" Get up!" Quatre blinked. The harsh voice forcefully teared him from his dream and back to reality. It was still dark outside the cage but on the far eastern horizon the soft glow of predawn was brimming over the tops of the trees. It couldn't be any later then 5 am. A rush of panic went through his body and the haze of sleep was abruptly replaced by the icy chill of fear. Looking up uncomprehendingly Quatre winced when one of the soldiers kicked the bars. " Get out, you little shit, we don't have all day!"
"Why? Where are we going?" Quatre had no intention of moving on his own accord until somebody told him what was happening. This had to be one of Alexanders cruel games again, what else could it be. But knowing Alexander he wanted to come prepared so the man wouldn't get the pleasure of seeing his fear.

The two soldiers outside the cage exchanged looks obviously wondering whether they should tell him or simply drag him out by force. Quatre crossed his arms in front of his chest stubbornly. There was only so much they could do to hurt him. The only person who could make him cower was Alexander.
Finally the taller of the two soldiers pushed the first one aside and squatted down so he was at eye level with Quatre. Taking a moment to study the man Quatre concluded he had to be half way in his fifties. His hair was beginning to grey and bald spots where beginning to occur through otherwise brown hair. He was looking at Quatre through a pair of frameless glasses which he pushed back up his nose every minute or so. Although Quatre was weary of man, soldiers in particularly, this one didn't specially seem like a big threat. His companion however was a different story but right now the soldiers looked like he had a million other places he'd rather be then here and didn't seem so interested in Quatre now that his colleague interfered.

" We where told to get you cleaned up and ready to travel. Now you can either come quietly and we'll let you take a shower or we can just hose you off on the spot." The soldier shrugged. " Your choice, young one. But I do hope you choose to cooperate. It will be at least another hour before the emperor arrives and the colonel in charge recons you might enjoy some time to clean up properly and maybe get something to eat as well." The soldier smiled invitingly and held out his hand. Quatre hesitated. The promise of a shower and something to eat where like too good to be true. Like heaven, and he didn't think this man was lying to him. It was just that he couldn't wrap his head around why. " Travel to where?" He asked, inching forward ever so slightly. His movements where severely constricted by the size of the cage and his injured leg but somehow he still managed to get to the opening with relative ease. The soldier reached inside and to him ease out without hurting himself and he suddenly found himself eye to eye with the man. The soldier had to grab him by the shoulders in order to prevent him from collapsing. His muscles where so weak from all weeks of not using them that they where barely even able to keep him standing but the soldier quickly steadied him and held him up. " Easy there." He admonished in a gentle voice. " There you go. It will take some time before those legs of you get their strength back. So until then, take it easy, okay?" He easily put an arm under Quatre's knees and one behind his shoulders to pick him up. Quatre didn't protest. He was grateful they didn't make him embarrass himself by trying to walk.

In the early morning chill his body pressed a bit closer to the soldiers warm uniform. With only the ratty blanket covering his body he was grateful for every bit of warmth the soldier had to offer. A shiver wrecked his body. " Dis on't worry, young one." The soldier spoke, ripping him out of thought. They where walking in a steady, yet slightly rushed pace down the hill down to the staff building. Some of the animals who where awake seemed to be staring at them, probably wondering at all activity this early in the morning. " Seems like the emperor is taking you to see a potential buyer. Seems like someone is willing to pay so many credits that it got the emperors interest and now he is honouring them with a visit."

Quatre wasn't sure how this was meant to reassure him but at the very least if Alexander was taking him somewhere publicly it wouldn't be likely that he would do something to him. And as for a new master; Quatre couldn't imagine anyone worse then Alexander. Being out of the cage was such a relief Quatre was convinced he wouldn't care whatever happened.

The soldier somehow managed to open the door and maneuver them inside without dropping Quatre even though he awkwardly had to bend over because he was too tall to fit through the door standing up straight. Inside it was nice and warm. The scarcely decorated room was divided into two halves. One half was made into a kitchen area with wooden benches and tables and the other half, separated by a half wall, was made into a sleeping area with two bunk beds each one the opposite side of the wall.
The soldier, who's last name was Milton according to his name tag, moved passed the inviting looking bunk beds to a door that had been restricted from view up until then. Behind it was a very modest bathroom. Never the less it was the most luxurious thing he had seen in months.
Milton sat him down on a plastic chair underneath the shower nuzzle and then busied himself to get soap and towels. He put everything down within hand reach for Quatre and then cleared his throat. " We just received word that the emperor is delayed for about half and hour. So take your time." He smiled reassuringly at him. " Now, I'll turn on the shower for you and I'll be off. But I'll be right outside so call if you need any help." Doing as he told Milton left the room as soon as he made sure the temperature was alright.

Quatre waited until the door was closed before he reached for the blanket around the shoulder. It was so dirty no one would ever believe it had ones been a soft baby blue. Although it had been a precious companion on cold nights Quatre was more then happy to toss the smelly thing aside. And then the water hit his skin. Quatre sighed contently as the warm spray washed over him and force the cold from his bones. But ore importantly it washed the dirt off his skin. Sighing contently Quatre closed his eyes a moment and leaned back against the tiles. Who ever thought he could be so happy with a simple shower. Picking up a washcloth and a bar of soap Quatre set out to clean all the dirt and grime away until he almost felt like a person again.

He had just finished drying himself off when a polite knock on the door announced Milton's entry. Quatre hurriedly held up the towel to cover himself. He had become painfully skinny, not to mention the various scars across his body. Milton politely ignored his shyness and put down a pile of clothes. " You'll probably need some help with these?" The kind soldier was obviously leaving it up to him whether or not he accepted help. Quatre watched him for a moment but could see no other desires within the man other then to simply offer a helping hand. He nodded, knowing that he'd probably only fall and break something if he tried to do it by himself.

" I have a son about your age you know." Milton chatted as he helped Quatre into a pair of boxers. "Skinny as bones that boy no matter what he eats." He paused for a moment while reaching got a pair of khaki pants pretty similar to what Quatre preferred to wear before the revolution. " That's why I thought some of his old stuff might fit you." He sat Quatre back down on the plastic chair. " Looks like I was right. Now how about some food?" Quatre pulled the sweater over his head, relishing the soft feel of the fabric on his skin. It was only slightly too big and for sure the most comfortable clothes he had worn in a long time. His stomach growled and he was reminded of the food again. " I would love some." I would love some he admitted with a blush. Milton laughed and picked him up as if he weighed nothing at all. " We'll you are in luck. Davids missus cooked a big pan of soup and she just so happens to be the best cook in the area." He sat Quatre down at one of the tables where a steaming bowl of goulash soup was waiting for him. But at that point it could have been anything and he would have liked it. Even Duo's horrible peanut butter banana sandwiches where sounding mouthwatering.

Quatre dug into the soup. Milton was right. It was very delicious. Without asking the soldier refilled his bowl for a second time while he sat across the table with a smile on his face, although Quatre could see a certain sadness behind it. Or maybe it was putty. The blond couldn't tell for sure. He fully concentrated on eating, thinking how often he and the others had admonished Duo for going way too fast. Now he believed he was doing it himself and he didn't even really care. It was the best meal he had in ages but the taste turned to ash in his mouth when he accidentally glanced at the window and noted just which car pulled up in front of the building.

Milton saw him cower and followed his gaze out of the window. Quatre couldn't help himself. The man who got out of the car had taken everything from him and the others and what was worse was that that he had made him into a being lower then even an animal. He felt so much hatred for this man that it scared himself. But he deserved it. For all the pain he had caused him and the other pilots. Not even the bowels of hell would be enough. Those thoughts coming from Quatre really meant something. He felt himself begin to tremble and was only vaguely aware of Milton's hand on his shoulder in a gesture he knew was meant to comfort him. But Quatre's body only felt the fear, hate and the pain that kicked into his system. His eyes where filled with tears but still stared defiantly into the face of the man who appeared in the door opening.

Alexander was dressed in a spotless, dark blue, officers uniform. On his chest where a bunch of golden medals. Quatre couldn't imagine he had actually deserved any of them. But aside from the new uniform the self proclaimed emperor looked almost exactly the same as he had a year ago, accept for his hair. Quatre noted with pleasure he had gone completely grey over the past few months. " Ah my beautiful little Quatre." He spoke with the velvet voice Quatre remembered. " Last time I saw you, you where on the way to see the flogging of your fried Trowa." He smiled pleasantly but made no attempt to enter the room.

The memory still hurt. Quatre hated the thought of being responsible for causing Trowa pain. The guilt still played heavy on his mind. But at least he knew Trowa was somewhere safe now. Nothing bad would ever happen to the latin boy again. The lady who had come by his cage had assured him of this.
But it seemed Alexander wasn't finished. " Let's see how it ends this time. Senator Silverman and his daughter are quite the collectors. Seems they have both Trowa and Wufei in their possession. Heero and Duo they want as well as I am informed so they can complete the set. Sadly those two are unavailable."
Quatre couldn't believe what he was hearing. The young woman had kept her word. Soon he would get to see Trowa again. Quatre couldn't hide the happiness on his years he had spent longing for the other and now it seemed Allah was beginning to shine his light on him again. But happy as he was the reality of Alexanders next words soon sunk in. Heero and Duo. " Unavailable?" He repeated breathlessly, turning white as a sheet.
The smile on the emperor's face widened. Quatre knew he was giving the man ammunition to hurt him but he couldn't stop the emotion from showing on his face. The thought of anything bad happening to his friends was something he couldn't handle.
" They tried to escape, those two." The emperor's velvet voice softly penetrated the haze of disbelieve and Quatre felt his insides freeze. " We had no choice but to blow them up."

Heero and Duo where dead. Blown up by those horrible microchips embedded in their spines. Quatre felt the blood drain from his face. His head was pounding fiercely, as if someone had just hit him on the head with an anvil. In a second he turned ghostly pale and had to press his hand against his mouth to fight the rising bile. He was barely aware of the voices around him. Couldn't possibly see anything through the haze of tears

" He's gone into shock, sir." Milton reported to the emperor after attempting to shake the blond out of it. The Arabian's chest was heaving, struggling to catch a decent breath of air.

The emperor moved forward impatiently and went to stand before the blond. Although tears where tunning down the boys cheeks his eyes where unseeing, looking right through him. In a controlled movement of his wrist his gloved hand slapped the boys face. The angry sound echoed in the silence and his hand was left hurting. Quatre's head had been smacked to the side but he hadn't made a single sound. The emperor grabbed him by his chin and turned his head back up. A fresh bruise was forming on his cheek already but the expression on his face was still the same as before. As if he hadn't felt the slap at all. The emperor contemplated slapping the boy silly right then and there just to sooth his anger but decided against it even as he started rising his hand. It wouldn't do to destroy such a beautiful face. Not when such a ridiculous amount of credits where at stake. The credits he needed to finance his campaign. Taking control of the earth sphere had proved relatively easy, after the right planning of course. Maintaining his position however required a lot scheming and a slot of credits. The senator was proving to be a unsuspected blessing, just when he had gotten to a point where financing was getting low. Besides, it was time to get the last of the pilots away from public view. After two years people finally began whispering of outrage and revolution. He was sure that woman Sally had something to do with it. But he knew just how to handle it. He hadn't gone through all that trouble just to loose it now. He was convinced getting rid of pilots from the view of the world would suppress all talk of uprise. Losing their symbols made the people loose their courage.
With a sigh he released the boy from his grip and turned to direct himself to the soldier who moved back to a respectful distance as soon as he had approached. " Your name?" He asked expectingly.
" Milton, sir." The soldier answered as he saluted.
" Milton, give this to the boy and then bring him to my car." He dug into his pocket and took out a syringe which was filled with a champagne colored liquid.
" Sir?"
" It's a sedative. Don't want the boy causing trouble during the flight. Dragging a hysteric boy through a public terminal might leave people uncomfortable." With those words as the only explanation he left to get back to the comfort of his car.

To Quatre everything felt as if it was in a haze. The pain in his chest was almost unbearable. When he finally started to get back to his senses Alexander was gone. Reaching up, Quatre carefully touched the painful bruise on hs cheek. The skin felt hot under the tips of his fingers. And then, he finally became aware of the hand around his arm. With a strangled yelp he pulled it back, suddenly fearful of the kind soldier.
" Please don't." He whispered, realising his voice was sounding hollow, even to his own ears.
The look Milton offered him was one of sympathy. " Sorry boy, but I have orders to follow. I have a family to look after." Quatre couldn't blame the soldier. If the roles where reversed he would do the same for Trowa's sake. He knew Milton couldn't help him. The only comfort he had was that when this was over he would see Trowa again and Wufei. So he just needed to hold on. Quatre held out his arm and sat still while the needle penetrated his skin. In a matter of seconds he started feeling drowsy but not so much that he fell asleep. Rather then that his arms and legs felt so heavy he couldn't lift them anymore. His body helplessly slumped forward. Until the drug whore off he was completely at everyone's mercy.