I have two quick things to say

1)I don't own Naruto

2) Please don't kill me

Ok three things

3) Enjoy

Of Liars and Promises

Dobe I hope you know how much I love you, Sasuke said putting his arm around Naruto's waist.

"I need to tell you again how sorry I am for my actions I let Itachi take you away from me, I hurt you so much." Sasuke said everyone one of his words ringing with sincerity.

"Teme that doesn't matter now what matters is that you came back to me alive, and that now we have the rest of our lives together. Naruto said looking into the Uchihas black eyes.

"Sasuke sometimes this seems like its all a dream and that I will wake up and find myself alone." Naruto said

"Well I don't blame you, its going to take a while for you to trust me, but I will be there fighting to gain your trust and fighting to be worthy of your love." Sasuke said holding on to his hand.

"I think you have use mixed up I'm the demon, remember?" Naruto said looking and Sasuke, unable to believe he felt unworthy of him.

"Sasuke can you make me a promise?" Naruto said

"Anything you want dobe just ask, I will gladly do it for you" Sasuke said pulling Naruto into a hug, holding tight as if afraid Naruto would disappear.

"Promise me you will never leave me again" Naruto said returning the hug.

"Dobe I promise that I will be with you forever, I will fight death for you I would give up heaven to be with you." Sasuke said.

"Naruto… were going to be late." Came the voice of Haruno Sakura.

He turned to were Sasuke was and smiled. "I always knew you were a liar."

Naruto said finally fully awake from that wonderful dream, and entering the reality that Sasuke was in fact still with that damn Snake Sannin.

Ha tricked you all tricked. Before you say, or do anything remember you said you wouldn't kill me.