AN: I can't help it, I need to write stuff like this every so often (but I have toned it down for you readers). I don't think I'm right in the head. But whatever, here's some kinda gory implied KakuHida for you.


There are many reasons for the black background on their cloaks, almost forgotten in the contrast of those danger-red clouds. Hidan has come up with many theories. To his own mind, they are all plausible, they are all logical and they are all possible. But most of all, Hidan thinks the black background is from the darkness in their hearts, minds and guts. When he thinks that, he does not think of their killings and crimes; he thinks of their sordid, dirty secrets. All so wicked, delicious, addictive, euphoric and so dark.

There are few feelings more pleasurable, in Hidan's opinion, than the feeling of death. To watch it, to commit it, to create it, to consume it, to avoid it, to crave it, to fall victim to death. He has always wanted to die, and he will not deny the orgasmic feeling that rushes through his blood and bones (whether they're inside or outside of his body) as he feels death. Taking a life, it is beautiful, like ecstasy. Feeling life being ripped from yourself, however, that is something that Hidan can only imagine – and oh his imagination can conjure up some glorious images.

And as he cries out in pleasure and pain, when his blood has left his body like a glorious crying fountain, or his bones have jutted out in some macabre, picturesque fashion, or he is simply standing with his scythe to his neck, shivering in anticipation… Hidan knows it is then that the eyes of his 'work' partner are open him, hungry like a predator. The thrill is heightened so much further and Hidan is sure that only feeling greater could be death – or sin.

But Hidan will not sin. He will not commit adultery. He already has one lover – the jealous hands of his God. He knows that to allow his sadistic partner free roam of his body would be heaven. To feel another's hands on him in a way he can only imagine (for he has never felt such things – but the feelings his imagination can conjure up are glorious)… It makes Hidan feel sick with himself, that he craves such a feeling so much… Such a dark, sordid desire.

Yet he craves it, and when he can taste death so close, that erotic tease of such euphoric power, and he can feel hungry, lusting eyes on his body and the blood that is spilling from it, looking like a gory, bleeding, porcelain doll… He knows the pleasure can only be described as dark, sordid, wicked, delicious, addictive… So dirty, so tainted, a sinner's paradise – and Hidan is so far from a sinner, he will never sin, never. But his mind will constantly think about it, think of those sins that he wants with all his heart to commit.

Perhaps his cloak should be entirely black – for he feels he deserves no colours at all.