Fearless Twilight


Sorry guys. I couldn't think of a good title. Please help me think of one. This is a story that I wrote that combines the 2 series Twilight and Fearless. Some parts are from Edward's point of view and some are from Gaia's point of view. BTW in this story there is no Bella, or she doesn't exist. I'm not sure yet. The setting is in New York where Gaia lives. This story is mostly for Twilight fans, so I didn't include explanations about each character. Many people haven't read Fearless though, so I included info about her into the story.


Edward was enjoying a late night walk around New York. The Cullens had just moved here, so he decided to get a layout of the town. He was just strolling along, listening to the thoughts of random people on the street. Suddenly he heard the thought of someone stalking a young girl. He was immediately reminded of the short time when he'd left his life with Carlisle and Esme, along with their special diet. He shook his head to get rid of the memory, and started toward the sound of the man's thought.

As he turned the corner, he saw a man attacking a young girl. The girl was fighting off the man, but Edward knew that by the size of the man, she wouldn't have a chance. He ran toward them and prepared to defend her. He saw the girl give a well-placed kick that knocked the guy down. He came up behind her to tell her to run, when she turned on him. Shoot. Another one. He heard her think. Edward was about to tell her that he was here to help when she knocked his legs out from under him. He caught himself before he fell, but now he was ready for her.

As he expertly dodged her blows, he realized that he had seriously underestimated her before. She was obviously extremely skilled in quite a few forms of martial arts. Her thoughts became more frustrated as they fought. He heard her thinking about how she didn't have much time left to fight. As he listened, he realized that her thoughts were perfectly clear instead of clouded and confused. Edward couldn't understand how this girl could be completely devoid of fear under the circumstances. She was getting weaker, so he decided to just end the fight. Much to her surprise, he dodged one last blow then ran away (at human speed of course.) As he was running, he turned just in time to see her collapse.

As soon as she hit the ground, he turned and ran back to her. He didn't know what was wrong, but he knew that he couldn't just leave her here on the street. Edward scooped her up in his arms and decided to take her to Carlisle.

When Edward got home, he found a place on the table, that they never used, already set up. In the dining room was his family.

"What an interesting guest you have, Edward" said Carlisle. "Thanks for the heads up," he said to Alice. She just nodded.

Edward set the girl down on the table as he explained what happened.

"Be careful when she wakes up. Don't let her catch you off guard" he said. "Trust me," he added with a laugh.

The Cullens waited for the girl to wake up. As Edward watched her he noticed a few details about her that he hadn't noticed before. She had long blond hair, and was very tall. Even as she lay passed out, he could see that she was very tense. She had long muscular arms and legs, and her figure had a Rosalie quality to it. After a few more moments, the girl began to become conscious again.

She acted as if she were still asleep, while she thought of different ways to escape. This girl has had some serious combat and survival training. Edward thought to himself. Unfortunately for the girl, Edward was one step ahead of her. A second before she started to move, he nodded at Emmett and they both went to restrain her. She struggled, but she couldn't get free. I have to be careful not to waste my energy again she thought. She looked extremely frustrated, but Edward saw no trace of fear in her features or her thoughts.

"Who are you, and why am I here?" she asked calmly, but with a frustrated edge in her voice.

"I saw you fighting with a guy on my walk, so I tried to help. I wasn't fast enough though, so by the time I got there, you were already passed out. I knew that I couldn't leave you there, so I called a taxi, and brought you to my house." Edward explained to her. He'd purposefully left out a few parts, hoping that she wouldn't remember, but she wasn't fooled. As he read her mind, he heard her remember the fight perfectly clear. She didn't voice her thoughts out loud though.