I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update. As my apology, I decided to write this chapter which is more than 3 times longer than my usual chapters. I'm sorry to those of you who have read Fearless because I have decided to through order out the window, and rearange events to fit my story. This chapter is dedicated to Shelly Olsen as a thanks for her wonderful advice. Hope you enoy this chapter.


I can't believe that I'm about to blow my secret. What if they get hurt because of me? I thought to myself. I was about to say to just forget everything I had said when I looked at Edward. His eyes were so kind and trusting. He looked like he was silently pleading with me to let him help me.

I looked at Ed and saw an expression of worry and excitement. I laughed internally, knowing that Ed was mad that I chose now to tell the whole truth, but he was also burning with curiosity. I sighed, bringing my self down from my good mood and back to the present.

"Is there somewhere we can go that's a little more private?" I asked them.

"My house could work." Edward suggested.

"What about your family." There was no way I was going to allow all of them to know. I was still unsure about telling these two.

"They're all out running errands."

"Even Alice?"

"She's shopping." He said rolling his eyes.

"How will we get there?"

"We can take my car. I was planning to go back for it anyway." I nodded my head then turned toward Ed.

"Ed, you fine with going to his house?"

"Yeah it's fine," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll go get it," Edward said, after getting up and paying the tab, ignoring Ed's and my protest. Ed and I just sat back in our seats waiting for him to return.

"Are you sure you can trust this guy?" Ed asked me after a few moments. His question, though slightly annoying, made me think. I wasn't sure why, but I felt like I could trust him. I nodded my head.

"He's saved my life twice already, Ed. I think I at least owe him an explanation as to why."

"I saved you too," he mumbled sounding like a pouting child. I laughed and grabbed his hand. It was really me that had saved him that night, but why be a killjoy and ruin it for him.

"I know, Ed, and I'll always be grateful. You know you'll always be my knight in shining armor." I said placing my hand over my heart. We both laughed, and went back to silence. I saw Edward's car turning the corner a block away.

"I owe him some kind of answer, Ed." I said with a sigh. "I owe you both one."

"Are we ready to leave?" I heard Edward say as he walked toward our table. I nodded my head and followed him out the door.


I got my car from school and stopped right before I got to the corner. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help it that I was curious. I listened to their conversations through their minds.

"Are you sure you can trust this guy?" I heard him ask her. I tried to listen to Gaia's thoughts, but they were too hazy. I was pretty sure that I could only hear her thoughts when they were floating freely through her head. Whenever she was really focused on something, they seemed to disappear from my 'radar'. Finally she nodded her head.

"He's saved my life twice already, Ed. I think I at least own him an explanation as to why." I was happy that she felt that way, but I was also mad that I had to save her in the first place. I didn't regret it, but it made no sense to me why someone would try to hurt someone like her. Sure she could take care of herself just fine, but a normal person wouldn't know that. Hopefully our ever-approaching discussion would clear up some of these troubling questions I had.

"I saved you too," he mumbled. I chuckled at his indignant thoughts, but stopped short with the memory he had of a guy attacking Gaia (almost typed Bella.) He had tried to stop him despite his disability, but she hadn't needed it. I tuned back into the conversation just in time to see her grab his hand. I felt an odd twitch in my chest, but dismissed it as a reaction to the thoughts the gesture it had inspired in Ed. Lucky for me, he banished these thoughts from his mind almost immediately with a stern yet humorous, to me, Bad Ed.

"I know, Ed, and I'll always be grateful. My knight in shining armor." She said, letting him have his moment. They laughed, and went back to comfortable silence that seemed to be common with them. I decided that it was time for me to make my appearance known. I was surprised when the sight of my car turning the corner registered in Gaia's mind almost right away. She hardly even turned her head. This just made me all the more anxious to hear her story.

"I owe him some kind of answer, Ed." I heard her say again as I pulled up. "I owe you both one."

"Are we ready to leave?" I said as I reached the table. Gaia nodded and they both followed me out. We arrived at my house 10 minutes later. Gaia got out of the car and glared at me.

"What was up with the driving?" she tried to sound stern, but I could see a glimpse of amusement in her eyes. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at her.

"I always drive like that." She rolled her eyes and turned away. From behind me I could hear the angry thoughts of Ed. I can't believe he's trying that with her. No matter. It won't matter after my surprise. I was curious about this 'surprise', but decided to just wait to find out.

We decided that it would be easier for Ed if we went in through the garage. We came up to the door and the single step. I noticed that there was a bar drilled in between the sides of the doorframe.

"What's up with the bar?" Gaia asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, making up an excuse.

"Emmet likes to work out." I heard Ed's elated thoughts. Perfect. Now I can finally show her. I was confused, but intrigued as I watched Ed reach for the bar.

"Hey, Gaia." He called. She turned to him, confused.

"Ed, what the he-," she was cut off as she gasped in shocked. Ed had just used the bar to pull himself up, and he was now holding on to the bar, standing! She shrieked in a tone that could've beat Alice's. I briefly wondered how she would be at singing.

"When? How? Tell me!" I was thoroughly shocked by her strange behavior, but I saw her face fall slightly. Her thoughts along the lines of I wish he had told me. Ed noticed too and rushed to explain.

"I got a surgery. They said that there was a chance that it wouldn't do anything except possibly kill me, but it didn't. I started getting some feeling back in my legs, and I started some physical therapy. Now I can stand," I saw him wobbling slightly, and brought him his abandoned chair. "But only for short periods of time. I wanted to surprise you." He said, smiling, slightly out of breath. Gaia walked up slowly, having come down from her moment of delirious joy, and hugged him.

"I'm so happy for you, Ed." She said sincerely.

"Thanks, Gaia." He said hugging her back. He laughed, "Ok, enough mushiness. On to the secrets of the Mysterious Gaia." She hit him on the shoulder, laughing with him. He rubbed his shoulder, pretending it hurt.

"Ow. Be careful Miss-Super-Human, some of us aren't invincible."

"You're just being a wimp." She said laughing, but this time I could tell it was forced.

"Ok, shall we get down to business?" I said gesturing toward the couch. Gaia nodded solemnly and we all gathered in the room. She took a deep breath, and began her tale.

First she told us about her family, her dad's job in the CIA, and her mother. Because of his lifestyle and her 'special case', as she called it, her father trained her in countless martial arts, languages, and other skills. We asked her what the 'special case' was, but she said that she would get to that later. She said that her mother died in an accident, and that her father left her that night in the hospital. (Wow, I just thought about how Tom and Edward are a lot alike. Their loved ones were put in danger, so they both left them to protect them. Weird huh.) She was currently living with her dad's friend George and his 'bimbo' of a wife, Ella. (Man is that weird or what?) Many times she nearly cried, but she managed to hold out until the end. Her sobs filled the room, as both Ed and I comforted her. After nearly 20 minutes of crying, she collected herself.

"I'm sorry about that," she said wiping the remaining tears away.

"Don't be." I soothed her. "You've been through a lot, and it's not healthy to keep your emotions bottled in. One can only imagined how scared you were that night." Suddenly she started laughing. The laughter grew, and soon she was in hysterics. I looked at Ed, but he was just staring at her in disbelief. Soon tears were coming out of hers eyes again, but this time they were from her laughter.

"Gaia," Ed said cautiously. "Are you ok?" That just made her laugh even harder. She got up and tried to run out of the room, but tripped in the hallway. I got up to see if she was ok, but all I could see was her legs as she rolled around laughing. Ed and I stared at her for a few minutes until she was finally able to calm down enough to make it back to the couch.

"Sorry," she said a small grim smile on her lips. "You see now why I don't usually let myself go like that." I worded my question carefully, so as to not set her off again.

"What was it exactly that I said that caused that outburst." She sighed, her smile back.

"Mostly it was me 'bottling up my emotions', as you put it." She giggled again quietly. "But what really set me off was the part about me being so scared. The truth is I have never been scared in my life."

"Come on, Gaia." Ed said. "Everybody gets scared sometimes."

"Not me. I can't"

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Remember my special case?" Ed and I nodded. "When I was born they thought something was missing. At first my parents thought it was a birth defect because I was always doing the stupidest of stunts. Finally they took me to a doctor. Turns out, something was missing. Turns out, I was born without the gene for fear. I wasn't doing stupid things because I was stupid. I was doing them because I was fearless." I was about to respond when my cell phone went off. Gaia looked at it annoyed, and I sighed.

"Sorry, but I told her not to call unless it was life or death." I hadn't even fully opened it when I heard Alice's screams over the phone.

"EDWARD! GET OUT OF THERE!" I stretched my mind as far as it would go, and I heard it. I heard the thoughts that made my blood run cold.

One shot. That's all I need. Right in the middle of those pretty gray eyes.


I was completely shocked by what Gaia had said, and apparently so was Edward. He opened his mouth as if to speak when his phone rang. He sighed.

"Sorry, but I told her not to call unless it was life or death." He said. His phone was barely open when a horrified yell came out of the speakers.

"EDWARD! GET OUT OF THERE!" He looked lost in thought for a moment, but it was replaced by a look of absolute horror. He leaped from the couch at both Gaia and I, knocking us to the ground. At the same time, the side of the house, made entirely of glass, shattered into thousands of pieces.

"Gaia," I heard Edward saying. "We need to get Ed out of here. He's bleeding" I was confused. I wasn't bleeding. I couldn't feel any pain at all. Then it hit me. Ever since my surgery, I had had a constant dull throb in my legs. If I couldn't tell that I was bleeding, something was seriously wrong. I felt Edward pick me up, but at the same time, I felt a horrible searing pain in my legs. I liked it better when I couldn't' feel them. I thought to myself.

"Gaia, come on." He yelled. Soon we were running to the car. He laid me in the back seat, and was in the front in almost the same second. He pulled out of the driveway, and peeled down the street at impossible speeds.

Suddenly something went through the back window, and through Edward's headrest.

"Ughhh!" I heard him yell, as his hand grabbed the side of his neck.

"Edward!" Gaia yelled.

"It's ok," he said tensely. "It just grazed me." He put both hands back on the steering wheel and hit the accelerator again. My eyes turned to Gaia. She turned around and started to get up from her seat. Edward threw out his arm to stop her.

"Gaia, we're going 135 mph. If I have to turn or something you'll be killed."

"Ed needs me." she said pushing past him determinedly, climbing into the back seat with me. "Ed," she said looking into my eyes. "Ed, where does it hurt?"

"My legs" I said. Surprisingly it came out sounding strangled.

"I'm sorry Ed, but I am going to have to take the glass out." I just nodded my head. I looked away as she moved toward my legs. I looked up, and saw Edward looking at us in the rear view mirror. His eyes were almost pitch black. I tried to say something, but I couldn't see to move my mouth any more.

"Gaia, he's blacking out." Edward said frantically. I felt something slap me. Hard.

"Stay with me, Ed." Gaia said. "Stay with me, or so help me, I will kick your ass." I felt every time she touched my legs. I felt as if they were on fire from all of the pain.

"We're here." I heard Edward say. Once again I was being lifted. This time though I was laid down on a soft bed, and I was rushed to the ER.

Back to (GPOV)

It was the last straw as I watched Ed being wheeled away to the emergency room. I fell into a chair. Edward followed me. He looked scared as he looked at me.

"Gaia. Are you ok?" I sent him a small reassuring smile. I knew that I would be out for a while with this one. I welcomed it with open arms. It would be my escape from this hellhole I call my life.

"I'll be back." I said, Terminator style. I smiled again, and left the waking world, enjoying the sound of his musical laugh.

Oh no. Ed is in the hospital. I hope you enjoyed the length of this chapter, and I promise no to take so long to write the next one. Also I would like to say that I am looking for a beta for this story, so if anyone's interested, please just put it in your review or pm me.