"Aang, this is REALLY important." His friend insisted.

The young airbender sighed as Sokka plopped himself on the stone floor, forcing Aang to halt his daily meditation ritual in the process to so he could unwillingly lend his ear. Aang barely had time for meditation now… between training with his three sifus and plotting a plan to infiltrate the Fire Nation a second time, his rare moments to be alone and be attuned to his native element seemed like a guilty pleasure for him.

Trying not to sound annoyed, Aang decided to go straight to the point. "What?"

"You may have to look over there." Sokka pointed to an outcrop and Aang could see Katara carrying a jar of water, with Haru tailing her behind carrying two jars of water. The two teenagers seemed to be enjoying their conversation, as Katara was laughing over some joke the young earthbender just told her.

Aang looked at Katara, then at Sokka, a bit confused at what the young warrior was so upset about. "You don't like the water?"

"Don't like the…" Sokka slapped his hand over his forehead. "Don't you see what's going on just now?! Haru's been hanging around a lot with Katara recently!" For some reason, Sokka looked more agitated by those words he just said as he continued, "You're not gonna do anything about this?!"

"I don't think I'd enjoy whatever they're talking about right now," Aang pointed out, feeling impatient that Sokka was now wasting his time. "I thought you like Haru, Sokka."

"I do, as a friend…" Sokka hesitated then continued on, his face red in embarrassment. "But I'd rather have you as my brother than him, alright?!" he almost screeched as he threw his arms comically.

Aang looked at him oddly. "But I've always been your brother."

Sokka groaned. Sometimes, Aang can be as dense as his sister. "I meant in another way!"

"What other way?"

How does one tell a friend to go and run after his own sister before someone else does? "Oh, forget it!" Sokka stomped off in exasperation. "This is stupid!"

The Air Nomad blinked. What the heck was that all about?


"Congratulations!" Katara told the earthbender as the two of them headed to camp. "I'm sure your girlfriend back home would be happy to see you again after the war's over."

Haru grinned. "Yeah. Don't forget. You and Aang are invited at the wedding."