Author's Note: Well, this isn't exactly s original story idea, but I thought I would do a good job on it, so I'm writing it! Please review and enjoy!

Disclaimer: If I really owned Wicked or High School Musical, wouldn't I be off enjoying the money I would be making? Really!

High School Musical is Wicked!

Chapter 1: Auditions

By musiclover94

It was the day of the auditions for the East High School Spring Musical, Wicked. Gabriella Montez and Troy Bolton were looking around at the other auditioners: Sharpay and Ryan Evans, of course, Kelsi Neilson, the new girl, Cara, who looked very nervous, and about fifteen other thirty other people.

"Gabi, why did you sign me up for this?" Troy whispered to his girlfriend.

"Well, we landed the roles in Twinkle Towne, so why not try it again? And I've always wanted to play Elphaba!" Gabriella responded. Troy rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Gabriella Montez and Troy Bolton?" the drama teacher, Ms. Darbus, said dramatically.

"Mr. Bolton, what will you be singing?" Mrs. Darbus asked, scribbling something on a notepad.

"Um, Dancing Through Life." he said. Having no prior audition experience, he had no idea what to do.

"Ok. Begin." she said.

Troy cleared his throat and began to sing…

The trouble with school is
They always try to teach the wrong lesson
Believe me, I've been kicked out
Of enough of them to know
They want you to become less callow
Less shallow
But I say: why invite stress in?
Stop studying strife
and learn to live "the unexamined life":

Dancing through life
Skimming the surface
Gliding where turf is smooth
Life's more painless
for the brainless
Why think too hard?
When it's so soothing
Dancing through life
No need to tough it
When you can sluff it off as I do
Nothing matters
But knowing nothing matters
It's just life
So keep dancing through

Darbus raised her eyebrows.

"Ok, next!" she said, making a note on her clipboard.

"And Ms. Montez, what will you be singing?" Darbus asked, looking at her with a questionable eye.

"Part of Your World." she said proudly.

"Begin." Darbus said.

Gabriella took a deep breath and began to sing…

I'm ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it (what's the word)

When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world

"That was excellent," Ms. Darbus said, making some notes on her board, "ok, not both of you together."

Gabriella and Troy began to sing…

And though I know I may know
I don't care
Just for this moment
As long as you're mine
Come be how you want to
And see how bright we shine
Borrow the moonlight
Until it is though
And know I'll be here holding you
As long as you're mine

"Excellent. Sharpay and Ryan Evans?" Darbus said, making notes on her board.

Sharpay strutted into the room as if she owned it, while Ryan tried to keep up. She gave Troy a smile and Gabriella a glare.

When Gabriella and Troy closed the door and walk away, they heard Sharpay singing "The Wizard and I". She had a lot of squeaky notes. Gabriella smirked. Troy had to go to his locker to get something, so Gabriella got to hear Ryan sing the Fiyero part of "As Long as You're Mine". He sounded pretty good to her ears.

After everyone had auditioned, Ms. Darbus walked out of the theatre and told everyone that the cast list would be posted in two days. Sharpay gave Gabriella a glare, and she returned it. The heat was on.

Author's Note: I know that was a lame ending, but it was the only way I could close it. Please please please review!

Next Chapter… The cast list! Who will be Elphaba, Glinda, the Wizard, and Fiyero? Tune in to find out!