Disclaimer: I do not own any of them. Sadly...

Title: I think I love you.

Inuyasha peaked his head out from behind the bathroom door. He looked to see Kagome laying on her belly completely naked, but from what he could see was only her back and her derier. She had raven colored hair that flowed down her shoulders and her chocolate brown eyes watched him suspiciously as she tilted her head to the side.

"Come on Inuyasha. Don't be shy." She said with a smile. Inuyasha gulped and looked at her and how confident she looked at something that both had never done before.

"Kag's...are you sure about this?" He asked turning off the bathroom light and thats when he noticed that candles were lit all around the room. It was his room, and their was Kagome Higurashi on his bed openly. Laying their for him...

"Come on! Its now or never." She said with a nervous laugh. Not even her giddy laugh could hide her nervousness. He could read it in her face, and he probably looked the same way. As nervous as hell, and shaking.

"What if some one comes in and catches us?" He said as he had a towel wrapped around his waist. He was seventeen, and his body was just starting to show muscles that would have any fifteen year old, such as Kagome, drooling over him. They had known each other forever. Growing up together and doing everything together.

"Inuyasha, your parents aren't coming home until tomorrow night." She said as giggled and patted the bed next to her. "Come on." He sighed and walked over and sat on the egde of the bed facing away from the naked girl.

"Kag's...a-are you sure you want to do this...with me?" He asked as he craned his neck to look at her to see her smile.

"Of coarse I want to Inuyasha." She said as she pushed herself off her belly and crawled over to him on her hands and knees. She wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her cold body against his warm one. He always seemed to be so much warmed than her. She suspected it was his half demon blood that flowed thew him. He layed her head on his shoulder and took in a deep breath. "Your my best friend, and I want to do every thing with you." She said in a low happy voice. "Promise we can be together forever?" She said sadly.

"Forever?" He asked unsure that she would want to be with him...Sure, now-a-days humans and demons were able to be together, but it wasn't encouraged. Especially to have children because that made half breeds. Their was about a hand full of them out their in the world, but they were all looked down to by humans and demons alike. So why didn't Kagome look down to him like all the others did? She nodded against him and giggled.

"Forever!" She said with a huge smile and pulled him down so he was laying down on his back wide eyed. Her head floated right above his with her wide happy smile on her face.

"So how about it dog boy? Want to be stuck with me?" She said with another giggle. He looked up at her with a smile and nodded.

"Okay." He said and blushed trying not to look at her naked body. Sure, she was still young and not fully developed yet, but in his eyes she was truly beautiful.

She then bent down and kissed him and the lips it was only a small peck, but it made his heart loop. "and a kiss to seal the promise!" She said when she pulled away. "Now then, are you going to get under these warm blankets with me or stay out and freeze?" She asked with a smile as she had already started to move and get under his large red quilt. He smiled.

"Right." He said and joined her shortly.

Now laying side by side looking at each other Kagome smiled. "Inuyasha?" He looked at her.

"Yeah, Kagome?"

"Do you love me?" She asked in a low whisper, and it was a long pause before he answered.

"I think so..." He said hugging her.

"I think I love you too." She said as she nuzzled her head against his chest. She then looked down and grinned. "Inuyasha!" She said playfully as she slapped his shoulder.

"What?" He asked a little nervously, and then looked down too. "Sorry." He said in a low embarrassed whisper. He now saw what she did. Underneath his towel was a lump, and it grew hard. He couldn't help it. Her leg was right there...

She giggled and her face grew red. "Take your towel off." She said as she started pulling at it.

"What? Why?" He said trying to keep it on as his voice cracked from being nervous.

"I want to see it." She said honestly. She was always pretty blunt around him.

"Why?" He whined as he tried to fight her from taking away his towel.

"Please." She begged and gave up trying to force the towel off of him and try begging. She gave her best impression of the puppy dog face and her lower lip pushed out. He sighed. That had always won against him. No matter what the fight was. That face would be the death of him. She could tell him to go jump off a bridge and if she made that face he would probably do it.

"Fine." He said and she smiled pulling the towel off his waist. She looked at his member and tilted her head to the side.

"So, thats what it looks like?" She asked more to herself. He scratched his and and nodded.

"Yeah..." He said trying to look away and not get any redder than his face was now.

"Can I touch it?" She asked looking up at his with curiosity. Normally this would be really gross, but this was her best friend, and if he wanted to know about her parts she would let him. She trusted him completely.

"Uh..sure..." He said looking at her face that grew with curiosity by the second.

"It wont hurt you?" She asked worriedly.

He laughed and shook his head. "No." She was timid reaching out for it then pulling her hand back.

"Your sure?" She said looking at him as her brows furrowed. He only nodded. She then gently touched the tip of it. It was smooth. She used one finger to slowly trail down the length. "Its so soft." She mused then heard him groan and pulled back quickly. "Oh Kami! Did I hurt you? I knew..." She was stopped when he shook his head quickly and placed his lips on hers. He pressed his forehead against hers.

"No...it felt good...really good." He said shamelessly.

"Oh..." She said as her eyes was half closed and she placed her finger back on him to trace his boy-hood. He groaned again and this time Kagome was sure he like it. She smiled finding that he was enjoying her touch so much. It made her want to do more. To make him happy. She gripped her small hand around him and his breath was cut short.

"K-kagome..." He moaned with his eyes tightly shut. She then moved up and down him slowly experimenting on him. He gripped the sides of the blankets into fists when she continued. "Oh, Kami! Kagome...I'm..." and there he came. A white warm liquid squirted out of his pulsating length. It didn't take as long as she thought at all. Being so unexperienced made it happen that much faster. It took him a moment before he opened up his eyes to see Kagome staring down at him. He chuckled lightly. "That felt too good." He said and looked down at himself. "Sorry..." He said realizing the mess he had made. She shook her head and smiled.

"Its okay." She said as she kissed him on the lips and the went to get up and was quickly pulled back down.

"Where are you going?" She heard a voice in her ear and giggled at how brave he had gotten all of a sudden.

"To wash my hand." She said raising it to show the liquid that was on her hand. He nodded and let go of her. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the water to was her hand.

Inuyasha laid his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes. He never would have dreamed that to feel so good. He recalled the feeling in his mind replaying what happened and moments later when he looked down he groaned. It was already back up. "Calm down..." He said to it as if it was going to listen to him. Kagome walked back out and crawled next to him lying her head on his chest. She sighed happily and looked up at his face. He was staring down at her with his golden eyes.

"What is it?" She asked with a small smile.

"Well..." He said nervously. "If you still want to...you know..." He trailed off.

She looked down at his naked body to see his previous limp member back to life. "Wont it hurt?" She asked and looked back up at him. The once brave girl was now scared. She had heard from her friends that it would hurt. Real bad. He shrugged. "It wont hurt me, but it might you...If you don't want to know. I understand." He said with understanding eyes.

Kagome shook her head. "No, were going to do everything together." She said as she crawled on top of him and kissed his lips. She was just about to lowed her small frame on top of him before he stopped her.

"Let me?" He asked looking up at her fearing for her. She nodded and let him switch the positions. He was now on top and in between her legs. He kissed her lips pressing his tongue roughly in her mouth. She didn't complain as he did so. She just figured that was how it was supposed to be done. He pulled away and kissed her jaw and moved down to her neck. "Ready, Kagome?" He whispered in her ear. She nodded as tears started in her eyes. She was scared. She knew it was going to hurt. He slowly entered her core and she gripped his back with her nails.

"It hurts..." She whined.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked pulling out, but she pulled him towards her and shook her head.

"No, please, Inuyasha. I want this." She said as he started to push in again slowly. It was so warm he wanted to go in deeper so badly.

"Ohh..." He said in her ear. "Its soo warm." He said as he entered a little more. She started to cry. She never imagined it hurting so much. It was lick she was just being torn open down there. Inuyasha's eyes went red. He couldn't take it any more. He plunged the rest of the way in and as he did so he licked a spot on her neck. She squirmed under him feeling only pain, but as soon as he started to lick her neck and settled in her for a short moment the pain turned to pleasure. He pulled out of her and then plunged back in. She yelped in pain each time he would do so, but after a few more times it didn't hurt so bad. He groaned in sheer pleasure of her warm walls. He growled letting his demon side take over and soon started to pound into her frail body, and as soon as her walls tightened on his staff he released his warmth inside her as he also sank his fangs into the crook of her neck and shoulder. Kagome arched into him feeling the pain and pleasure all mixed together.

After a moment he let his weight fall on top of her. He blinked a few times and his red eyes turned back to golden yellow. He smelt the blood on her shoulder and licked it trying to get it to heal. 'Mate?' He thought to himself, but that was impossible. It took hundreds of years for demons to claim their mate, and he was only fifteen, but their was the mark. He stared at it for a moment and then went to pull out of her but she was clinging to him. He looked down at her face and she was fast asleep. He smiled down at her and kissed her lips.

"I love you...mate..." He said in a whisper then rested his head next to hers, but still was on top of her.

She moaned something and Inuyasha could just barely make it out. "I love you too..." She had said and clung more to his body for warmth.


This is just a little changed from my story. The age was weird for some so I wanted to change it to make it more appropriate. :D