
Okay, hi everybody! I'm Nita Johnson and I'm about thirteen years old.

I. Love. Star. Wars! JEEZ, I LOVE IT MORE THAN ANY BOY CAN! HA on you!

I'm kind of an introvert, really. I don't hang a lot with my so-called pals, and I really love to daydream. I read and write and make posters of my favorite couplings. I have already made Harry/Hermione, Willabeth, and even Rihanna and Chris Brown! But my most favorite coupling of all has to be from Star Wars-

Anakin and Padme.

Come one, the whole idea of a forbidden love is so exciting. Don't get me wrong, no love should be forbidden, but the plot is so much more romantic and thrilling. The sad thing is, there's no happy ending, but you can think up so many alternate endings to a love so pure and so tenderly fragile, If it were to be my skin, it would be as sensitive as baby's skin. You can't beat that. Not even with Willabeth. I mean, sure, it's a sad ending in a way; Will goes for ten years, and can't see her, blah, blah, blah…but they are both alive and well…and both know that the other person loves them.

Here in Anipadme. Annie thought padme lies to him so he chokes her to being knocked out only, but then she loses the will to live and does die in childbirth, like Annie's dreams said. And at her funeral, she holds the Jipper Snappet.

No Japor Snippet. Yeah. Isn't that so sad! Sniffle…

Anyways, I am here to tell you about the greatest event of my life that has to do with Star Wars—and it really happened. I swear it. Okay so maybe it was an illusion, but I do know that it was the greatest thing ever in my life-so far.

I was daydreaming right? And then my sister comes in and starts annoying the crap outta me, and I then I start yelling, and then mom and dad come in and talk about how my attitude toward my sister is, "wrong." Then I was left alone in my room, and they told me to go to bed. I closed my eyes and wished myself in a better place for the night.

It all starts right when I was asleep…

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…"

What? What the hell? Where am I?

Nita looked down, hoping to see her body, but not seeing anything. She looked back up at the screen, which had started rolling the prelude, "Episode II: Attack of the Clones"

"Oh, God," said Nita. "This can not be happening."

But it was. She watched as the subtitles underneath the title, she felt her mouth drop.

Unrest in the Galaxy, blah blah blah…

Meanwhile, a young woman of fourteen named Tia-Shaan has been advanced by her Master, Yoda-

"Tia-who? What? What the heck is going on?"

Who has sensed danger on the life of Senator Amidala. Tia-Shaan will now accompany Senator Amidala to Naboo, along with Anakin Skywalker.

"What am I doing her?" Nita said aloud, as the last of the subtitles rolled away. She suddenly felt herself being pulled towards a planet in Light Speed.

"Ahhhhhhhh!: she screamed. She felt herself becoming sick, so she clutched her stomach, and closed her eyes. Ohhhh, she was so going to throw up.

And then-


Nita landed on her feet in a bright room.

"Tia-Shaan, are you alright?"

Oh, god. I am NOT Tia-Shaan. Please don't let me be Tia-Shaan.

Nita opened her eyes. She was standing in Padme's room, where Padme herself stood over her, looking alarmed. She was not the only one-Jar-Jar and a couple of other people were standing around her in concern. Nita gulped and looked at herself.

She wore effing Jedi Clothing. The traditional white vest, and brown undershirt and the freaking pants, along with these black boots. And-oh my god-a freaking lightsaber! Who would trust Nita with anything as dangerous as a lightsaber? A lunatic?

Oh. Right. She fell asleep. This was a dream. Okay, time to wake up now.

She shook her head to wake herself up-and did not feel any hair whip her face as usual.

Oh, no. Not the hair. Her beloved hair was cut off. Damn it.

"Um…" she said politely, straightening up. "May I please be directed to the girl's lavatory?"

"The what?" said Padme in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

"I-I meant-" Nita stuttered. "The-uh-the-um-the fresher, please!"

"Oh…" said Padme slowly. "It's…over there." She pointed with her finger. Nita followed the finger to the door, opened it, and closed the door behind her.


This was a very pretty fresher. The toilet was painted light pink, and everything was clean and shiny.

Nita found the mirror over the sink and stared.

And stared and stared and stared.

Her hair was raven-black with gold stripes, and it was dead straight (eeek!) It reached her jaw, and made her look like a bad girl. Jeez! And a small braid trailed down right cheek to her shoulder from her forehead-covering bangs.

And her face-


Outside, Padme stared at the door and turned to look at jar-Jar.

"What do you think is wrong?" she asked.

"Mesas confused as you are, milady," replied Jar-Jar.

Nita's face was the same skin color, but her lips were painted faint gold-ish. Her eyelashes were long(!) and her eyes-!

The eye has a circle of iris surrounding a small black dot-the pupil. Her eyes' circles now were shaped as stars! This was too bizarre.

Nita bowed her head, trying to grasp everything. In this dream, she was Jedi, with the power of the force…

She stared at a soap bar on the sink. She thought hard of lifting it into her hand.

It lifted at her slightest push, and she washed her hands.

"Okay," she said. "Okay. SO I am now Tia-Shaan, the Jedi. I can stand alongside the main characters and watch the film unfold OR tell everyone how I am so not meant to be here…OR maybe I can play along with it all and maybe even change the outcome of the story."

Nita looked once again at her eyes. If this was all a vivid dream, she would like very much to wake up.

But until that happens? Not the case here.

She sighed and bowed her head. She suddenly felt the force rising within her, making her stronger.

It was the end of Nita Johnson from here on in. She was now Tia-Shaan.

But she would never forget her name.

A/N: Well, that's the first chapter. I'm telling you NOW, that I will not let this girl become a Mary Sue like my other ones. She may have a bit of wisdom to show here and there, but honestly-she's not going to be in the spotlight all the time!