As with all good things, they must come to their end, and so this shall. Come along for another ride and more destruction.

Wishmaster – The Devil's Daughter

Chapter 10

Darkness stained the sky a dark purple as the djinn gazed out at it, anger boiled beneath his once again human frame. His waker had run, run from him and somewhere where he couldn't see her.
"Damned human, why do you fight what's already awake, Give in and become mine so we can end this human reign" He sighed mentally and stalked out the house to go hunt out what was dearly precious to his gaining the world for his kind.

Kathryn's exhaustion that had left her unconscious by the river came to its end and she awoke. Her clothes were bloodied and her body bore many marks of being tortured by the djinn and his magic, but for all of those things she still felt guilt for running from him. She sighed and curled up, gazing down into the rivers surface as she debated what was being made of her, what was to come.

"How can I just forget all that I am for what my race is?" she shook her head sharply at the thought.
"I'm not like them, he said I was different, but I still feel no better than being one" The river rippled with a breeze, she saw her reflection flicker, and the changes were suddenly more visible than ever.
Her eyes were red rimmed and yellow, the green had faded completely, and her body had become lean, still flesh coloured and soft, but promised a hint of muscles. She shuddered and held herself tightly, trembling against the cold and fear of turning into what she lusted and cared for bizarrely.

"I've been looking for you W-Kathryn" The djinn placed a hand on her shoulder, knees bent so his head was but an inch from her own.
"You should have left me to die like my family" Despite her words she had leaned back towards him, seeking warmth and some form of sanity in her state.
"I cannot, and well you know that, now, I must complete your second wish, and I don't believe you'd ask for such things beside a river, so will you return with me child, live your fantasies with one such as myself?" He turned her around so his eyes bored once again into hers, within moments she cried and pressed against him.
"Let me go back, make me forget my human side, let's conquer the world and make it ours!" She stood up and he followed, watching her smile and throw herself back into the lake with a keening cry of happiness and horror at her own actions. The djinn cursed sharply and made to follow, even as she sunk below the surface and did not begin rising again.

The water seemed oddly warm, or perhaps she had already forgotten cold due to her life, her djinn, her wishes of fire of blood. Why was the water getting darker, and why was she starting to feel her chest burn?

The djinn dove deeper into the depths, searching frantically for any sign of his waker's hair or frame in the dark

'Damned girl, damn her if she dies I'm not doing this again!' Pushing his body all the farther down he frowned at a small glimmer of movement down his side.

Kathryn tried to open her lips, the pain was unbearable in her chest by now, and the demonic side was screaming at her mind to let it take over, to fight back and demand her power be used instead of wasted so foolishly. She sobbed against it even as she began to agree, something grabbed her arm and tugged, her demon side apparently taking on its own form to keep her alive. Warmth emitted from those arms and a larger body as her consciousness faded.

Something like Light burned from one corner of the room, Kathryn growled low in her throat and curled away from it.
"Awake then, my waker" The rough voice murmured near the side she had curled into, her eyes snapped open and she stared at the djinn, gazing back down at her with a sardonic smile.
"I'm alive? Did the demon-"
"No, but it called to me, that's the only way I could find you in that river" He watched her shiver and hide herself in the only un-bloodstained bed he could find in their house, sighing quietly he rested a hand on hers and dragged a nail slowly up the arm.
"My waker, do you really think I would let you die?" He forced her head up slowly, glaring into eyes just like his own.
"Do you so hate yourself that you'd die?"

"I couldn't bare the loss of my family, knowing what would happen when I make my last wish, knowing what would happen to everyone." He shook his head in anger and grabbed her throat, stroking it gently with his claws.
"Why think of them, all they ever did was tell you what to do, how to live, how to breathe, why waste such emotion on that?" She looked up at him, her hair tangled and falling across her face.

"I still cared. Djinn, I have a favour to ask of you" He gripped her arm and tugged her into a sitting position.
"Don't ask of me, wish of me and it'll be granted" She gazed at him with tears running down her cheeks, power stirring beneath her skin as she raised a hand to his head. A low growl rumbled in his throat before he flipped her onto the bed, glaring down in his true form.
"Wish it, wish it waker" her eyes slid closed, tremors shaking her form.
"you never completed the second wish" A wide grin was the last thing before the djinn set upon his task, claws raking her sides and clothes, blood trickled from numerous wounds as she growled low in joy at him.

As the second wish was completed, the sun began to sink as dusk set in, people set into their homes for another night of sleeping, preparing to go out, or enjoying company. The djinn stood at the front door, looking out in his human form, Kathryn standing proudly by his side, her eyes occasionally flickering between blue and red, she pressed against him with a soft, sardonic laugh, his hand idly smoothing over a particularly big bruise he'd left not too long ago.
"You have yet one more wish to make my dear" his voice was soft, she tilted her head slightly.
"I know, I'm not making that wish until I have had one last walk, one last time to see this world as it is, I do so enjoy it" He shook his head, sighing.
"You and your human instincts, they will not save you!" she growled quietly, stalking from him and vanishing into the growing night, murmuring just enough to let him hear.
"You are not my master, and I most certainly will not take insults of the race I thought I was for such a long time." Shaking his head once more he watched her, waiting till she had all but vanished before he followed her once again muttering softly.
"Fool girl, fool. Your human nature will fail, if you but wished it and set us free."

Kathryn sighed, walking along the streets, ignoring early drunks and shifty faced people hiding in shadows. She knew what her body would do, her blood dictating her humanity, but her mind was still torn, she wished to not let it go, she still wished to be loved again, her family she had known were dead, her lover murdered and she had watched. What was left for her, but could she really give up herself, this world and surrender to the djinn?
"I don't know what to do; only what I should, but what if I'm only doing this because I have nothing left?" She had unwittingly walked to the river; she gazed at it, arms firmly around herself.
"If I must make one more wish, then I know what it is I will make" The djinn, having followed her listened, every muscle taut. A wide smile of pride split his face.
"Wish my dear, wish it" he whispered, darkness flickered behind him as he sneaked up behind her. Kathryn sighed, closing her eyes.
"I wish, I wish, that my humanity were to sleep forever, that the djinn may rule this place, I wish, that the djinn will care for me, look after me for eternity, that I, I will be his lover. I wish that this wish cannot be altered to any other purpose than what I would say, I wish for that and that alone."
"And you wish, is granted my dear" She turned sharply, seeing him stand by her wide eyes, arms open as his form slipped into reality, the scent of burning grass filled the air around them as she heard the cries of the djinn begin to wail at them.

As the skies changed from clear blue to dark grey clouds rolling across the sun, people turned to see strange creatures walking towards them. They cried out when the clawed hands reached their throats, wishes and pleas echoed across the world as the djinn settled it to become their own. The djinn stood idly behind Kathryn, she watched the other djinn with interest.
"What'll they do now?" He nipped her ear, laughing.
"We will make this place our home my child, the time of humans has ended with your wish, as has your own attachment to them." He felt her stir, pulling his hands onto her hips and swaying in a slow dance.
"Then, let us cause havoc and destruction, let us rule over this world together, your bound to protect and love me" A snicker crossed through into her ear, the nip had turned into a suckle.
"I would have without a wish my child, but I am bound to you, and you are mine for all of eternity." Kathryn smiled brightly and let out a piercing cry, walking beside her djinn with a prideful joy in her eyes. The other djinn cried out their own joy of freedom from the space between the worlds at long last, listening with glee to the sounds of pain and fear from the humans, wrung out as tortures of pain, some of partial pleasure and many final cries of death filled the air of the world. Buildings fell to be trampled just like the wings of angels, creatures fell to death and suffering, this was, thought the djinn, a perfect victory brought by his own child, the last remnants' of human was her, and as she had wished, he would protect her, as would all djinn from anything that would cause her physical harm anyway. He turned his head, watching her chest rise and fall in slow breaths, a clawed hand covered her breast as a grin spread across his face.
"Oh yes, my waker, this is indeed a perfect victory" He murmured softly, she smiled faintly as her eyes opened, stretched out on a small bank of grass as her clothes hung to her torn frame.
"Something in mind, Djinn?" She smiled wider at the mad look covering his face.
"You are." With that he launched himself to her, wild laughter echoing from both their throats as he forced himself into her, watched the eyes of many others at the end of the world.

It is finally done, so there you go. The films failed to let it happen so I have. Read it and if anyone makes a suggestion I'll listen, but it's done at long last. Review it if you please.