DISCLIAMER: I don't own Naruto I do however own the Ocs you'll find in this story.
I hope you like this story there may be some spelling and grammar errors here and there so don't get too mad I'll work on it. Oh and please give some reviews. This story is a pairing of Hinata and Naruto. Why? Because they're such a cute pair! Why else?
It's another clear day in the hidden leaf village. Hinata had been summoned by her father for training.
Hinata let out a deep sigh "great now he'll be looking for more reasons to hate me" she thought to herself.
She reached the dojo to see her father there waiting for her. She bowed "good morning father" she said timidly
Her father lord Haishi Replied. "Defend yourself Hinata." and with into the gentle fist fighting stance.
"Yes" Hinata said with a bit of fear in her voice and also took their family-fighting stance. Before she knew it her father was on the attack before she knew it she was on the ground. Her father was obviously angered by the sorry display of fighting he just witnessed.
"Again" he said sternly. Hinata got back up this time she attacked him charging only to stopped dead in her tracks by a well placed hit on her leg that sent her tumbling. "Get up" father demanded.
When she got back up she realized that her father was gone. He was in fact hiding in her blind spot. She looked all around but couldn't find him. Her father moves so fast, he can stay in her blindspot. Hinata starts to think he left but then felt a shape pain on her shoulder. "Always keep your guard up and never take your eyes off your opponent." he said in a harsh tone. It was her father hitting her with his staff. "Have you forgotten the Byakugan blindspot?" he asked "I-I'm sorr- but Hinata was cut off by her father.
"SILANCE" her father shouted. "Now defend yourself."
Three hours pass.
Hinata is now roughed up a few bruises here and there from the mistakes. Her father looked at her with nothing but disappointment in his eyes. For three hours they trained and Hinata never landed a hit. "Get out of my sight." he said in disgust.
Hinata left feel nearly ready to cry. She went to the bathroom only to meet her sister and 2 other female members of her family there. She quickly backed away and went to her room. Its something the entire clan noticed soon after her seventh birthday. Hinata never wanted to bath with her sister and aunts. It always seemed strange since Hinata was so close to the female members of the family. Hinata entered her room and fell on her bed and went to sleep.
One hour passes
Hinata wakes and REALLY starts to feel the pain (and smell) from her training. She went back to the bathhouse this time no one was there. She entered and locked the door behind her. She then took off all her clothes and walked in front of the 6-foot tall mirror. "I made more mistakes than normal today I'm much more beaten up," She said turning to see her back. "I can do so much better if it wasn't for this." There in the middle of her upper back was a seal. Hinata activated her Byakugan and hit various points on her body to increase the chakra flow to promote healing. She then stepped in the hotspring and rubbed soap all over her body. After bathing she remained in the spring for several minutes.
"HEY HINATA!!!" shouted a familiar voice. Hinata gasped and moved behind a nearby tree.
"N-Naruto. How are you?" she asked.
"How about I show you?" Naruto ripped off his clothes and pinned Hinata to the tree and deeply kissed her.
Hinata's eyes shot open and her face was beat red. "It was only a dream. I wish it was real."
Hinata then move a finger on her opening and genitally rubbed it letting out small moan. She then pushed two of her fingers deep inside her and let out an even louder moan. With her fingers inside her she found her sweet spot and began playing with it. "Oh Naruto" she gasped. "If only... Moan if only you would open your eyes moan to see what's in front of you." she then began to rub harder on her Gspot and soon after her entire body began shivering, Her eyes rolled back and her body arched. She kept the urge to moan down and just gasped. After a few seconds her body relaxed and she took out her fingers and licked them. She then tried to get up but the feeling of her resent orgasm was so great to took everything out of her. She sat still for a few minutes all the while her legs and hips still twitching. She finally had the streath to get up and poked the chakra points she opened to close them. She then looked at herself in the mirror and was pleased to see that nearly all of her scrapes and bruises were gone.
"That's much better" she thought and got dressed. "What time is it?" Hinata wondered and exited the bathhouse. "Oh no it's noon already?!? I need to meet with the others!" She then dashed off to meet her teammates.
Hinata was jumping from rooftop to rooftop to get to the entrance of the village. "I can't believe how fast time went by!" she thought to herself.
After another minute of roofhopping she finally made it to the entrance of the village and dashed to her sensei. "I-I'm sorry for being late Kurenai-sensei." she panted "it's ok Hinata everyone gets lost in time sometimes." her sensei replied.
"Yeah our sensei does it all the time!" shouted a familiar voice. Upon hearing this voice Hinata heart nearly stopped dead in it's tracks. She quickly spun around to see team 7 and her team standing in line.
"Hey Hinata it's about time you decided to join us," Kiba said with a smirk. "Oh man where is Kakashi- sensei?!?! He's supposed to be setting an example!!!" Sakura exclaimed. Just then Kakashi appeared in a poof of smoke. " Sorry I'm late I was lost on the road of life" he said in his usual tone. 'Road of life my ass he was jerking off to that stupid book I bet.' thought Sakura.
"Care to share what you have on your mind Sakura?" Kakashi asked. Sakura jumped up in surprise. "N-no sensei!" she shouted. "CHA HOW DOES HE DO THAT?!?! CAN HE READ MINDS OR SOMETHIN'?!?!" her inner personality shouted.
"Good afternoon everyone." Hinata said. "You made it just in time Hinata." Kurenai said. "There has been a change of plans we won't be training today we've been sent on a mission and team 7 has been chosen to assist us."
"So what is this mission Kurenai-sensei?" Hinata asked.
"This is a recon mission on a new village that just formed a few months ago." Kurenai replied. "There is little to no Intel on them we only know the village name; the village hidden in the shadows."
Naruto stepped forward. "So why should we care about a this village? He asked. "If they just formed then they shouldn't bee much of a threat."
"Well Naruto this new village is made up of very skilled ninja." Kakashi replied. "I myself fought a shadow ninja myself although I didn't know he was one at the time. He was pretty strong. Even with my Sharingan I had a hard time." he continued " so you can understand why lord hokage wants more information on them."
Just then Sasuke spoke up. "Hold on how the heck can they give the Sharingan such a hard time?" he asked.
"Well they use jutsu of an unknown element." Kakashi replied. "And that ninja I fought didn't use any hand seals for any of his jutsu." "Imagine my surprise when he used the fire dragon jutsu. Since he didn't use any hand seals it caught me completely off guard, if it wasn't for some quick thinking I wouldn't be here now."
Then wait a minute" Sakura started. "If these guys are so good then what are we doing on this mission we're genin. This sounds like a mission for Jonan."
"You don't give yourself enough credit." Kurenai said. "It's true you are all genin, however you all possess skill that are on par with cunin, some of you even have skills on par with jonin and besides there are no other available teams at this time. And it's just a recon mission. We won't even go inside the actual village."
"If there aren't anymore questions we'll start the mission. It will take us about a week to get to the target so we should get a move on." said Kakashi. "So everyone seal all your belongings in scrolls to bring along, sleepingbags food and water whatever you'll need. And be back. Bright and early tomorrow morning understood?"
"Right!" everyone answered.
"Ok. Kakashi started. "Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. You are dismissed"
With that all the team 7 members went their separate ways.
Well I guess I'll be seeing you guys later" Kakashi said to team 8. "So see ya". And disappears with a puff of smoke.
"Alright everyone. Kurenai started. You need to start getting ready make sure to seal extras of every thing. You're dismissed."
The next morning...
"Well now it took you guys long enough" Kakashi stated. Is everybody ready?"
"Yes." answered everybody.
"Very well then, let's get a move on." he said.
With that they left the village and made their way to the shadow village.
Along the way Kiba spoke up. "Uh hey sensei. Will be stopping at any of the villages on the way?" he asked
"We can't sadly" Kurenai replied. "Because of the sensitive nature of our mission we can't stop that any villages. Remember the shadow village is new so we don't know if they are allied with anyone. If they are allied to someone we wouldn't know so imagine what would happen if we wonder in an allied village and they find out what we're up to? It'll be quite a problem.
"Oh I see" Kiba said.
"What's the matter Kiba? Scared of sleeping in the woods?" Naruto asked with a smirk.
"Spare me out of everyone her I'm the most adapt at surviving in the outdoors" he answered.
"HA YEAH RIGHT I'M THE ONE WHOS THE BEST AT SURVIAL SO TAKE THAT AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR--" Naruto was interrupted by a cupcake being shoved down his throat by Sakura.
"Naruto you idiot you wanna let the entire forest know we're here?!?!" Sakura said in announce.
"She has a point. Kurenai started." you had better learn to keep it down when we reach the land of shadows."
"Yeah yeah whatever" Naruto replied.
Several hours passed with Naruto, Kiba, Sakura and even Sasuke having arguments and comical moments together.
Kakashi let out a sigh saying. "So Kurenai care to trade pupils? I'll trade you Naruto for Shino how about it? He asked jokingly
"Not on your life." Kurenai smirked. How about saskae for Kiba?" she joked back.
Kakashi looks back to see Kiba and Naruto fighting... Again, then pauses "hmm nope I don't think so."
So..." Kurenai started. "It must be very intrusting to have students like yours."
Kakashi let out a chuckle. "Well I suppose you can say that. Would be nice if they were a bit quieter but I really wouldn't trade them for anyone. Naruto and Sasuke constantly compete against eachother pushing to get stronger, Sakura is constantly trying to get stronger to get saskae attention, so it's easy to motivate them. I really don't think they would have advanced this far this fast if they weren't on the same team. So what about your team?
"Hmm" Kurenai started. "Well my team may not be as...crazy as yours no offense."
"None taken" Kakashi replied.
She continued "but I wouldn't trade them in for anyone either. They are allot like your team Kiba and Shino compete all the time. And Hinata well she gets her drive to do better from a certain someone."
"Hmmm you mean Naruto don't you?" Kakashi asked
Kurenai looked at him in shock.
"You look surprised." Kakashi started. "I mean it's painstakingly obvious. I noticed it the minute I saw her interact with Naruto. She turns red as an apple, she goes into a cold sweat, she starts playing with her fingers, she stutters at the very mention of him and last but not least if Naruto gets too close to her she faints." he then looks at Kurenai. "Oh I take it you didn't realize how obvious it is judging by the look on your face. It's a shame to both Naruto and Hinata really, they can learn alot from eachother if only Hinata wasn't so shy and Naruto wasn't so clueless."
Kurenai was still suriseied but got over it. "Well your most likely right about that last part. She started. " I never realized how obvious her crush on Naruto was."
"Well I'm sure Hinata will tell him sooner or later. Naruto may even figure it out himself. Kakashi said
""That's a good joke" Kurenai said
"Even Naruto's not that dumb." Kakashi started. "He never notices Hinata because he's so focused on Sakura."
Kurenai looked at Naruto (who was now slurping on a cup of instant noodles.) "You may have a point." she stated.
Another hour they reach a flowing river.
"This will be a good place to spend the night. Kakashi stated. "Alright everyone time to set up camp" then turned around to see Naruto already.
With his tent out all tangled up in it.
"Your such a loser Naruto" Kiba and saskae said in unison.
"SHUT IT!" Naruto replied and then falls on the ground still entangled in the tent.
Kiba bursts into laughter at the sight he saw everyone else sighed at the problem Naruto was in.
"Well don't just stand there.. GET ME OUTTA HERE!!" Naruto shouted.
Kakashi sighed. "alright alright hold still." he then walks up to Naruto and in the blink of an eye Naruto was free.
"Heh Heh thanks sensei" Naruto said
"Sure no problem" he replied in his usual bored tune.
Kurenai stepped up "ok Kakashi we should assign them tasks to get camp up." she started but got no response. "Kakashi?" she turned around to see he was reading his book gain
"Huh?" Kakashi started. "Oh sorry. Why don't you assign them tasks? I'm sure you can handle It." he said in his normal bored tone.
"What?!?!? Now hold on---... Ok I'll handle everything" she said and walked off.
I heard everyone say he was laid back but this is ridiculous. She thought to herself. No matter I can use this chance to help Hinata.
"Alright everyone listen up I'm going to split you up in groups of twos. She began. " Everyone of you will be given a task that you must complete within a certain time. Everyone under stand?
"Yes sensei" everyone replied.
"Ok good." Now I'll be pairing you. Now lets see. Shino you will be with Sasuke, Kiba you will be with Sakura, and Hinata will be together with Naruto." she stated looking at Hinata with a sly look.
Hinata was at a loss for words. She couldn't believe her sensei was so sneaky. "B-B-But sens--" Hinata was cut off by her sensei.
"Now Shino and Sauce you will be getting fire wood, the more the better, Kiba and Sakura you guys get the tents up, Hinata and Naruto you two will be in charge of gathering food.
Hinata was now completely overloaded with her situation. She was paired together with Naruto and to top that off they will be all alone. Thoughts of what could happen flooded her head making her ENTIRE body turn red, to top that off it felt like her heart was in her throat.
"Hey Hinata you all right" Naruto asked.
The sound of his voice started to make her feel dizzy. Naruto then put his hand on her head
"You feel good to me" Naruto stated
The fact that Naruto was touching her and how he put those last words was too much for her, as she felt her brain shut down. But her sensei caught her before she hit the ground. Everyone ran to make sure she was ok
"Everyone go perform your tasks Hinata's just fine she'll snap out of it shortly." Kurenai said.
Right after that Hinata woke up and staggered to her feet.
"Hinata you alright?" Naruto asked
"Yes think you for asking" she replied
Kurenai walked up to Hinata "don't mess this chance up." she whispered to her.
Hinata only blushed.
"Alright everyone you have 1 hour to complete your tasks. Now get a move on." Kurenai ordered
Everyone then went off to start his or her tasks. Kiba and Saucer stayed behind and Sauske and Shino gathered wood from the surrounding area. Naruto and Hinata had to go deep in the forests to look for food.
"Hey Hinata you sure you're ok?" Naruto asked. "I mean people don't just fall out for no reason."
"You really care about what happens to me Naruto? Hinata asked
"What you mean? Of course I care. Your one of the few people I respect in this village Hinata" Naruto stated.
"I am?" Hinata asked clearly surprised
"What your surprised?" Naruto started. "You shouldn't be. You know Hinata you have tons of potential. You never give up that's what I like about you."
After hearing this Hinata stopped in her tracks. What her sensei said kept echoing in her mind.
N-Naruto?" can I tell you something?" Hinata asked
"Umm I...you see I..." she started but broke into gibberish.
Hey Hinata you ok?" Naruto asked with a concerned look on his face then walked up to her.
Hinata only looked into his eyes. A battle between her love for Naruto and her shyness was going on in her head.
"I... Naruto...I... sob sob "hinata started i..i"
At this point something in Hinata snapped she pushed Naruto to the ground and kissed him deeply. She stopped and looked it him again
I always admired you, you determination and never give up attitude always made me want to do better." she started. "I started to realize that I developed feelings for you".
"Hinata I---" Naruto was cut off.
"NO! Don't stop me! Hinata yelled. "If I stop I'll never get to tell you, I love you. I felt this way from back at the academy but I always was unnoticed to you, over shadowed by a girl that doesn't even return your feelings." she said her voice now breaking up. "You have no idea how much it angered me to see Sakura treat you the way she does. Why? Why? What does she have that I don't?!? She yelled. "What do you see in her? Why keep going after someone who doesn't return your feelings?!?! Why? Sob why sob WHY?!?!" she asked hitting him on the chest. And then burying her face on his chest crying completely now.
Naruto was frozen. Every word she said was true. But what really made him surisied was Hinata's confession. He started to think back and realized Hinata always showed signs of liking him but he didn't notice it till now. He put his arms around Hinata
"I'm so sorry Hinata" he said. "I--- huh?
Before another word can be said several kunai were thrown at them. Naruto and Hinata quickly jumped out of the way. Naruto took out a kunai and Hinata activated her Byakugan.
WHO'S THERE? SHOW YOURSELF!" shouted Naruto.
"Naruto they are 2 ninja hidden in the trees above us." said Hinata.
"Well then let's take the out!" replied Naruto
Just when they were about to make their move the two ninja jumped from their hiding places.
Naruto and Hinata found themselves evading THOUSANDS of Shuriken but suddenly found themselves face to face with two other ninja.
HINATA GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! Shouted Naruto pushing her out of the way. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Hinata watched in horror as her lifetime crush was sent ablaze by dark flames. When the flames subsided, everyone was suprised to see that Naruto was still standing clearly out of breath.
"That should have killed him. No matter they wouldn't have anything left get back on the attack! Commanded the older ninja.
Two ninja just disappeared and reappeared behind Hinata. One of them took a quick swipe at Hinata but she blocked it and used her family style to disable him.
"I see your good at taijutsu." said the other ninja. "This will be interesting."
He took a strange fighting stance and suddenly dissappered and reappeared right in front of Hinata with a punch that had a MASSIVE amount of charkra behind it. This sent Hinata flying though nearby trees and finally slamming her into a rock formation.
Naruto although servearly injured ran as fast as he could to her to find her body mangled among the rocks. He froze upon seeing her lifeless body.
"What a stupid ninja letting himself open for attack like that. Finish him off!" said the leader.
"Yeah sensei!" the three ninja repaid
The three ninja dashed at Naruto
"You... YOU FOOLS WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!" massive burst of red chakra immediately began to circle around Naruto and five tails made of chakra appeared and hands turned into claws, and his eyes silted and red. "I'M GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREADS!!!!!!!." (A/N cue that heavy metal music from when he first did this)
K-Kakashi do you feel that? Asked Kurenai.
"Yes. It's the nine tailed foxes chakra." he replied. "The fox hasn't escaped the seal only loosened. Come on we have to investigate."
"Everyone it's been over an hour Kakashi and I are going to look for Hinata and Naruto." said Kurenai.
Having said that they vanished in typical ninja fashion.
The four ninja looked upon Naruto with fear in their eyes.
"S-sensei what is this?" asked one of the ninja
"Listen you three you have to get out of here. I'll buy time for your escape." the leader replied
"B-b-but sensei--"
The three ninja dashed off as fast as they could.
6 Shadow clones appeared and stopped the escaping ninja. Naruto suddenly Naruto dashed at the leader and sliced is neck, he never saw it coming. Having liked the leader he turned to face the three terrified ninja his shadow clones were stopping from escaping.
"We're almost there. Started Kakashi. "Hmmm I didn't realize just how much of the foxes chakra Naruto was using. Something must have gotten him extremely angry for this to happen again."
"Hold on this happened before?" asked Kurenai.
"Yes it was on a mission where he had to escort a bridge builder. Will somewhere down the line we ended up fighting Zabuza the demon of the hidden mist and his right hand man who was a mare boy had a bloodline that made him stronger than Zabuza himself. Naruto and saskae fought his accomplice and somewhere along the line Sasuke is put in a death like state. Naruto thought he lost Sasuke for good. That was when he unknowingly used the foxes chakra for the first time."
"So what could have happened to cause this?" asked Kurenai.
"They must have been attacked." started Kakashi. "And Naruto must be very angry and from what I've seen Naruto gets mad if a friend is in grave danger... or worse." he finished with a concerned look on his face
Kurenai said nothing only moved faster.
OVER THERE!" shouted Kakashi just as Naruto came into view bother jonin stopped dead in their tracks.
There was blood and body parts everywhere. And in the middle of it all was Naruto holding the last ninja by the neck.
"YOU!! YOU KILLED HER!! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DEATH IS AS SLOW AND PAINFUL AS POSSIBLE!!!" yelled Naruto in a deep detorted voice.
Red chakra began to envelop the ninja.
Hearing this Kurenai looked desperately for her student
"SORRY WON'T BRING HER BACK!!!!!" roared Nanto. After a few moments he drove his clawed hand into the ninja' stomach and then sliced his neck and proceeded to butcher his body. After that he changed back and fell to his knees staring at his blood-socked hands.
Kakashi walked up to him. "Naruto."
Naruto only looked at his sensei and looked back at his hands. After a brief moment he coughed up blood and pass out. Kurenai finally found Hinata but couldn't bear to look. Hinata's body looked like a bus ran over it. Her neck was obviously broken her limbs where broken and twisted and tangled in the rubble. Kurenai ran to Hinata as fast as she could. And picked up her body and held it tightly and began to cry.
"Hinata." was all she can get out.
"Sen...sei." Hinata wheezed
The sound of her voice made Kurenai freeze. She knew that if she wasn't hearing things then any movement could hurt Hinata more.
"Sen...Sai...it...hurt." was all Hinata could say before passing out.
"Kurenai we have to get them back home quickly!" Kakashi said. "Come on let get the others!"
Kurenai and Kakashi took Naruto and Hinata to camp and got everyone to pack up and headed back home.
A/N: Man this sucks so much ass it ain't funny, this isn't how my first and second chapter was I had two chapters finish but something corrupted my data. So I had to redo everything. Problem is I couldn't remember anything about the first story expect there was no shadow village. Anyway maybe I'll think it up again somehow. So I'll get to the points were I know some of you will make creaks at.
Yeah in this story Naruto can still be himself after 4 tails. Why? I don't know I just felt like it won't matter because the whole "tailed state" thing will be thrown out the window in a few chapters.
Words can't express how much I feel like a sap for breaking Hinata's personality so suddenly. And on the first chapter no less!!! But I did this to avoid a long drawn out process.
Before anyone asks the village hidden in the shadows won't be in this story. I plan to make a sequel and that village will play a role. There might be alot of questions left in the air intentionally so I can have material to work with in the squeal.
As for the akutsi well I'm not sure about them. Those guys are still in the air. They MIGHT be with the shadow village. I'm not sure. Hell I might even make them good guys or not have them around at all.
Last but not least. Please be merciful in your reviews. I suck at writing, I know, I was told so by my English teacher on a daily basis. So I don't need your insults. What I DO need constructive reveiws help me so I can be a better writer.
Oh and I have up to chapter 6 done I just have to run spell check and what not. It sucks using wordpad I just got Microsoft word yesterday.
Oh an one more thing I read somewhere that it's Impossible to make an original idea for this kind of fanfic. I want to see if it's true, so can you let me know if you find something original in my story? This is just something I want to try to prove wrong.