sakura still have to work tomorrow. She can't be half asleep while working" my mother said to me and Jacob. She was right as much as I wanted to to be far away from team seven, but I have to come back and sleep for work.

"Don't worry, Christine! I will bring your daughter at least before two in the morning back home. So that she can rest" Jacob promise my mother.

"So see you guys tomorrow morning!" I said to them, and went to kiss my mother on the cheek also Jacob kiss my mother on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Christine! I try to bring the Josh Green's novel to you" Jacob said to my mother.

"You can give it to me the day you and Sakura leave for the trip" my mother said to Jacob. So Jacob already discuss about the trip with my mother and the guys? I got to talk to him. Tell him that I want to make the trip to ten days long.

"So Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke I hope you find it comfortable our home tonight" I wish them a nice night.

"We will, Sakura" said Kakashi.

"Sakura we better leave" said Jacob. I finish my goodbyes and than me and Jacob left the front door to the drive way. Jacob was oddly quiet on way there. Very unlike him behavior. Soon we were in front of Jacob's red Porsche car. I was still holding my gift from Jacob in my hand, I didn't want to leave it at home, because my mother would have her hands all over it.

"Whats with the odd attitude? Jacob" I asked him, he took my question to surprise and then a smile came to his face.

"To be totally honest with you, Sakura. I got a bit of vexation from Sasuke or maybe I was having prejudice thought of him?" Jacob question himself. I was thinking why would he get vex of Sasuke, vex means being annoy by something. Could it be that he is jealous of Sasuke?

"Your prejudice thoughts are not that wrong. He is cold and very serous person when I was on his team and I don't even think he can love anybody?" I said to Jacob, while he open the door for me to get in the car. Jacob than hover me his hands were on top of the car roof, and he was looking at me.

"Sakura, I think he have some type of feelings for you?" Jacob said to me, his face was serious. It was rare for him to be serious he was always happy type cheerful guy that don't get bother with problems, but for some reason he thinks this is a problem. That maybe Sasuke could have some type of feelings for me?

"Why do you think that Jacob?" I asked him, he sigh and close my door and he went to the driver side of the car open his door and got in. I was still waiting for my answer, he was putting on his seatbelt and turn on the car.

"The reason I think Sasuke have feelings for you is, because the way he looks at you and also the way he glare at me the whole time I was here. Maybe that was my fault since I was also glaring him when I first saw him" Jacob said to me, there was a melancholy feeling to his voice that wasn't the same type of cheerful voice that I was so use to.

"Don't worry about that, Jacob. Sasuke always glare at people all the time and I glare at him couple of times too" I said to Jacob to try to bring back the usually Jacob, that I prefer the most.

"Yes, you are right lets not talk about him tonight?" Jacob said to me, I nod as a agreement. He started to drive out the driveway of my mansion. We were quiet for couple of minutes, but knowing Jacob for a couple of years he couldn't stand the silents. "Why were you baking last night?" he asked me. So that what everybody ate during tea time.

"You know those damn managers I have are really getting on nerves and also almost everybody else that works in the Opera house. I am really considering to fired them?" I said to Jacob.

"You know right now is not the perfect time to do that? Since you just started the new play and if you did fired your mangers you may have to postpone the play to find the new mangers?" Jacob told me. I knew he was right, tomorrow I got to give them a warning and tell them if they don't change they will get fired.

"Yeah, I know that. That why tomorrow I just going to give them a warning" I said to him. Jacob then put a hand to my shoulder.

"Don't worry everything will be fine you just need some time off from your work life" Jacob said to me.

"Thanks, Jacob. But thats not the only thing that I am worried about" I said to him.

"You mean your ex-teammates?" He asked me.

"Yeah, you know they are going to stay for six months! How could I handle them home for six months. The reason I left Konoha is to forget them" I said to Jacob, he was surprise by how long my ex-teammates are planning to stay.

"Wow! That long time for a trip or what do you call them mission? If they are staying that long they have to do something important?" Jacob said, he got a point if they are staying long time at France for a mission it got to be something important.

"Speaking of trips? Should we talk about ours?" Jacob said.

"Yes, we should. When do you think we should leave?" I asked Jacob.

"I was discussing this with your mother, and I think Monday we should leave?" Jacob asked me.

"Monday sound good to me, but I want to make the trip ten days long than seven days?" I asked him, and Jacob face lit up.

"You want to spend more time with me? Or is it that you want to make the trip longer so that you could be less time with your ex-teammates when you come back?" Jacob asked me.

"You know me too well, Jacob. I want to spend all of my vacation without being close to my old team seven" I said to him.

"Then we have a ten day vacation!" said Jacob.

"How long have we been driving, Jacob?" I asked him.

"About twenty minutes we should arrive there soon?" Jacob said, while driving passes the fancy mansion in the area we were driving on.

"You know I really hate the parties the Prime Mister's family have. They are so formal that it is boring" I said to Jacob.

"It's a good thing that I am your date tonight. My job tonight is that you have an enjoyable evening. Even if that means we have to leave the party and do something more fun" Jacob said to me.

"What is the other fun" I ask him.

"Anything that you desire to do I will try to make it happen just for you" Jacob said to me, I know at this point he was flirting with me.

"Anything?" I ask him. The car stop in front of the Prime Mister's mansion.

" Yes, anything you want" Jacob said, and he lead closer to me. Some reason I also wanted to lend closer to him and I do that. Our faces were inch close for a kiss. I couldn't believe it that I was finally letting my guard down and accepting his closeness to me. Jacob stop moving closer.

"I don't want to do this, right now. I want to make it special. I don't want you to remember me the guy that kiss you in a car right before a party" Jacob said to me, I was dumbfounded.

I been thinking about doing something special like a fan fiction trailer, which I don't have that great video editing skill, but I made some decent music videos in the past, so I am thinking about doing the fan fiction trailer on this story, not promise anything I just thinking about it. Also the more reviews I get the more I want to write more so please if you want me to continued to write this story please review, since now I working on other project like my scholarship short story that I am working on.

Bye Love
