title. baby girl
the covenant
tyler/oc. reid/oc. pogue/kate. caleb/sarah then caleb/oc.
a boy. a girl. a dance. who knew i could change their lives.
teen - mature
some swear words this time?
'why do i put myself in these situations?' don't own.
ok. this is sorta important. i'm an indecisive little bitch. really. okay. so i decided to keep going on with this one and those that are interested in the revamp, i will let you know when it's up and what it's named. it'll probably be something lame like Baby Girl v2.0 or something. i don't know. have to ask my co-authoress. oh, and i found the notebook all this was in.

x-x The Dress x-x


wake up your a drama queen,
carry on like your supposed to be.
get way, hurry up, come on.
get away, gotta get up and go.
wake up from the drama scene,
stick around it'll bury me.
get away hurry up come on,
this is becoming a catastrophe!


Electra sighed softly as she walked into Nicky's. She wanted to strangle her sister. There was no doubt in her mind that the older female would be in serious trouble and she said one wrong word to her younger sister.

Reid looked up at the door as Tyler lined up his shot. "Holy shit," he stated letting out a low whistle, seeing who had just walked in.

Tyler frowned as he continued to work on his shot. "What, Reid?" He asked, not really paying any mind to his best friend. After all, Reid probably just saw some girl in a short skirt.

Reid grinned lightly. "You might want to look. You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he stated in response. He rubbed his eyes quickly to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Tyler frowned and looked up, "What are –" The words left him as he caught a glimpse of Electra. "I'll be right back," he stated, setting the pool stick down, before going in the direction of his girlfriend.

Electra slowly weaved her way through the bar, headed towards the table that contained Sarah and Kate, a frown fused to her features.

Sarah looked up and noticed the brunette, making her way towards the table. "Electra?" She questioned, to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

Kate lifted her head and whistled loudly. "Damn girl!"

Electra glared at them as she took a seat, impatiently tugging at what she was wearing. "Not a word," she muttered darkly as she crossed her arms.

The blonde grinned slowly as she leaned over the table some. "A dress?" She teased, she looked past the young girl and nudged Kate with her foot.

Kate smirked. "Seems like we aren't the only ones who noticed," she stated as she grinned at whoever had come up behind Electra.

"Wow, baby girl, you dress up nice," Pogue's voice called behind her as he slid into the seat next to Kate, pecking her lightly on the cheek.

"I'm killing my sister," the youngest stated, glowering at the occupants of the table as she once again tugged on the dress in an attempt to make it even an inch longer.

"Why would you do that? You've attracted a certain someone's attention," the mocha girl said, watching over her friend's shoulder once again.

Electra furrowed her brow. "Do what?"

"God, baby girl, what are you trying to do to me?" Tyler asked in her ear as his blue eyes looked down at the view the low cut dress gave him.

Electra turned her head a bit to the side to look at him. "Blame my sister," she mumbled slightly as her blue eyes met his darkened ones.

Reid frowned as he walked over to them, not seeing his girlfriend. "Where is she?" He asked shoving his hands into his pockets.

Tyler rested his hands lightly on Electra's shoulders as he watched his blonde friend.

Electra grinned. "She'll be here soon," she stated. She stood and grabbed hold of Tyler's hand, pulling him towards the dance floor.

He grinned as she turned, sliding her arms around his neck. His arms slid around her waist and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You look gorgeous, baby girl."

She blushed softly, burying her face in his neck. "Do not," she stated softly against the skin.

"Oh trust me, you do," Tyler whispered against her ear, pressing his lips lightly against it.

Electra smiled, pressing her lips lightly to his neck. "Maybe I should wear dresses more often," she stated as she peered up at him.

Tyler grinned at her. "Maybe you should."


Mindless fluff? I don't know. Heh.

So go on and click that little blue-ish purple button thingy! You know you want to! Feedback is welcome!

