okay people i am back for round three! in other words this is my third fanfiction and my second Naruto fanfiction (shwweeet!) i know right?! sorry kinda hyper but anyways... you might be wondering what the hell could be running through my mind when you read the title, "Karaoke... Naru style!" i know wtf right. but whether you wondering that or not it doesnt make much difference but i what it does mean is that:

everbody's favorite ninja Naruto (whether he is or not doesnt matter) has come up with an idea along with Hinata Hyuga on a karaoke night for all of the Konoha ninja (by all the ninja i mean the rookies 9 and Gai's team... and anyother random ninjas that decide to show up) so what happens when you get ninjas together for a karaoke night? what happens when you got fun loving girls and Naruto with some of our most stoic guys (Sasuke and Neji of course)?

keep your eyes glued to the screen and you'll find out!

Note: there are no "main pairings" so to speak. this story doesnt revolve around just one single couple so no worries peoples! just set back, relax and enjoy the show!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but if i did... well... just do the math.

Chapter 1
"An Idea is Born!"

A slam was heard. Loud enough that it made Hinata Hyuga and Sakura Haruno jump slightly. They turned to see their disgruntled blonde friend. The number one, hyperactive, knuckle- headed ninja himself, Naruto Uzumaki.
"Naruto, you're home later than usual," said Sakura. "What's wrong?" Naruto didn't respond he just plopped down on the sofa. He pulled his back so he would be looking up at the ceiling.
"Naruto-kun...?" Hinata said quietly. A moment passed before Naruto looked up at his lavender- eyed girlfriend.
"Sorry, guys... just a little tired... Granny Tsunade has been working all us ANBU black ops beyond the breaking point, and it's not getting any easier." He stood up and sat next to Hinata and kissed her lightly on the lips. A blush was noticeable on her face when he pulled away.
"Naruto, where's Sasuke?" He looked at Sakura. He gave her a small grin.
"He said he'd be along."
"I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow Hina-chan." Sakura said sadly.
"'Night Sakura-chan," said Hinata. "I'd better be going to Naruto-kun."
"Sure, Hinata. I'll walk you home." They got up off of the couch and headed for the Hyuga district.

--- ---

"Thanks for walking me home, Naruto-kun," said Hinata.
The blond gave her grin, "No problem, Hinata." He was about to walk away, when Hinata called him back.
"Naruto-kun..." Naruto turned back to look at her. "Yeah?"
"You know it's been a while since all of us have been together, you know my team, yours, Neji's, and Ino's. And I was thinking maybe we should all get together..."
Naruto gave her a smile that stretched from ear to ear, "Hinata-chan you're a genius!!!" He picked her up and spun her around. "We could all get reunited and mine, Sakura-chan's and the teme's house and have a party!" Hinata had a thin layer of a blush on her face, she smiled at him. "Yeah, we could do karaoke. Hanabi got it for me for Christmas this year."
"Tomorrow night?" he asked her. She gave him a grin. "Hai. Between me, Ino, Sakura-chan and TenTen-chan we'll tell everyone and we'll all be there!" cheered Hinata getting just as excited as the cerulean- eyed 19-year-old next to her.
"Better go break the news to Sasuke-teme." Naruto gave Hinata a long, passion filled kiss before he departed. "See ya tomorrow, Hinata-chan!" he called.
Hinata smiled, "See you tomorrow, Naruto-kun," she said under her breath.

"Damn," said Naruto once he got to the door of his, Sakura's and Sasuke's house. "I forgot my keys!" He began to pound on the door. "Oye! Sasuke-teme! I know you're still awake!!!" Naruto fell forward when Sasuke yanked the door open.
"It's late dobe and Sakura's asleep and so is the whole entire fuckin' district mind not waking them up?" Sasuke said in an annoyed town.
"Sorry that I interrupted your emo moment, Sasuke," said Naruto as he stood up rubbing the bump on his head.
"How many times have I told you I'm not emo, you loser," Sasuke said, still annoyed at the blonde.
"Whatever, anyway's I just got back from Hinata-chan and we came up with a plan for all of us to just hang out tomorrow night here!"
"Keep your voice down and what are you talking about?" said Sasuke as he sat down on the couch picking up the book he was reading.
"We're going to invite the original Rookies Nine and Gai's team here for a karaoke night," Naruto said sitting on the couch opposite of Sasuke. Sasuke set his book down and looked at Naruto to make sure that he was seriously saying this or he head one to many bowls of ramen down at Ichiraku's.
"You can't be serious," Sasuke said in a bored tone of voice.
"Why would I be joking?" asked the Uzumaki.
"Naruto," Sasuke folded his hands in front of his face but it still didn't keep the displeasure that was seeping through his words out. "If you actually think anybody will agree to this then you are out of your mind more than I thought that you originally were. If you don't mind before you decide to say anything else that's even more retarded than what you just said, I'm off to bed. 'Night and don't stay up to late 'cause The Hokage is probably going to go medieval on us tomorrow yet again."
"But Sasuke--" Sasuke had already disappeared around the corner into his room. "I don't get what's his problem." He got up sulkily and headed to his own room.

'What a waste... karaoke night? What is Naruto thinking?'
'Probably thinking of a way to get you and Sakura together... ever thought of that possibility?'
'Ugh... I thought you disappeared,' Sasuke retorted at his inner.
'Nope... an inner is never lost, you're stuck with me.'
'So what you're my conscious or something?'
'That fag?! No, I'm the one that makes the choices that will make you're life a hell lot easier... guy style.' The grin in Inner Sasuke's voice was evident.

Sasuke let out a groan and he threw himself his bed. He had already changed into his nightwear. A black fitted t-shirt showing his well sculpted muscles of his chest. And flannel black and blue plaid pants. He turned to the picture on his nightstand. The picture that was taken of him, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi back when he was a genin. 'It's been a long time...' It's been three years since Sasuke came back at the age of 16. Sasuke hadn't changed. He had achieved his life long goal of killing his brother, Itachi Uchiha and also took down Orochimaru.He was welcomed as a hero for that, but still Sasuke felt that he was missing something. Sure he got his revenge but was it enough for the 19-year-old, raven Uchiha heir? He found himself asking himself that question constantly these days. Sasuke gritted his teeth in frustration, got up from the bed and headed for the kitchen. As he approached the kitchen he realized that the light was on.

"Probably Naruto wanting ramen or something like that." He walked in and stopped. It wasn't Naruto, but it was 18-year-old pink- haired roommate Sakura Haruno.

Sasuke leaned against the wall, "Isn't a little late, Sakura?" She spun around, quickly. Fast enough that she almost spilled her tea.

"Sasuke! I didn't realize you were still up. I hope that I didn't wake you," she looked away.

Sasuke walked towards the kitchen table, "No, Sakura you didn't. I just couldn't sleep so I came down for some tea, also."

"Oh, I'll just be going then," Sakura stopped when she felt Sasuke's hold on her arm, "Wait," was the only thing that came from his mouth. She turned to look at him. "What is it, Sasuke?" He sighed as though what he was about to say was going to be more difficult than it really was.

"Naruto told me that he and Hinata came up with this reunion of all the Rookies Nine and Gai's team here out our house for," he ran a hand through his messy raven hair and let out a breath. "For a karaoke night."

"And are you asking me if it's okay to do it or what?"

"I'm just telling you what the dobe told me," Sasuke said folding his arms across his chest.

"Oh, okay then. I'll get the stuff ready for tomorrow night then."


"Tea's in the other door," Sasuke opened the other cupboard. He nodded slightly.

"Are all men this retarded in the kitchen?" asked Sakura trying to suppress the smile from her voice. Sasuke raised an eyebrow. In about a minute Sakura had the tea, sugar and had the water already heating in the microwave. "And this is The Great Sasuke Uchiha's potential?" the giggle she had been trying to stifle came out either way.


"Okay, I'll leave," Before Sakura knew what was going on she felt the blush crawl up to her cheeks. Sasuke had just encased her in a hug. Sakura, after the shock sunk in, she returned his hug. Sasuke let go after a while and left grabbing the tea off the table.

"'Night, Sasuke."

"Hn," He stopped. "Oh, Sakura..." She looked up at him, his back was turned towards her. "Nice shade of red." he left. Sakura fumed silently at the comment. Of course he would tease her about the bright red tint that now coated her cheeks. It passed after a while.

"Tomorrow's a new day, Sasuke, just you wait," she said quietly to herself. A smug grin on her face as she continue to drink her eucalyptus tea.

It seemed all of Konoha was a buzz with the karaoke that night at the Uchiha, Uzumaki and Haruno residence. Well the teenage population anyway's.

"Sakura-chan, Ino, TenTen, you guys got your teams?" asked Hinata.

"Yup! It was a success. Though I can't guarantee that they'll all sing though," said Ino.

"Not the point, Ino," said TenTen the important thing is that they come, eh, Sakura?" asked TenTen.

"Hai," Sakura replied.

"That and, TenTen, is to get Sasuke and Sakura together!" said Ino.

"Nani?!?!" exclaimed the whole group.

"Don't play dumb, Sakura, you know that there is also going to be couple singing so you better get with Sasuke soon otherwise... -sigh- you're out of a duet."

"Shut up, Ino," retorted TenTen. "What makes you think Sasuke's going to sing at all?"

"She's got a point there, Ino," said Hinata.

"Whatever," Ino said casually. "Let's go get your house ready."

"So Sasuke what are you going to sing with Sakura?" asked an eager Naruto.

"Yeah, Sasuke what are you and Sakura going to do?" probed Kiba.

"Shut up the both of you. I'm not singing."

"Why?!?!" exclaimed Naruto.

"Naruto mind not informing the entire village," Shikamaru said lazily.

"If Sasuke doesn't want to sing then that's his choice," said Neji.

"What are you going to do, Neji?" asked Rock Lee.

"Who says I'm singing?" asked the Byakugan wielder.

"TenTen and her horde of kunai, shurikens, katans and multiple weapons that could tear you to shreds," said Naruto.

"Hn," Neji kept walking forward.

"He's going through with it," Sasuke said simply.

"Yeah, yes, yup, duh." said the rest of the boys.

"Tonight's going to suck." Sasuke muttered under his breath.

"Just think of the bright side, Sasuke-teme," said Naruto.

"And that is what, dobe?" Sasuke asked in a bored tone.

"If you screw up on the song then Sakura will save your sorry butt."


so how was the first chapter? good, bad, never again to be let see the light? plz review peoples!

Inner Crimson: yet another fanfic, where has the time gone by?

Crimson: not a clue but we'll find out soon what's gonna happen at a karaoke party Naru style!

Naruto: karaoke me style! this is gonna rock

Sasuke: loser

Naru: what was that, teme?!

Sasuke: hard of hearing to, dobe?


Sasu and Naru: -cringe in fear of the pink- haired kunoichi's rage-

Sakura: that's better

Crimson and Inner Crimson: -sweatdrop- review... and help us!!!!

Inner Crimson: what have we gotten ourselves into this time?!?!

Crimson: first, it was just you, me, Saku, Sasu and---

Sasu, Saku, In. Crim. -stifle her from uttering the last name-

Naruto: what's wrong?

Sakura: bad things happen when you say... her name...

Naruto: who's?

Sasuke: you don't want to know...