It was Always You

Chapter 8: Say What you Need to Say

A/N: Wow. It's finally done! This has been rattling around in my brain for some time now, I've just been debating with myself how to get it out. I really hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter fic! Please review and let me know how you think it turned out. Thanks so much for reading!

Bosco was awakened abruptly by the sound of a door crashing open. He quickly lifted his head off the side of Faith's bed, where his face had been resting next to her hand.

"Oh shit!" came a voice from the doorway.

"Emily! Language!" said a second voice, with a sigh. Bosco turned to face the two Yokas children hovering in the doorway of the hospital room.

Emily rolled her eyes at her younger brother, "You sound like Dad." She stated and walked over towards her mother's bed.

Charlie ignored his sister, and walked over to Bosco's chair. "Hey Uncle B," he said, and surprised Bosco by wrapping his arms around Bosco's neck. Bosco smiled and hugged the boy back, secretly grateful for the comfort.

"Hey Chuck," Bosco said softly, releasing his grip on the boy. He turned his attention to Emily. "Hi Em."

"Is she going to be okay, Bosco?" Emily asked, tearing her eyes away from her mother's pale face to look questioningly at Bosco.

"Well, she woke up for a little while last night, and the Doctor said that's a good sign. They have to wait a few days though before they can take the tubes out of her mouth so she can talk to us. They said she'll probably stay asleep for most of today though."

Emily just nodded, and reached up to her mother's face to brush away a spare piece of hair. Charlie sighed, and quickly went to work dragging a chair across the room to place next to Bosco. He plopped down in the chair and put his hand on his chin, apparently ready to stay for a while.

"Where's your Dad, Emily?" Bosco questioned, finally noting Fred's absence.

Emily looked up at Bosco, as if she was considering something. Instead of answering his question she turned to Charlie. "Hey Charlie, You wanna go and get us some drinks down the hall? I bet you're thirsty." She said, offering her brother some coins.

Charlie considered her offer for a moment before answering with an impish grin, "Only if I can have M&Ms and something to drink."

"Fine, whatever." Charlie leapt from his chair, and trotted out the door, toting his handful of change. Emily returned her attention to Bosco, and regarded him with serious eyes before she answered his prior question. "He said he had spent enough time at Mom's bedside because of your handiwork." Her eyes flashed, the same kind of look Faith would give him when she was challenging him.

Bosco winced under her intense gaze and sharp words, but wasn't entirely surprised. Certainly her mother's daughter."Is that what you think Emily? That this is my fault?" He held his breath, apprehensive about what she might say.

Emily finally averted her gaze from Bosco's face and shrugged. "Not really, I guess. I know you care about my Mom, probably more than Dad. He's the one that left her, after all." She moved her hand down to Faith's hand and gripped her fingers, carefully avoiding her IV. "Besides, you probably blame yourself enough as it is."

Bosco stared at the girl, trying to ensure he didn't let his mouth fall open. Where did that come from? He wondered, trying to regain his composure. He remembered talking to Faith before about how grown-up Emily was, but he hadn't expected these revelations. She must have been more angry at her Dad then anyone had imagined. Bosco snapped back to reality as Charlie returned to the room and dropped a Coke into his lap, before tossing a cream soda to Emily. "Thanks Charlie," he said, opening his drink and taking a sip.

"No problems, Uncle B." said the boy as he tore into his package of M&Ms and began arranging them according to colour in piles on his lap. After a second, Charlie scooped up the brown ones in his hand, and offered them to Bosco. "I don't like the brown ones."

Bosco smiled slightly at the boy's silliness and accepted the chocolates. His attention returned to Faith as the three of them sat in silence, eating M&Ms and sipping their drinks.

Bosco wondered for the millionth time if Faith had actually heard what he'd said. She'd smiled at him slightly, her eyes flickering as if trying to convey something, but for once, Bosco had been unable to discern their meaning. She'd gone back to sleep shortly after Trish's interruption. Luckily the nurses had let him stay the rest of the night, he wouldn't have slept at home anyways. He wanted to be here with his best friend. His best friend whom he'd told he was in love with. Bosco leaned back in his chair, and took a deep swig of his drink. It was going to be a long couple of days.

The day passed slowly, and Faith remained asleep for all of it. Emily and Bosco took turns visiting the hospital cafeteria at mealtimes. Around supper-time, Emily's mobile phone rang, causing all three of them to jump from the noise in the otherwise quiet room.

She flipped open her phone, "Hi Dad," She listened for another moment before replying. "Okay, we'll be down in a minute. Yep. Bye." She closed her phone and looked at Charlie. "We've gotta go. We have school tomorrow." She leaned over and kissed her Mother's forehead.

Bosco was surprised. Of course, it was Sunday. His day off. It had seemed like everything had happened so long ago, but really it was less than 24 hours ago. "I promise you I'll call you if anything changes, guys. She'll be fine, she just needs to rest now." He said standing up from his chair and stretching out his tired muscles.

"Okay Bosco," Emily said. "Take care, we'll be by after school tomorrow." She gave Bosco a quick hug, and Charlie followed.

"Bye Uncle B!" Charlie said, and followed Emily out the door, he turned around as he reached the door. "Oh yeah. Bye Mom. Love you!"

Bosco smiled and quickly settled himself back in his seat, and took hold of Faith's hand once more. He leaned back and allowed his eyes to close.Just for minute. He thought to himself, as his thoughts got further and further away.

Trish was humming to herself as she walked down the hall, ready to start her night shift. She decided to check on the detective first. She pulled open the door, and smiled to herself. There was Bosco, fast asleep next to her, still clutching her hand. Trish quietly pulled the door shut, and continued down the hall.

Bosco woke up to something squeezing his hand. He sat up quickly, rubbing his dry eyes with his other hand, trying to clear his blurry vision. Once it cleared, he clicked in where he was, and looked down at his other hand, being gripped weakly by Faith. He quickly looked up to see her eyes open, blinking at him questioningly. "Hey! So you decided to wake up, partner." He smiled at her and returned her hand squeeze. "Don't try to talk" he warned "you still have tubes down your throat." She nodded slightly, and tightened her grip on his hand. "I think I know what you're asking...but, yes, you will be okay Faith." He smiled at her and rubbed his thumb across the top of her soft hand.

He was so happy she was awake. Maybe they could take the tubes out now. He felt slightly nervous at what she might have to say to him, but he was thankful that she'd at least be okay.

Dr. Robertson came into the room, face buried in Faith's chart. He looked up and smiled when he noticed his patient was awake. "Welcome back, Detective Yokas." he said. "I think it's about time to take out those tubes!" Faith smiled back at him nodding slightly as he reached her bedside.

Bosco stood up and greeted the Doctor. "How long will it take, doc?"

"Not too long, actually." Suddenly the Doctor wrinkled his nose, and directed his attention to Bosco. "Maybe you could run home and get a shower or something and by the time you get back, she'll be ready to do some talking."

Bosco frowned, hoping the Doctor wasn't implying he smelled bad. Bosco directed his attention to Faith, concerned at leaving her alone. "Is that okay, Faith? I promise I won't be long." Faith nodded, a little too enthusiastic for his liking. "Okay, I get the message." Bosco muttered. "I have been sitting in the hospital for two days."

Dr. Robertson hid a smile behind his hand as Bosco leaned over and gently kissed Faith on the forehead. "See you soon, Faith." Bosco headed towards the door. He paused briefly at the door-frame, holding on and looking at Faith longingly. The doctor laughed out-right as Faith lifted her hand and made a shooing motion with her hand. Bosco smiled, that was more like the Faith he knew, and finally left the room.

Dr. Robertson continued to chuckle as he checked Faith's monitors and IV bag. He looked up at her face, suddenly contemplative. "Quite a partner you've got there," he said slowly, and the smile returned to his face. "He must keep you awfully busy."

Faith just smiled. You've got no idea, Doc.

That afternoon...

Faith sat up in bed, staring out her window at the afternoon sun. Her new room upstairs had a nicer decor than the one in the ICU, that was for sure. Her throat was on fire, like one of the worst throat infections she'd ever had. She gave the cup of ice chips she'd been given a disgusted look. She wanted a glass of water more than she wanted anything in her life. The doctor had told her she could have a drink later, but no solid foods for another day or two.

She sighed, and wondered where Bosco was. She closed her eyes, and tried to arrange her thoughts. She remembered the first time she'd woken up, what Bosco had been saying... "...I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you Faith..." she had kept her eyes closed, her mind whirling at what it all meant. She was barely able to stay conscious, let alone think of how to deal with her old partner confessing his love for her.

Now, sitting here, she smiled to herself. She felt almost tingly at the thought. Bosco, loving me. Who'd have thought it possible. She'd always been close to her partner, sure. She thought back and a lot of things in her own life starting making sense. Her always being concerned about him, her backing him up without question. Helping him with Cruz. Hell, she was pretty certain she loved him back! She couldn't believe she hadn't thought about this before. She wondered what he'd say when he got back. Would he pretend it hadn't happened? God, she hoped not. She was quickly jerked from her thoughts to the sound of rustling by the door. Speak of the devil. She thought, observing Bosco leaning against the door-frame, grinning at her.

"Hi," she said softly, not trusting her scratchy voice.

"It is so good to hear your voice." He said simply, walking across the room to sit down in the seat next to her bed. She smiled and placed her hand over top of his as he rested it on the bed-rail. He returned the smile, remembering how familiar this scene was. It was just like when he was in the hospital after the shooting, but this time it was Faith. He gripped her hand, trying not cry himself, he was so happy to be holding her hand. He was at a loss when it came to what to say to her next. He doubted he could say anything, his throat was so tight. He almost sighed as he thought to himself, When did you become such a girl, Boscorelli?

Faith giggled quietly as an introspective look came over Bosco's face.
"Thanks for staying here with me Bos," she whispered, trying to ignore the soreness in her throat.

"Anything for the woman.." he stopped, looking away embarrassedly at what he had almost said, "...who is my partner." He finished, looking at her again, wondering why a disappointed look had replaced the happy shine in her eyes. The disappointment left her eyes as quickly as it had come, and she squeezed his hand and smiled. God, she looks stunning, Bosco thought, admiring the way the sun fell on the golden streaks of her hair, practically lighting up the air around her head. Paired with those fiery light in those emerald-green eyes, Bosco couldn't speak, he could only stare.

Faith stared back at him, trying to tell what he was thinking. He'd never looked at her like this before, she was pretty certain now he had meant what he said that night. The question was, would he actually tell her again, now that he knew she could hear him for sure?

Bosco was torn. He desperately wanted her to know how he felt, on one hand his heart was bursting to tell her, for fear he'd never get another chance...but he was also scared. What if she rejected him? What if they could never be friends again?

Faith maintained her eye contact, waiting it out. Come on love, I know you can say it. You did it once already. She put all the caring and all the feeling and understanding she had in her into her gaze.

Bosco leaned towards her bed, drawn in by the magnetism of that stare. Was she saying what he thought she was? Did she know? Had she heard? He realized he was so close to her now, he could practically feel her breathing. She must be able to hear his pulse, it was pounding so heavily in his own ears. Bosco imagined this must be what like bungee jumping was like. Standing so close to the edge, too scared to step forward, but much to scared to take a step back and chicken out. The light in her eyes flooded him with warmth and tingles. He jumped.

Or so to speak. He placed his lips gently on hers and kissed her. He felt slightly dizzy, and realized he had been holding his breath. As he slowly breathed out his nose, he felt her return his kiss with such tender sweetness, he almost forgot to breathe in. He reluctantly broke off the kiss, studying his best friend's expression. He smiled, she appeared to be as breathless as he was. "I love you Faith." He was surprised at himself, but at the same time glad he'd got it out in the open.

"I know." She replied with an ear-to-ear smile. "I heard you." She entwined her fingers in his, surprised to find his hands were shaking.

"I thought you might have." He said, shaking his head. "You could have let me know you were awake though. I was worried about you." He ran his fingers through her golden hair, and caressed her cheek.

"I love you too Bos. I think somehow, it was always you."

And although her chest was burning, and her throat ached, none of it mattered much, because the feeling in heart made the rest of it insignificant. Looking again into the blue eyes she loved so much, she silently asked for another kiss. He happily complied.


Emily Yokas walked down the hall towards her mother's new room. She hoped her mom was awake, and talking. She was worried about her mother, and wanted her to come home, so she wouldn't have to stay at her dad's any more.

She yanked the headphones to her iPod out of her ears as she approached the door, and she was about to open the door when she saw inside.

There, in the hospital bed was her mother. And not just her mother, but Bosco too. Bosco was sitting in the bed, and Faith was nestled in his lap, her face up against his chest. His chin rested on top of her blonde head, and clearly both of them were fast asleep. Fast asleep, but both smiling.

Emily stood there for a few more moments, admiring the picture they made together. She shook her head and before she turned to leave, she grinned.

"It was always 55-David."

The End