Disclaimer: Yes I do own Harry Potter. No actually, I don't, it's fruitless dream and hope I am at least allowed to nurture.

Hermione Granger

It's over I thought to myself. So what now? I could relax, read some textbooks, play chess with Ron and get beaten… oh the possibilities. I'm free. Free from doing more work for a long while.

I stepped out of the Great Hall and took a deep breath. My last exam, Charms, was fairly easy. But oh gawd, I have to check my text book to make sure I got question fourteen b correct. I found myself slowly ascending the great marble staircase in the Entrance Hall.

Yes, I'd have to check that over. If I got that wrong, my chances of getting an O are over! What if I got an E? Or even an A? What if I failed! And it's not like there's any use talking to Harry or Ron about it. They'd just laugh and say what a genius I am. That it's impossible for Hermione Granger to fail. Oh look, there they are now.

"Hi," I said and I knew I sounded anxious. "How did you do?"

I get the feeling they messed up something bad but don't want to tell me. They probably think I'll bite their heads. But it isn't my fault! I only want to help.

"Oh, it was ok," said Harry, looking at Ron. But Ron shook his head – he must've been able to tell what I was thinking about just by looking at my face.

"Hermione, when will you learn? The exam is enough to deal with. I don't want to have to relive the horror of it again!"

When will Ron learn that going through the exam afterwards helps him do better next time? All he wants to do now is probably lie around and do nothing. Some good hard nothing is.

"You get over-worked too easy Hermione," he tells me earnestly when I point this out. "You need to relax." He looks at me with his knowing blue eyes. Harry nods in agreement.

Oh I hate it when he tries to soften me up. And for some reason, it always works whether I like it or not. He knows me too well. Is that a good thing?

If I relaxed, I'd fail. I have a reputation. And I am not losing it. Too much free time is scary. I have to get O's.

I reply with scorn to his laid-back attitude and tell them I have to go to the library.

"What?" says Harry incredulously. "We don't have anymore exams. We don't even have homework!"

Harry, Harry, Harry I sigh in my head. I have loads to do for next year and besides, I have to do a bit of research on S.P.E.W. I cannot believe they still won't wear those badges.

As I march away, I can here Ron say "She's mental. Exams are over and she's still stressed."

But I'm not stressed and that's the key thing. I merely take responsibility and get my work done.

While the immature students were relaxing, I took a head start and began preparation for next year.

I spent the rest of the evening studying for next year. In the library, I worked on practice papers for next year.

And that's how I spent the end of exams – if anybody had any sense, they would do the same thing, too!

Hey everyone. So, my first high school exams are over and to celebrate, I decided to write short stories about what different characters for the Harry Potter series would do if everything were normal in the fifth book. I'll be writing more and they will generally be around this size. I cannot promise to update regularly but I'll do my best. Special credit to my editor/good friend, FanimeScribbler for inspiring me. If you review, I'll love you forever (and maybe update sooner XD). Thanks.

-the Chocofreakazoid