Title: Cute When You Blush
Summary: Kai can handle anything. He's calm, cool and sophisticated. That is until he comes into contact with Miguel who makes him turn into a stuttering and blushing mess. And doesn't the blonde hair heartthrob know it?
Pairings: Miguel/Kai
Warnings: Fluff. Kai a little OOC.
Disclaimer: Don't own Beyblade. This is the result if I did.

Just a fluffy little Valentine's Day fic for you. Happy (early) Valentine's Day!!!

"We love you, Kai!"

Rolling his eyes skywards at all the screaming fan girls, Kai releases a sigh of pure annoyance. It's that time of year again. February the 14th. A day that strikes fear in most male bladers' heart. A day where they go to extreme lengths to disappear for approximately 24 hours.

Yes, it's Valentine's Day.

To Kai, it's just another day fending off the fan girls. They're annoying, loud and not even remotely interesting. They come in categories. There's the usual fan that wants your autograph and maybe a picture and then they let you go on your way. There's the shy type that hand you a letter or gift and then run away, blushing and giggling madly.

And then there's the worst kind. Deranged, rabid fan girls. The type that would attack you to physically get a piece of you. The type that loudly challenges you to a beybattle, claiming to be either from the Abbey, a remote village in China, a long lost distant relative or is a Beyblade champion somehow.

Those kinds of fan girls Kai absolutely detests.

Looking at the crowds of screaming girls being held back by bulky security guards, Kai can't help but grit his teeth when he spots a girl about 14 years old, wearing red face paint and trying to scowl at him. "Let me guess," he says to her. "Your name is Kia, you have a past in the Abbey and you're here to get revenge for some obscured reason."

The girl looks startled for a moment, momentarily losing her cool. She then narrows her eyes and sneers at him. She opens her mouth to reply, but Kai cuts her off.

"Don't bother with the tough girl, bitchy act," he says as he rolls his eyes skyward again. He turns on his heel, flicking his long silky scarf over his shoulder, letting it fluttering about, dancing almost seductively in an invisible breeze. He begins to coolly walk inside the large hotel where he and a few other Beyblade teams are staying, but pauses half way.

He glances over his shoulder, looking at Kia with a narrow gaze. "And for the record, Balkov Abbey was for boys only."

Leaving her stuttering and red face, Kai casually walks inside to the lobby, meeting up with the Blitzkrieg boys near the front counter. Tala nods his head in acknowledgment as Kai moves to stand beside him.

"They're getting worst every year," Tala mutters, his expression dark as he folds his arms over his chest.

The others nod in agreement. "I heard that Raul actually lost one of his shoes in the chaos," Bryan says, surprisingly unable to smirk due to the sympathy for the circus star. "The poor guy was terrified."

"I can imagine," Spencer comments. "This is his first Valentine's as a blader. He wasn't ready for the life alternating experience."

Eyeing the growing mass of annoyance, Tala scowls and shakes his head in disgust. He turns around to head back to their rooms, hoping to hide out there until it's time to head into the restaurant for the annual BBA Valentine's day dinner and dance. The event is a bit of a bother, but he's eternally grateful that it's for Beyblade teams only. No fans allowed.

"I hate Valentine's Day," Tala mutters.

Kai nods his head, even though he doesn't exactly agree. It's a bit silly to hate a day. If you must hate something, hate the people that ruin the day for you. Valentine's day is just another day. Yes, the fan girls are out in full force and are becoming quite aggressive, but that doesn't faze Kai all that much. He's cool, calm and collected. He can take care of himself and has an acid tongue that would cut anyone down to size. He has absolutely no problem putting people back into their place and does it with an infuriating style of ease. He's the coolest person anyone has ever met.

He can handle anything.

"Oh, hey, Kai!"

Well, almost anything.

Freezing to the spot, Kai feels his heart beat faster in his chest when he turns his gaze towards the source of the voice. Shimmering sapphire eyes, hair of golden silk, skin a gorgeous bronze and a killer smile that would melt the polar caps invades his eyesight. Instantly, Kai feels his stomach give a sudden somersault and he swallows thickly.

With his face burning with a blush hotter than the fires of hell, Kai licks his lips nervously. "Hi," he squeaks uncharacteristically as Miguel smiles at him and walks past, accidentally brushing past his shoulder.

Kai could have sworn his heart stopped beating.

Miguel is the one person, the one thing on this entire planet that makes Kai stutter like a star struck fan. There's something charismatic about Miguel that causes Kai's self control and self dignity to go flying out the window. He immediately loses his cool around the blonde, even if it's just for a second. Miguel's gorgeous, friendly and very, very charming. All the blonde hair Adonis has to do is glance at him with his sparkling sapphire eyes from the other side of the room and Kai would begin to stutter. In some cases, Kai has to fight madly with his self control not to giggle. He hasn't yet. Well, not aloud and definitely not in Miguel's presence. That must count for something.

And Miguel seems to know of the hold he has over him. Whenever there was a gathering of Beyblade teams, Miguel would seek him out, finding him no matter where he hid and begins speaking with him. It was mostly one-sided, of course. All Kai could do in those situations was either nod or shake his head, or give short, squeaky answers to his question. Saying 'Hi' is a struggle and a half.

Drawing in a deep breath to settle his nerves, Kai clears his throat and turns to his Russian teammates, who are all staring at him with an expression of amusement and disbelief. Oh, boy. Here comes the teasing now…

Hurrying past them before any of the taller Russians are able to make a witty remark, Kai rushes to his room he's sharing with Tala and slams the door shut. He leans his back against it, his hand clutching the material of his shirt on his chest.

Gwad, he feels like an idiot.

He pushes away from the door and a moment later, Tala enters, his eyebrow reaching for his hair line. He shuts the door behind him and eyes the enigma with a curious gaze. Kai has his back to him as he begins to busy himself by going through his carry bag, looking as if he's just trying to distract himself.

After a moment, Tala is unable to stop the question from passing his lips. "Ok, what the hell just happened?" he asks, a sense of disbelief in his voice. Kai is the coolest person he knows, and until today he has never seen him lose his cool. He can handle any crisis, any situation. His ability to remain calm with the sudden hoards of fan girls and roving reporters, asking hard press questions is legendary amongst the bladers.

Kai stops what he's doing and sighs heavily before turning around to face his childhood friend, an expression of embarrassment and frustration on his face. "I don't know. I just lose it when I'm around him."

Tala narrows his eyes and folds his arms over his chest. "Has he done anything to you?"

"No!" Kai is quick to answer. "I mean, other than act friendly and charming? No, there's nothing."

Blinking his eyes of ice slowly in thought, a sly canine smile appears on Tala's lips and his expression turns mischievous. "You should ask him to dance with you at the Valentine's Day dance tonight."

Kai's eyes immediately widen, a heavy and extremely hot blush adorning his cheeks. "Are you insane?" he hisses at him. "I can't even say 'Hi' without stuttering or giggling. What do you think will happen when I ask him to dance?"

Tala laughs. "You so have the hots for him, don't you?"

"It's not my fault!" Kai quickly protests. "I mean, if he wasn't so goddamn charming…" he trails off, a far away look in his eyes. He soon snaps out of it when he hears a string of laughter. "Dammit, Tala! Stop laughing at me!"

But Tala ignores him and continues to laugh to himself, finding this whole thing extremely hilarious. Aw, isn't that cute? Kai can handle anything except his first crush.

"Stop laughing!" Kai once again cries at him before he slumps his posture forward in defeat, whining a little. "This isn't funny, it's highly embarrassing."

Still sniggering to himself, Tala snorts and coughs to get his laughing fit under control and turns back to the enigma, the ever dangerous mischievous gaze lingering in his eyes. "I want you to go talk to him."

Kai snaps his head up. "What?!"

Smirking, Tala folds his arms over his chest. "As the captain of this team, I order you to talk to Miguel."

"You can't do that," Kai retorts, standing up straight to fold his own arms over his chest. Hunt Miguel down just to act like a fool in front of him? Yeah, right. He plans to avoid the sexy blonde tonight.

A canine fang appears in Tala's grin. "Oh, yes I can. Either that, or I'll go talk to him."

Kai finds that prospect even more mortifying. "Not a chance in hell!"

"Then it's settled," Tala says as he crosses the room and grabs Kai by the shoulder and forcibly leads him to the door. He opens it and practically throws the much lighter and slender teen through the threshold. "Now, go get him."

Kai turns around just in time to see the door slam in his face. He stars at the wooden piece for a moment, before slumping forward in defeat. This Valentine's Day is really going to suck. He remembers not to hate the day, but the people in it.

And he's really hating Tala right about now.


"I'm going to kill Tala for this," Kai mutters as he finds himself unwilling standing in front of the room that is said to contain one gorgeous blonde hair Adonis.

Aka, Miguel, the sexy Spaniard.

Swallowing his nerves, Kai raises a shaky hand to lightly rap the door to Miguel's hotel room. But as he taps the wooden barrier, it opens a little. Blinking, Kai slowly pushes it open and steps inside. "Hello?" he calls out, uncertain.

He blinks again. There doesn't seem to be anyone here. So why is the door unlocked?

As a list of possibly explanations appears in Kai's mind, he is soon torn from his musings when he hears a sound at the other end of the room. He soon realizes where it's coming from. The room isn't empty after all.

Turning around at the sound of the bathroom door opening, Kai blinks his eyes slowly and watches as Miguel walks out wearing nothing but a pair of dark blue, baggy cargo pants with four pockets on the legs, a black belt undone but the fly done half way, revealing the band of his crimson red boxers, and a towel in his hands as he quickly dries his hair.

Kai freezes to the spot, the sight of Miguel half naked before him is absolutely mesmerizing. His beautiful bronze skin is sparkling from the dampness of the water. He watches with intense eyes as a large water droplet trails down Miguel's well tone chest and over his abdomen. His body is amazing. Not overly muscular, yet not an ounce of extra flesh. He truly has the body of a God.

Suddenly, Miguel snaps his head up, as if realizing that there is someone else in the room. He pulls the towel off his head and immediately turns his gaze to the front door. He blinks his eyes slowly in confusion, finding Kai standing in his room, staring at him.


X3 This is most likely going to be a twoshot. Hopefully I'll have it all up before Valentine's Day.

Please review.