Session 3
"So, Tobias, this is unusual," the counselor started, "what makes you feel you need to come back like this?"
((Yes, I realize it's a little unusual to come back without Rachel,)) Tobias said.
"Well no, I meant it's unusual that you're here as a hawk," the counselor said.
((Oh right, sorry about that,)) said Tobias, ((sometimes I forget when I'm in my natural form.))
"Riiiiiight, well um, aside from the obvious, what can I help you work through today?"
((Well, I was thinking maybe we could plan some kind of intervention for Rachel,)) Tobias said, ((she's been getting a little out of control.))
"How so?" the counselor asked, somewhere between interested and amused.
((Well she's been taking those pills you gave us like ten at a time,)) Tobias explained, ((then she'll morph chimpanzee and start hurling crap all over the place. I mean, on the one hand its like really, really disgusting. But on the other hand it draws in a lot of rats so-))
"Okay um, to be honest, this is getting a little difficult," the counselor said, "I mean apart from all the turning into animals thing, hearing your voice in my head it getting a little conflicting."
((Don't worry, you'll get used to the voices,)) Tobias said, although he started to morph into human, ((I've had people talking in my head for years.))
"Yeah… see the problem with that is," the counselor started then paused, "if I prescribe you more medication then Rachel will…well lets get back to this intervention."
((Yeah, so what kind of cages do you have?)) Tobias asked, half-human now, ((because you know Rachel, she's uh, well she'll kill you.))
"Well sometimes we say we want to kill each other," the counselor reasoned, "but we never really do."
"No, I'm pretty sure she does," Tobias said sullenly, "I've never had any proof or anything, but I get attacked by eagles a lot, you know, like A LOT. I mean sometimes they attack even when I'm human."
"Well often anxiety can represent itself in a physical way, maybe these 'eagles you're seeing are just your mind telling you that OH MY GOD!" the counselor screamed, darting behind his seat.
A black, scaly creature was emerging from behind Tobias. It had armor hide skin with large bristly hairs and spindly legs. As it grew its body turned light and soft and began to turn to flesh, as its tiny legs were sucked back into its body and blonde hair began to grow from its head.
"That's the whole point you dumb blonde!" Tobias came back, "Oh no."
"DUMB BLONDE!? DUMB BLONDE!?" Rachel screamed, completely human now, but still changing, "I'LL SHOW YOU WHO THE DUMB BLONDE IS!"
"Yeah, this is what I mean," said Tobias, who was also changing, "I don't suppose there's anything you can say?"
"Okay um, Rachel," the counselor said, poking his head out from behind his desk, "try taking a few deep breaths. You are angry. What we need to do is find out a way to channel that anger."
((Oh I'm on it doc!)) cried Rachel, halfway to elephant, ((I'm about to channel one winged rat through your wall!))
((Okay I know you're not talking about me!)) Tobias said, fully hawk.
"Okay, new tactic," the counselor muttered to himself, taking a few deep breaths and standing up, still standing behind the desk, "Now Rachel, you really need to calm down. I can't help you unless you're willing to work with me. And, I can't believe I'm saying this, but if you keep growing then you won't be able to fit in the room and we'll all be killed."
((Hey Rachel he's got a point,)) said Tobias, flapping into a corner, ((maybe we should just talk for a second.))
((What's the point!)) Rachel continued to rage, although she had stopped growing, ((you've been doing all your talking with the shrink here.))
"Rachel?" the counselor started, timidly taking a step from behind the desk, "can you think of any reason why Tobias might think that he can't talk to you?"
((I don't know,)) Rachel fumed, as she began to slowly shrink, ((maybe he just needs some hawks to talk to.))
"Do you sometimes feel left out?" the counselor asked, "do you think that he wants to spend more time with his, um hawk friends."
((I don't actually have hawk friends,)) Tobias said defensively, still perched on top of the bookshelf.
"So uh, do you wish that you had hawk friends?" the counselor asked, trying to make sense of the situation.
"I was just messing with him you quack," Rachel said, finishing her de-morph, "are we actually paying this guy."
((Like three hundred bucks a session,)) Tobias answered grimly.
"And you're coming for extra sessions!?" Rachel asked angrily.
((Well, you have been acting a little crazy lately,)) Tobias said, flying down to perch on the armchair.
"Yeah I guess I have kind of been flying off the handle a little, huh."
"This is good, I think we're really making progress-"
"Shut-up doc," Rachel said, "how about I make it up to you tonight huh baby."
"Oooh, um, I guess this is as good a time as any to talk about this," Tobias said nervously, as his human mouth appeared, "some of the stuff that you like to do, kind of terrifies me."
"What?! What stuff? Why?" Rachel demanded.
"Well you know, all the stuff that reminds me of getting tortured by a crazy blonde chick," Tobias explained, blushing slightly and avoided the counselors gaze.
"Tobias, you've been tortured before?" the counselor asked, "well this is definitely some-"
"I said shut up doc! Now come on Tobias, try to put all of that out of your mind," Rachel said, with a wild look in her eyes, "Lets do it!"