Hello everybody! This is a collab ficlet that me and L wrote together. This fic had its unexpected turns, but it sure was fun, and I hope you enjoy our little crazy ficlet!

Puppy love part 1.

Cool rain soothed his skin, as he sat under a large tree. It had suddenly started raining when he was out in the forest to train. He was panting, resting his head on the knobbly trunk. He enjoyed the rain. It kept people from going outside, making it seem like he was the only person in the world. It was great to feel on top of the world once in a while.

Well I'd better head back. Don't wanna catch a cold.

As he stepped inside he shook his head, making water fly all over the place. Water was also dripping from his clothes. It was really pouring down outside.

"Sheesh!" he said as he wrung of his pants and jacket.

Suddenly a flash of lighting lit up the whole room, and then everything went pitch black.

Damn… Gotta get to the fuse box I guess…

He stood up and walked across the room, letting the frail stripes of moonlight travel over his body as he walked past the windows. It was pitch black in the hallways, but he could see good enough to make his way to the fuse box, having very good eyesight.

He scratched the back of his head. Damn. That was the downside of buying these old houses. Fine, they look good and have this aura of the past to them, but they also have old kinds of fuses.

"No practical little switches here… Aaargh, now I'll have to go look for a new fuse. Where did I put those, anyway?" he thought annoyed to himself.

He started walking down the hallway again, headed for the kitchen. Just as he took his first step in, he heard a loud noise coming from the living room.

What was that?

He tiptoed towards the living room.

"Is there anyone here?"

Then there was the sound of someone taking a breath.

"I don't have anything worth stealing, if that's what ya think!"

Then there was the sound stuff being shuffled around.

Why me? He thought to himself, as he took a step into the living room.

Then suddenly the lights came on and several voices screamed; "Surprise!"

He jumped mile high.

"What the-?"

A pink haired girl pointed at him. "It's your birthday, remember!"

He looked around the room seeing all of his friends there.

"Sneaking into people's houses is a crime ya know!" he grinned.

Everyone was here, Sakura, Kiba, Shikamaru, Chouji, Hinata, Ino, Shino, Lee and a whole lot more. Even some of the sensei's.

And they all smiled at him.

"I can't believe you guys, actually making a surprise party for me! This is so much fun," he grinned at his guests.

"We've been planning this for a long time, you know. But all this for an idiot like you seems like a waste," Kiba teased, grinning at the birthday boy himself. He threw a nearby pillow lying on a couch back at the dog boy, while the people in the living room started to stir, grabbing boxes and packages from the floor.

"Let's open presents!" Hinata said, smiling.

"Yes! Presents are the spirit of youth's medicine, making any youthful soul rejoice in excitement, right, Gai-sensei?!" Lee exclaimed, all pumped up.

"That's right, Lee!" Gai yelled back, the two now doing their well known nice-guy poses.

Everybody just shook their heads at the two excited nin's and smiled.

Naruto accepted the box that Sakura was offering him. He was curious of what she could have gotten him, so he shook the box before opening it. It was a square and hard package that didn't make any sound at all.

He peeled of the paper and stared at the present dumb-founded.

1001 ways to make a healthy meal

"It's a book, in case you didn't know." Kiba had been looking over his shoulder and was now nudging his head.

"I know that dog-turd!" Naruto elbowed Kiba in the gut.

"Ouf, that's a dirty trick!"

Naruto grinned in a devilish manner; "Well it's my birthday after all!"

Kakashi took the book out of Naruto's hands and studied it.

"This may do some good for you, Naruto."

Naruto made sure Sakura wasn't looking at the moment and then leaned in towards Kakashi, whispering; "But I don't really know how to cook, Kakashi sensei, so it will probably just gather up dust somewhere. Besides, I only like ramen!"

That was the last thing he managed to say out loud.

A huge roar sounded over the house, as an unimaginable flash of light blinded and deafened them all. Before anyone knew what was happening, the entire house stood in flames, burning fiercely. As the conscious guests saved themselves and their knocked out comrades, all but one person ran out the windows that were broken by the lightning's shock wave.

My home…!

"Come on! Hurry, it's going to collapse any minute now! Get the hell out!" Sakura yelled at him from outside.

With a last look at his castle, the birthday boy jumped out the window as the roof caved in and fire consumed the entire property.

Naruto was at the edge of apprehension. What was he going to do now? His home and his life were all destroyed. He had put all of his money into buying this old house.

All of his friends gathered around him as they took him away from the fiery inferno. It was getting dangerous staying to close to it anyway.

"Don't worry Naruto, you can stay at my place until you get yourself together!" Kiba was generously offering.

Naruto looked at Kiba with seldom gratitude.

His face lit up a bit; "Thank you so much dog-turd!"

The following morning Naruto woke up at noon. He hadn't been able to sleep last night, naturally. And the moment he woke up and saw his surroundings, he felt like sleeping again. His home, all his possessions, everything he owned… All gone. He didn't have anything. Kiba even had to let him borrow clothes when they came home to him last night.

He was now wearing his big t-shirt; Kiba liked his clothes big and comfy. Kiba had grown to be a bit broader around the shoulders than Naruto, and a few inches taller, but this t-shirt was just ridiculous. It reached him almost to the knees and the arms to his elbows.

He sat up on the futon mattress Kiba had prepared for him last night in his living room. He couldn't see the dog-turd anywhere.

Standing up, he walked toward the bathroom. He knew where everything was, having visited Kiba several times before.

Kiba had an apartment that wasn't too big or too small. Being a ninja didn't require that much of a living space. But what Naruto had in mind when he had bought that old house was that he might get a room-mate, and then he wouldn't have to live alone. Living with Kiba didn't make him lonely at least. He was still ensnared in his own thoughts as he reached for the door-knob and stepped inside. But this didn't last for long as he was oh-so-brutally torn out of it by a loud shriek.

"Gyaah, haven't you learned to knock!"

Kiba was just about to step out of the shower, holding a towel in his right and, and leaning on the counter next to him with the left.

Naruto turned all red and started stuttering.

"Oh! S-sorry, Kiba! Um, I-uh, just," and slowly his eyes found their way toward a rather private spot on Kiba's body.

"…Whoa! Um, wow, eh, s-sorry!!" he then exclaimed, jumping out the door.

Running over to his futon, he mentally scolded himself, but… Not wholeheartedly.

In the bathroom, Kiba was now blushing like mad, frowning. Did Naruto just stare at his… equipment and then say 'whoa'?

And, it didn't really sound like a 'whoa, I didn't know they came in sizes that small,'

No it sounded more like… 'Whoa,'

What the hell?!

Ok, it was a good thing that he wasn't "disappointed" by his more… private parts, it was a boy's thing, but that he had looked at it in that way was… disturbing. Did he want to look?

Or more importantly, did I want him to look?!

Kiba tore his hair in frustration. He couldn't be attracted to someone who called him a dog-turd; and even if he could be, what about the whole blonde-and-idiot part?

Even if his butt was cute...

"What the-!" he spoke out loud. "You shouldn't be thinking that!"

(A/N) Part 2 up next :)