He has always been afraid of the dark but it is the only place he can hide, it will be the only place he can be before too long.-

He has never been afraid of the dark because he was born there and is only himself if the flames are snubbed and the switches off.-

He has never seen the dark.-

The dark makes him cry, it's all alone with the wails from his infant self. He wants to kill the dark.-

His feet fall fast and faster each day as he races the shadow, the inanimate tyrant, to the end of the building where the light splashes again and by the time he's there, the sun is down.-

His pulse throbs slow and slower every night as he tears black off his body and collapses where porcelain white camouflages his skin and gentle ebony laps against his rolling thoughts that can take him wherever he needs to go. He can sing if he wants to because the black loves to hear his voice (the black doesn't have ears).-

His feet fall fast and faster each day as he chases the shadows and pours life and clarity into the patches it has yet to cover because this is his job, he must know everything and therefore there can be no void, shrouded in shadowy dark, he will chase it away.-

His pulse throbs slow and slower every night as the black around his shoulders becomes one of the tossing phantoms of night that crowd and push on his heart relentlessly, suppressing his screams from breaching their endless rows and feeding off his tears so they have strength to return at the end of the day.-

He is terrified.-

He is himself.-

He is curious.-

He is sick of dying in the arms of the thing he's sworn to kill.-

Terrified touched sick and frail is frailer.-

He's singing alone so no one will listen.-

Dying died. And lived again.-

Curious touched sick and frail is fading.-

Terrified is fading.-

His voice stops coming clear, first soft, now choked; soon lips will move and form no sound (but the dark will listen as it always has).-

He stepped in a haze and then in a shadow and curious found that he had never been chasing the dark; he'd been absorbing it.-

He opened his eyes in the night and stared at the space that had never been occupied; death and dark are two separate things. And he can see with eyes unclouded in the night (if he stops the tears and watches a song or a shadow fade to gray).-

Tyki ran into the sun and found it burned him black (he will never find a light for himself).-

Kanda slipped away and Yu fell fast asleep in the dark (a lotus took his place).-

Lavi stopped running in the dark and looked up at the stars (he was not completely black inside).-

Allen realized that his world was black, but that he himself was light (and he would die light too).