Title: Destined

Chapter: Eleven

Name: A Lovers Tale



- Flashbacks or memories -

… ... …

Ayame stepped onto a crime scene and took in her immediate surroundings. Placing her hands on her hips she took a step forward to observe the CSI starting their analysis of the 24 year old that was now opened up all over the sidewalk. It was a gruesome scene, but the last three victims had been the same.

"Sick bastard. Always opens them up." She heard the examiner say before pulling off his gloves and taking a stand.

"What do you have for me, Myoga?" Ayame looked over to the older man who was balding on top of his head, but kept the patches on the side of his head for some odd reason. Only reaching mabe to Ayame's midsection he looked up at the strawberry blonde detective. She was dressed in a pullover issued by the department, and a pair of dress slacks and her feet were in black chunky heels.

"Well, my beauty. I have another 24 year old black hair, brown eyes, and around 5'5. She's been cut opened with a ragged edged item." Rubbing a hand over his bald head he shook his head. "We will get the tox screen after we take her into the morgue." Looking up to Ayame. "I would say it was by the same guy as the last."

"Damn, I thought you might say that. He's getting more and more frequent. Let me know as soon as you get anything in. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." With that she turned and left to get into her car. Inserting her key she turned over the engine and paused when her phone buzzed.

"Hello? Yes, this is she." Pausing she heard the young woman's voice over the phone. "A missing person? I'm out of the office, but I could check on her chart when I get in. I'm heading there now. I can call you back on this number? Very good, I'll check into that for you. What did you say her name was? Kagome Higurashi? Got it. Talk to you soon." Hanging up she put her car into drive and pulled out of the parallel parking spot she was in.

Arriving at the precinct she walked in she greeted a few other members of her team before finding her small desk in the corner of the office. Taking a seat at her desk she booted up her computer. Knowing it might take a minute she got up to get her a cup of joe. Returning to her desk she took a sip of the tar that was called coffee in this place. Sitting her cup down she logged on and went into the missing persons folder. "Kagome Higurashi." Typing in as she spoke she waited for the computer to think and then the screen popped up. "No data found." Sitting back in her chair she folded her hands in her lap. 'I didn't think I heard the name before.'

Ayame was in head of missing persons, and the lead at the latest murders of 'The butcher' as the media liked to call it. Waiting a moment to get her thoughts together she pulled out her phone and dialed the number back. "Hi, Sango? Yes this is detective Ayame Yoro calling you back. There are no active cases on a Kagome Higurashi. When did you report her missing? Over a week ago? Can we meet?" Ayame set up a time and place to meet with the woman on the phone and ended the call. "Why would you call a week later?" Something didn't add up, and she had a strange inkling that wasn't her average missing person, and she couldn't help but noticed she fit the exact match to The Butchers type.

Sango stood at her desk clenching her cell to her chest. Quickly she walked over to miroku's desk and closed the door behind her. Pressing her back to the closed door she felt her heart racing.

"Well, hello my dear Sango. What do I have to pleasure of your visit to my office 'with the door closed'." With a small lecturious grin he could tell that her visit wasn't going to be one of pleasure.

"I knew something felt wrong. I asked Hojo yesterday if he had talked to anyone about Kagome's disappearance." Miroku sighed and looked down at his desk. His girlfriend was really losing it. Kagome, was all she thought about anymore. "Don't give me that look." She scolded him before finishing. "There was never a missing persons report sent to the police."

Looking up at his girl he frowned. "I'm sure this is some misunderstanding my love. Maybe because they had that private eye looking into it he thought the police weren't needed?" Feeling that maybe Sango was right this time, but he didn't want to stroke her anxiety.

"He said he placed a report and they found the same findings as Kouga. Tell me that that is some misunderstanding!" Her whisper becoming more and more hectic. Miroku stood and walked to her and nodded placing his hands on her arms. "Alright, this is strange. We can look into it. Together, but tonight is Kagome's funeral, and we owe it to her and her mother to be there."

Sango nodded and looked up to her boyfriend. "Thank you. I've made an appointment to meet with an agent who is head of missing persons case. Tomorrow for lunch. Go with me?" He nodded before pulling her into his arms and held tightly. Maybe Sango was right this whole time, and their Kagome was still out there? Closing his eyes he would rather her be dead and in peace than being torchered, scared and all alone.

"I think that I should deny your claim." Her heart shattered in her chest and it took everything in her to hold back her screams. She never wanted anything so much in her life, and now she might be able to have it. No, he was only like this because of his demon side. Like he said before. 'He hadn't even thought about me all this time.'

His heart dropped and his demon went from one happy puppy to a raging animal. 'NOO!' He screamed and he begged to come out. To claim her right this instant and make her submit to him. Forever.

"Where did this come from? Kagura, after fashion advice she gave you some mating advice?" He scoffed trying to hide his anger. He shouldn't feel this way, and he couldn't let her know how he felt.

"Does it matter where I got the idea?" Holding back her tears. "It''s what you want, right?" Closing her mouth it took everything in her to swallow the knot in her throat. "I told you I would help you. I will do whatever it takes. I still have no idea how I can help, but I'll do it, and if it kills me. So be it. I don't have much to live for anymore. I've been dead for years, Inuyasha. Let me help you live." He went to speak but she shook her head and held up a finger. "Let me finish. Or I won't be able to." Her eyes looked right through him, not really looking at him, but past him to hide her emotions, but he could feel everything the was going through. She couldn't full him. She might put on a strong front, but he could see right behind the mask of fake strength she was hiding behind.

Inuyasha nodded and dug his nails into his palms to hold back his outbursts. He was so torn. Everything in him fought what she was saying and his demon was on such a tantrum that he couldn't barely keep it under control. Kagome continued and with each word it did make more and more sense.

"Kagura said that you won't be able to focus if were in this 'mating' process." Placing a hand on her chest to hold in her heart that felt as if it would pop right out of her chest. "I won't be the reason you get hurt. Your feelings of protectiveness will stop, and we can focus on your mission." Pausing she looked down. "Here comes the easy part. You have to reject me as well for this to work." Tears formed in her eyes. This was killing her. She knew this wasn't the same man, and she couldn't have him.

"I will not!" Inuyasha's demon screamed through him. "Never! You are mine!" Kagome jumped at the sound of his voice. It wasn't Inuyasha, but something deep inside. "Mine!" He growled in another language. Kagome felt a rush of feelings of rejection and hurt. Protectiveness and want. It overwhelmed her and she fell to her knees.

"You don't want me!" She screamed as tears fell down her face. "You can't have me." This time her voice wavered and she didn't even believe herself. Looking to Inuyasha she knew he was fighting something deep inside. His eyes were still golden, but the marks on his face appeared once more. "Let me go.." Her voice was completely gone and she whispered now.

Inuyasha walked to her and pulled her up by her arms to look at him. "Tell me, tell me to let you go. That you don't want me anymore, and I will. " She heard his voice and the demons at the same time. Was this him and his demon in agreement?

Trying to open her mouth she couldn't say the words. She just nodded, but he could feel everything she was feeling. She wanted him so much it was killing her. Smiling he pulled her into his arms and his demon rumbled. "Liar, you are mine, and soon. We will be one." Kagome sobbed into his chest and held him tight. How was she supposed to be strong when something inside him wanted her so much, but did he want her like his demon did? If she was going to have him she wanted all of him. Not just some part of him. Feeling his chest rumble with a low growl she relaxed into his arms. Slowly the rumble went away and she knew she was left with her Inuyasha.

Pulling back she looked at his face and smiled. "Your back." Trying to pull from his embrace, but he wouldn't let go.

"Not yet, I'm not fully in control." He said through clenched teeth. Kagome nodded and placed her head on his chest. 'Oh, Inuyasha.' What was she to do? How was she supposed to let him go, when he couldn't let her go without his demon side come out and taking claim on her. She felt the walls she built around her heart start to crumble brick by brick.

After what felt like a lifetime in his arms he finally pulled back. "Thank you. I'm.. I don't want to keep putting you through this, but it seems I have no control around you." He gave her a weak smile, and took a few steps back to give her some space, but she felt the loss of him and her body almost couldn't stand the distance. "I was.. Aware that time. I can remember."

Kagome looked surprised and remembered his eyes were still the same golden. "Was that your demon?"

Shrugging he looked confused and so unsure of himself. "Both? This is new to me, and I don't quite understand it." Looking to her he met eyes that captured him to a deep level. "I don't know what I want, and I know it's not fair to you. Now, that you're here... I can't say that I don't want you. I can battle my other side until I'm blue in the face, but I know." Trying to pull his gaze from her he found he couldn't, and he was unknowingly taking steps towards her. "I know that this other side of me want's nothing but you."

They were so close now, and Kagome was taken back by his words. 'Stop.' She begged inside. She couldn't handle hearing his words. Looking to his lips she felt her eyes pull right back to his. "Tell me you don't want me, Inuyasha. Say it." Her mouth suddenly feeling dry. She could feel the heat of his body against her own even though they weren't touching, and it scorched her soul.

Shrugging she gave her a small sad smile. "I wish I could, but he won't let me." Letting out a bitter laugh. "I couldn't let you go if I wanted to." Shaking his head. "I feel crazy, Kagome." He wasn't sure why he was telling her this. Maybe it was their connection or maybe he just missed the girl he could tell everything to. "I don't how to control it. I've been fighting him everytime I'm not with you. The only time I don't have this screaming voice in my mind is when I'm with you." Placing his hands on each side of her face. "I can't hear him. It's like he's content when were together. It's the only time I feel like I'm sounds crazy."

She wasn't sure what all this meant, but she knew that she couldn't leave his side if he didn't want her to. She hated herself for being so weak, but the magnetic pull between them was so strong. She knew the feelings he was going through. She felt the same thing this whole time they were apart. She finally felt like Kagome again, and not some zombie that was just going through the motions of life. "No," She answered softly with a sad smile. "it sounds right. I will stay by your side until you can decide." A loud thump on the door separated them as he jumped back about a foot, but their eyes were still on each other.

"What?" Inuyasha half growled have yelled. The door opened and it was the man who caught her out in the cornfield. "What do you want Sesshomaru?" No words were spoken, but a package was tossed at him. Inuyasha caught the small brown box in one hand before it smacked him right in the forehead. "What's this?"

"It was what father was transferring on the plane. It seems that our Father was smarter than he looked. He had a decoy with him, and this was on a separate plane headed to a safety deposit box." He left with that not even curious to what was in the package that may have gotten his Father killed. After the door shut kagome walked over to him.

"Well, aren't you going to open it?" Looking at the small brown box.

"This was what the bomb was for?" Letting out a small bitter laugh. The great Takahashi was killed overe..." Opening the box he paused when he saw what was inside. Pulling out two necklaces and a small rolled scroll. Kagome bent down to pick up the scroll and as she went to pass it to Inuyasha a shock went through her body. Her vision went dark and images started to roll through her mind like an old film. Screen by screen the images formed a vision.

She saw herself and Inuyasha wrapped around each other in passion. He touched her with the softest of caresses and she in return touched him. Twisted body's in pure ecstasy as they climaxed together. The picture made Kagome ache to feel his touch, and she blushed at the effects he did to her body. Then she noticed around their necks were necklaces. One that was small pink orb that glowed, and he sported a small white fang.

The image changed to a fight. Kagome was standing her ground and a bright pink light force shot from her hands destroying everything the light touched. Her vision went black before she heard a voice in her head. 'Joined together is the only way to succeed.' It was a smooth and cold woman's voice. The voice from the mirror.

Feeling she was back in control of her body she pulled her back the same time Inuyasha did. Her breath was ragged as she tried to pull in air, and he was the same. Feeling chills sweep all over her body she almost moaned. 'What the hell?' Looking down at her arms she felt like her entire body was on fire and vibrating with power. A pink ora glowed inches above her skin. Looking to Inuyasha for answers she could tell that he was struggling with something to the same as she was. Once her breath was returned her knees went weak and she dropped to the floor. The pink glow went away as soon as he touched her. Inuyasha was right there to help her up. "Did you...?"

"Yeah, I saw it too." But what did they see. What did it mean? What just happened to Kagome's skin? Looking over kagome he wondered if she felt the same sensations he just felt. Sensual and powerful. "What was that?"

"I don't know. I've heard that voice before in a dream. She had the same pink same lights." Looking up to Inuyasha from her now normal looking skin he blushed as the thoughts popped back into her head of them wrapped around each other.

"Kagome, I've warned you about those thoughts of yours." Helping her up she laughed.

"Tell me you weren't thinking the same." Looking in his hand as he helped her up was the two necklaces. "Do you think those were images of the future?" Looking to him his eyes went wide.

"We should talk to Kagura. She might know what is going on here." Picking up the scroll he winced, but nothing happened this time. Placing it back in the box, he placed the box on the sink. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." So much happened in so little time. She felt drained of all her energy. "I think I just want to sit." Taking a few steps to the bed she plopped down. "Wow.."

"What?" He watched her every movement. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her if he wanted to.

She let out a small laugh. "This is nuts!" Her laughed progressed further until she was full on laughing so hard her face turned red. "I was working to death in a life I wasn't really living." Trying to breath she wiped at her eyes. "Then I'm napped, tackled, hurt, and mentally and physically abused by some bitch." Holding up one finger she shook her head. "I don't like that Yura." More laughter escaped. "I'm confronted with my ex best friend slash lover." Falling over she held her side. "Now, I'm somewhat mated to him, and I don't even have enough will power to let him go." Letting out another breath she tried to control her mini breakdown. "and he only half wants me... Cause it's his demon that fancies me."

Letting out a laugh he shook his head. "Your right that is crazy." Then another laugh came out. A real one, and he couldn't remember the last time he had laughed. "Your life sucks." This just caused another laughing fit to explode from Kagome, but all Inuyasha could focus on was that dress rising up her thighs as she moved, wiggled and laughed. Her chest rose and fell with each breath she tried to catch. 'Damn.' Shaking his head he walked over to her and held out a hand to help her up before he tackled her down on that bed, ripped that dress from her frame and made that vision come true. 'Down boy.' He had to scold his other side that purred and begged for just that to come true.

Taking his hand she stood up and shook her head as feelings of domination and arousal flashed over her body."Yeah, it kinda does." Nodding she fixed her dress and pulled her hand from his as she tried to compose herself from her sleep deprived induced laughing fits. "So, Kagura?" Clearing her throat.

"Yeah, let's find out what is going on."

The funeral was beautiful, and being put together so quickly it went flawlessly. Sango rubbed Mrs. Higurashi's back as she hugged her and pulled back. "Thank you, Sango. This was perfect. Kagome would have loved it."

"It's the least I could do." Sango nodded and pulled back. "I'm going to go check on the refreshments." Patting the older women's arms she walked away, and there was someone she wanted to talk to, and it wasn't the waitress'. "Kouga?" She spoke as she approached the man sitting in one of the folded seats in the funeral home.

"Yes?" He stood at the woman's voice.

"Thank you for coming. I'm a little shocked to see you here. You didn't know Kagome, did you?"

"I met her briefly once, she stopped into the office to get some clients for the firm. She seems like a real sweet girl. It's felt like it was the smallest show of respect I could do. To say goodbye."

Sango nodded not believe one word this guy said. "Yeah, thank you again for taking so much time to look into our Kagome's missing. We are just... glad to be able to put her to rest."

Nodding he gave her a sad smile. "Yes, closure." Sango nodded and smiled sadly.

"What office did you say you worked for?" She asked innocently.

"Oh, it's my own private office." Lying as he went along with the conversation.

"Right, and you work with the police force?" He nodded.

"Yeah, sometimes they will give me some of their findings if I give them mine. They found the blood and were able to match it to Kagome's. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to piece her murder into the murders happening now." Noding sadly and he sighed. "I hope they catch that phsyco soon. No one else should ever go through this."

Sango nodded with watery eyes. "No, no one should. Excuse me, please." With that she walked away to find Miroku, Walking up behind him she pulled him into a hug so she could whisper into his ear. "Kouga is full of shit. I don't even think he's a real private eye." Pulling back Miroku touched her face and nodded as if he were only comforting his deeply hurt girlfriend. He looked around the funeral home to notice Kouga shaking Kagome's mother's hand before making his exit. Sango was right. Something was not right.

Kagome and Inuyasha sat in the teachers lounge with Kagura and explained the entire experience of when they both touched the still rolled up scroll, and the visions of them, and the strength they had during the battle.

"Then a voice that said once we were as one we could succeed?" Kagome looked to Inuyasha who nodded in confirmation that he heard it too.

Picking up the scroll she looked over it before unrolling it. "Ah, that's interesting."

"What?" Kagome and Inuyasha both said at the same time, and they both glanced at each other before looking to Kagura.

"It's blank." Setting the scroll down she leaned back and folded her arms across her chest. Thinking for a moments she leaned forward placing her elbows on the table and resting her chin on folded hands. "Is there anything that your not telling me?"

Kagome's face glowed red as she shook her head. "Yeah, we told you what happened." Looking to the hanyou next to her he sighed and finished the rest of the story. Frowning she felt her face grow beet red and wanted to knock him right off his chair for opening his mouth.

"Ah, so it is what I assumed." Pausing she couldn't help but smile. "A lovers tale." Picking up the scroll she rolled it back up. "This scroll shows you what you most want, but it only works on couples. It was used to help marriages. To... Keep things fresh. It couldn't show each partner what the other wanted, without the embarrassment." Pausing she studied the necklaces. "It would also show a couple if they were compatible, meant to be sort of thing." Picking up the pink gem first, then the fang. "It could also show the trials they were going to face, and how to overcome them. Holding out the necklaces to them she nodded.

"The gem is meant to increase power of a priestess. Kagome, you are a miko. We thought that we needed to sacrifice you to kill Naraku." Kagome sucked in a breath and looked shocked. "I see now we need you to kill Naraku. You might be the only one strong enough, and pure enough to do it." Letting Kagome take the necklace from her. "This is how. It will increase your miko powers and help you concentrate them. I fear you are going to need a lot of training in a short amount of time."

Looking to Inuyasha she handed him the fang. "The Gem increases, and this here fang decreases. Not so much as power, but your inner demon. I think this will be the fix we've been hoping for. This will help you control that inner beast, and keep him locked away." Folding her hands she smiled at them. "I was wrong. I'm usually not, but I am not a matchmaker by any means. This scroll proves that you two are meant to do this battle together." Pointing to the gem that now rested around Kagome's neck. "The priestess that owned that jewel before you. Saw this coming, and she saw the two of you together."

"How?" Was the only word Kagome could make out. Grasping the gem around her neck she held the round ball in her fist. "Why me? I'm nothing special."

Kagura laughed and shook her head. "We don't always pick out destiny. Sometimes were just stuck with what were destined with." Pausing she winked at Inuyasha. "You two are destined. Destined to fight together, destined to be together." Standing up she stretched out her arms. "Do you think I chose my mate?" Turning she laughed as she walked out of the lounge to find her mate, and fill him in on all the new happenings she was stopped.

"Kagura! Where's Sesshomaru?" Seeing Kouga looking frantic she folded her arms and calmly spoke.

"I was on my way to find him." Her voice didn't sound the slightest of bit interested in why the wolf wanted her mate, but she was slightly curious. "Why?"

"They contacted the police... There is a detective looking into the case. We have to get out of here. I don't know how long it will before they are onto us."

Kagura's eyes grew wide. "You little shit. I thought you said you were handling the police!" Furious at the wolf's incompetencies.

"I was. Then the woman's friend checked up on me. The police had no idea Kagome was even missing." Running a hand through his jet black hair he could feel a cold chill run down his spine. Turning around he saw Sesshomaru glaring at him with a cold dead stare.

"We will split up." Looking to Kagura to see if she would confirm his decision.

"Yes, it's been foretold that Kagome and Inuyasha will defeat Naraku." Looking up to see Sesshomaru's almost surprised face. "They have seen their future. We will send them away to train, and we will go elsewhere. Nothing should be left behind here to lead them to any of us." Looking to the wolf she growled. "Do you think you can handle that?"

Feeling the tension Kouga only nodded knowing his place. "Yeah, I think I can." He spoke with sarcasm as he left them in the hallway. Once he was out of hearing range Kagura whispered.

"The plan has changed, my love." Biting her lower lip she showed her doubt only to him.

"Yes, but the result will be the same." Breaking the distance he touched her cheek. "Let's go."

"Yes." Sighing at his touch that soothed her anxious soul. "Then I will send Inuyasha away with the girl? She will be unstoppable with that Jewel. Where did you get your hands on that?"

"It was my father's. I received the box with written instructions to give it to Inuyasha, and his mate." Dropping his hand he turned and left her standing in the hallway.

Watching him leave she went back to the couple to see surprised faces as she opened the door. Both looked like they had been mulling things over. They hadn't said a word to each other since Kagura left them alone. Kagura explained what was going on, and gave Inuyasha directions on where to go. A glimpse of hope shot through Kagome as she found herself wanting to be found and rescued by the police. To return to her friends and family, but on the other hand she couldn't see herself leaving Inuyasha's side. Not yet. Not until she helped him revenge his father. Standing up she nodded in agreement. She would do whatever it took.


I will be working next on Test Subjects. Please let me know what you think of this latest chapter. Thanks for reading! :)