Akatsuki At My House, Chapter two. Also sorry it took so long for the secound chapter to come out..


Disclaimer- look to chapter one for detail

Pein- -is watching the fight- So Lauren….how about them Knicks?

Lauren- Um…

Alex- Kazuku…give me the Damn Swiss bank account number

All but Alex- -sweatdrop-

Konan- -is thinking out loud- 'thank the narrator I have another bank account!'

Alex and Kazuku- -sweatdrop- um…you know you said that out loud right?

Konan- …..

-Alex steals the bank account number then Kazuku steals it back. Then konan steals it form Kazuku, and Alex steals it from konan, etc. (I'm guessing you get the picture by now)-


Celine- hey sam

Sam- -is watching the fight with popcorn in her hand-…..yeah?

Celine- wanna go watch Naruto Abridged on Alex's computer?

Sam- sure.

Lauren- can I come too?

Celine and Sam- Sure

-Celine, Sam, and Lauren leave-

One Hour later

Alex- -notices that Celine, Lauren, and Sam are gone- im bored.

Pein- yeah, me too. Hey wait a sec, aren't you supposed to be fighting Kazuku and Konan?

Alex- I was but then Tobi gave me a cookie –innocently holds cookie up-

Deidara- I wanna watch a movie

Pein- Yeah

-tobi walks in the room-

Tobi- tobi give a suggestion?

Alex- …Sure

Tobi- tobi like Pirates of the Caribbean, 1,2, and 3

Alex – Sure

Pein- Yayz! –runs to his room-

Deidara- we should have warned you…and sure I like that movie

Alex- im gonna go ask Celine, Lauren, and sam If they like that movie

Lauren- you don't have to cause we overheard the conversation

Sam- the verdict is……


-Pein comes back form his room dressed as Jack Sparrow-

Itachi- IM DRIVING!!!!!!!!


Kisame- Itachi's driving his Pink punch bug with sailor moon stuff on it

Itachi- -notices Celine- Celine…WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!?! And anyway were taking MY CAR!


Deidara- -whispers to Alex, Celine, Lauren, Sam, and Tobi- Im taking my giant clay bird to the video store. Coming?

Lauren- Wait for me!

Sasori- tackles Deidara with barbies- NO! shes my fan girl!

Deidara- wanna bet?

-sasori and Deidara start fighting-

Zetsu- -is watching the fight from his potted plant- 'this is getting annoying'

-Zetsu grabs Tobi, Alex, Pein, Celine, Lauren, and Sam.-

Zetsu- -points fnger towards flower pot- To the video store! –jumps in flower pot-


-they pop up in a flower pot near Blockbuster-

Alex- -steps out of flower pot- remind me why I let Zetsu take us to the moviestore?

Sam- -looks at Pein and Zetsu- what did you do to Pein? –looks at pein, because he's walking around like a drunkard-

Zetsu- -innocent look- …..nothin…..

Tobi- -in a serious voice- bull

All- -looks at tobi strangely-

Tobi- Whaaaat I'm aloud to be mature for ten minutes a day!

Alex- O.o Tbi that is soooo cooool!

Tobi- -sighs- Anyway. Let's get a movie.

Sam- no interruptions this time…what did you do to pein?

Zetsu- fertilizer….


Alex- WTFT?

Celine- What The French Toast

Alex- Oh…

Sam- fertilizer does what to Pein?

Zetsu- It makes him loopy! –smiling innocently-

Pein- noooooooo iiiiittttttt dddoossseenn'ttt

Alex- your words are sluring….that normally means your drunk, or really, really sleepy….but in your case it's the first one

Pein- ugh….shut up…..

Tobi- -looks at watch and is thinking 'crap mature time is almost out...'-

Zetsu- sam….

Sam- ya?

Zetsu- ……….ur mom….

Celine- lol XD

Zetsu- Celine.

Celine- Yeah?

Zetsu- -points in random direction- LOOK IT"S L!!!!!

Celine- Where?! –runs in pointed direction-

Tobi- -is getting annoyed by this.-

Alex- you know Zetsu, its really rude to Point

Pein- Alex, stop disrespecting your elders

Alex- -sticks tongue out at Pein-

Lauren- - is in Blockbuster-

-Celine comes back-

Celine- I couldn't find him….

Tobi- -eye twitches. He Picks Alex and Pein up and puts them on his sholder-

Alex and Pein- Hey!!!!

Alex- What was that for?

Tobi- annoying me, that's what.

-Alex blushes in embarrassment and Pein laughs at her-

Tobi- Pein I havn't forgotten about you…

-Pein instantly shuts up and pales-

Tobi- in a stern voice- Eveyone inside…-seeing no one respond- ….NOW!

Everyone except alex pein and tobi go inside

Tobi- -puts the two down. Giving them evil glares- well….do I have to go evil on your asses to make you behave?

Alex- -is scared of Tobi- n-n-no sir….-pales-

Pein- ………………

Alex- -in a small voice- just say yes pein….

Pein- sure… -pales-

Tobi- -looks at his watch- damn…

Tobi gets questioning looks from alex and Pein

Tobi- …….tobi is a good boy! -