Wishmaster - The Devil's Daughter 1

"You woke me." The voice purred into the air, Kathryn sat up sharply from her bed breathing hard. Once again she had the same dream

The twisted figure haunting her very soul.
"Who are you?" she murmered into the air, looking over to the clock she groaned. It was just before seven in the morning, her birthday.
As if the very thought had been transmitted all over the house, Her younger brother burst through the door, his brown tangled hair flying past his shoulders as he jumped onto her bed.
"Happy birthday sister!" He grinned at her, she tilted her head and laughed, golden hair shaking down her back till her cheeks turned red.
She opened her eyes and looked at him, blue eyes gazing into green. Kathryn blinked her green eyes and said
"Cheers Colin, now get out of my room and tell mother I shall be downstairs in a few minutes." At that he nodded and ran out of the room, she shook her head and laughed again, getting up to get dressed.

When Kathryn had made it downstairs into the living room Colin was already bouncing up and down impatiently.
"Come on sis! it'll be nighttime before you get to your presents!" She grinned and tackled Colin before walking into the kitchen where her mother sat at the table. She looked up at Kathryn, obsidian eyes flashing slightly her face looked stern, raven black hair tied up in a tight bun. Kathryn bowed her head as her mother stood up, waiting for the pale hand to lift her chin up again.
"Mother" It was always a frosty welcome from her mother, as long as she could remember it had never changed and seemed it never would.
"kathryn, you are now eighteen years old, soon you shall leave this house and live your life on your own, here is my gift to you" The woman handed kathryn a blood red crystal and left her in the kitchen.

Kathryn stood still staring at the stone, transfixed by the colour. Her breath froze in her throat, the crystal glowed faintly in her hand, once again the voice sang into the air all around her.
"You woke me" it echoed all over till she fled from the room, slamming the door behind her, she stared at the living room. Two pairs of eyes met hers, Colin and her mother watched, waiting for an explanation.
"Kathryn, your hair is a mess. Go and fix it at once" Her mother said, Kathryn nodded and walked swiftly out of the room.

Colin stared at his sister, he knew something had worried her, but he didn't know what could have, knowing his sister most things seemed to fear her, not the other way round, he turned his head.

"Mother, did something scare Kathryn?" The woman tilted her head
"I do not think so, I think it was merely my words which have affected her, you know she will leave this house in a few months." He nodded sadly, his sister had often made life in their house entertaining when their mother put down her laws hard. Silently, he hoped his sister would return soon, being alone in the same room as their mother was making him edgy.

Kathryn sat on her bed, the crystal sitting before her, she glared at it
"Why do I dislike this stone?" the room seemed to darken around her, shadows reached out to her, attempting to touch the girl. Upon her touch of the crystal they disappeared, she went to fix her hair in the mirror.

In the void between the worlds, one Djinn looked up, he had felt the presence of the stone being handled again, sighing irritably he struggled to get comfy in his throne.



Well...what do you think?
R R I do give treats