Well this is my first story so don't hold back on me everythings welcome flames and all!! even though it would be nice for some nice comments (hint hint) hehe i do not own Naruto in any way or form (not to say that i won't someday!! yeah neva happen...") well hope you enjoy the first chap!!


Sakura groaned as the bright streams of light crept through the open curtains, Shinning painfully on her face, She scrunched up her nose in distaste and slowly opened her eyes, only to snap them shut again as the light hit the pupil, a slight whimper of pain passing her lips as she rolled over trying to get away from it, it was at this moment that she realised that she had rolled straight into something warm,

Something warm and smooth, something warm, smooth and moving! Ok that was defiantly NOT supposed to be there. Sakura sat up straight, ignoring the dull thud in her head, Looking around the room frantically, and this was defiantly NOT her room, what the hell had Happened last night, ok Sakura think, Naruto was there and so was Sasuke, there was Dancing and a lot of drink

'stupid baka got me drunk' Sakura growled while Running a hand through her hair 'Naruto you are so dead when I find you'

Quickly and silently Sakura lifted herself out of bed and gathered her clothes up only glancing briefly at her companion, that was a big mistake "Sasuke" Sakura gasped eyes bugging out of her head, "this can not be happening" Sakura mentally groaned to herself as she stared at the very naked Uchiha spread out between his dark sheets

'I've got to get out of here' and on that thought she ran pulling clothes on as she went, it was only when she had reached the safety of her bedroom did she realise she had left something important behind 'crap'.


Sasuke was not having a good morning, first he had woken up with a pounding headache along with nausea which seemed to wash over him mercilessly, second was the reason why he was so rudely awakened curtsey of the dobe who had come bursting into his apartment and pouncing into his room yelling his head off about a mission they had to leave for soon,

Which lead onto the third point since his return a few months ago he had been under constant supervision from ANBU ops not only that but he was also been banned from all missions until further notice this would be his first mission, if you could call delivering a scroll from point A to point B a mission.

After kicking Naruto out, much to the blonds protests, Sasuke headed back to his room to change, as he entered he noticed a flash of red on the floor bending down and picking up the small scrap of clothing with his index finger, there dangling in front of his face was a pare of very skimpy panties,

A flash of memories came back to him, drinking, dancing, Sakura… his eyes widened 'oh crap'


Naruto was having a great morning Hinata had come over and cooked him breakfast, and he was now sitting in front of his favourite Ramen Stand with a big steaming bowl of it in front of him, yes life was good well that was until a certain pink haired medic stormed up to him arms flailing a murderous look on her face

"NARUTO!" Naruto gave an audible gulp 'oh crap'

"You. Got. Me. Drunk." Sakura hissed out the last word bring her face so close to Naruto's that he could see the speaks of lighter green in her eye's

"Now Sakura-chan you know I would never do that" Naruto laughed nervously while backing away from the in raged women

"never get me drunk my ass, so how, per say did I wind up in bed with…" she stopped mid sentence her eyes widening slightly at something behind him, before her face slowly turned a deep shade of red "I've got to go to" she paused as if thinking up a plausible excuse "...to get ready for the mission yeah the mission, I'll see you in a bit Naruto" and then she was gone running off in the direction she had come from.

Naruto blinked, wait she hadn't beat him senseless and had Sakura blushed? She hadn't blushed since the time 2 years ago when he had walked in on her in the shower and even then he was sure the redness of her face was more from anger then embarrassment, he turned in the direction that Sakura had looked and was surprised to see Sasuke there strolling towards him the normal air of arrogance and superiority surrounding him as he walked.

Now Naruto was really confused sure things hadn't been friendly between the Uchiha heir and his cherry blossom recently, ok that was a lie it was down right frosty, the day Sasuke had returned to Konoha he came escorted by four ANBU, walking through the gates as if he been gone for only a week not six years, Naruto had been the first to greet the lost Uchiha clapping him on the back in a friendly manner a huge grin on his face soon the rest of the rookie 9 and team Gai had welcomed Sasuke back with good greetings, he did kill Orochimaru and Itachi after all, but then came Sakura everyone waited with batted breath for her to burst into tears and jump the Uchiha but it never came instead Sasuke was thrown back by the force of the punch Sakura had delivered to his face causing everyone's Jaw to drop including Sasuke's she had then hissed "you should of stayed away we don't need traitors like you" before walking away

"Sa-Sakura-chan!" Naruto squawked out to shocked to say anything else

"I'm sure she doesn't mean it Sasuke just give her some time" Kakashi had said noticing the slight hurt look in Sasuke's eyes it disappeared as fast as it had come replaced by an emotionless gaze

"It's not like I care if she hates me or not she's just another fan girl after all" at that Naruto's surprised gaze turned into anger hence their welcome back fight commenced.

Naruto winced at the memory, wishing they would both stop being so stubborn and just make up, but then smirked as he remembered exactly who had won that fight, even though Sasuke had already been tired from the journey it still counted.

"What the hell are you smirking at Dobe"

"Stop calling me dobe Teme"

"Well stop calling me Teme Dobe" they growled at each other

"Great now we're late this is your entire fault Teme!"



Kakashi watched in amusement as his only female student yelled obscurities to the sky before punching a tree, sending it flying a good 200 yards away,

"Stupid, stupid, stupid"

"You know Sakura it's never a good sign when you begin to talk to yourself" Kakashi said lazily as he eyed her over the little orange book he was currently reading

"Say's the old man who reads porn in public" she countered

"You wound me Sakura"

"Whatever" Sakura muttered as she continued her mission to up root all the tree's in the vicinity. Kakashi sighed, where had his sweet naïve little Sakura gone? It was scary how much she had changed. After years of hard work and training from the Hokage herself Sakura had become a Jouin (sp?) following in Naruto's footsteps who had joined a few months before her. She had also grown well physically her forehead was still a little on the wide side but it was hardly noticeable, she had grown her hair past her shoulders but kept it tied back at all times this along with her soft curved nose, full mouth, flawless skin and dazzling eyes made one to many men in Konoha glance her way as she walked passed.

"SAKURA-CHAN!" Sakura stopped mid punch to turn to Naruto who was pouncing towards her, followed by a brooding Sasuke who looked less then happy to be there, Sakura huffed at the look he was giving her glaring right back as if to say 'I wish you'd go crawl somewhere and die' Sasuke raised an elegant eyebrow at her and she snorted in return turning back to her bulldozing of tree's.

"Well now everyone is here I think we should head off now don't you" Kakashi said cheerfully while jumping down from his perch in the tree

"Kakashi-Sensei you here?" Naruto stared incredulously at his sensei who was still reading the perverted novel in his hand

"well aren't we observant today" Sasuke mumbled under his breath as he came to stand next to Naruto knocking him on the back of his head to snap him out of his trance

"But Kakashi-sensei's early he's never on time let alone EARLY!" as if sensing Naruto might go into mental melt down because of the complicity of the information he'd just absorbed Sasuke whacked him, again, across the head harder this time "don't strain yourself dobe you might go into mental shut down and then who will I have to kick the shit out of?" Naruto not exactly understanding the words but picked up on the tone of an insult growled at Sasuke


"Can we leave now I have better things to do apart from watching you two act like idiots" Sakura interrupted in a bored voice before turning towards the large gates in front of them

"Hey Sakura-chan wait up!" Naruto yelled scrambling after his female team mate.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at his friends childishness before swapping his gaze to Sakura's back. It was embarrassing and down grading to know that she, who he once called weak, was now of a higher level then him maybe not in skill but in Rank, and yet he couldn't bring himself to hate her, he could never hate her.

Sure she had once been an annoying fan girl who would cling do him like a limpet and now she was a annoyingly stubborn women of 18 who avoided him like the plague, but he could never hate her, he could never hate either of them her and Naruto were precious to him even though he'd rather have his eyes gorged out than admit it.

"Hey Sasuke-Teme what you doing back there day dreaming about that snake pervert again I guess!" Naruto sniggered at him Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

Then again Hate wasn't that strong of a word really.


well what you think good bad ???


Sasuke: (on top of Itachi's head) DIE DIE DIE DIE

Sakura, Naruto and Kasame: ...(sweatdrop)

yes ... R&R