OK, First of all, thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter of DWF. I'm glad you liked it. Many of you asked for a sequel so I'm giving it a go! So, I hope some people who read DWF will try this too! It'll probably be about the same length. I hope it's as good!

BTW, if anyone reading this hasn't read Divided We Fall, you really need to read that first as this carries straight on! R & R!! Thanks!!

Disclaimer: Still not mine.

Together We Stand

Sequel to Divided We Fall

Chapter One

It was all quiet on board the TARDIS. It had been for a while.

The Doctor had thrown himself into discovering their destination, it seemed to be his one purpose. He mumbled to himself constantly, glasses hastily being flung on and off, as he circled the console continuously. The three companions were being taken on a merry dance, following a homing beacon. The TARDIS was jerking left and right, the Doctor cursing loudly as he tackled to quieten his beloved ship.

"Been through a lot, poor old thing," he had mumbled, turning and hitting buttons, never wasting a second.

"Like you," Jack had replied in hushed tones.

The Doctor had stopped and looked up at his friend in surprise. He had apparently forgotten he even had company. Typical.

"Old?" The Doctor had answered, and Jack had smiled back, because for a moment, just a tiny moment, that familiar twinkle was back in the Time Lord's eye. There was a beat and then it was gone and that far away, pained look once again covered his friend's handsome features. He looked back down at his work and didn't speak again.

That had been five hours ago and not one friendly word had been exchanged since. Martha, who had been sat in the chair beside the Doctor, reading a book, trying not to look as worried as she obviously felt, had given up and finally retired to her room. She had sighed deeply, giving Jack a pleading look as she had walked by. He had understood the look. She may as well have screamed, "DO SOMETHING! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He knew it was how she really felt. She didn't need to tell him, it was all there in her eyes. The Doctor was scared and damaged and they had no idea what to do for him.

'He's like this because of me' Jack thought. 'because I was too selfish to let him go.'

Turning away from the Time Lord for a moment, Jack brought a weary hand up to his forehead, remembering that awful moment, when he had held the Doctor's lifeless body in his arms. The Doctor had succumbed, finally, after a battle to the death with a rival Time Lord, The Master. His body had been ravaged by the Master's evil use of the power of the Vortex and his mind burnt out. There should have been no more lives, no more regenerations. He had gone, was at peace, until Jack had dragged him back.

Jack had got the better of the Master, too late of course. After taking the vortex power from evil Gallifreyan, he had then allowed the Time Lord to escape. He was beamed aboard another ship before Jack had even had the chance to figure out what was happening and that was that, his only chance at revenge wasted. Then the vortex had whispered to Jack:

"Bring him back, I need him!"

Jack shouldn't have listened, he knew the Doctor better than the Vortex had. But the Captains own need had won out in the end and he had brought the Doctor back, using the last of his own vortex power in the process. And he had revived him, oh yeah, he had saved him. They had then discovered the Doctor had bugged the Master with a homing device. And they had all decided, the three of them, to go after the evil sonofabitch together. There had been a steeliness about the Doctor's resolve that Jack had not expected. The Doctor wanted to kill the Master. And Jack firmly believed that he could do it.

Because the Doctor had changed. He had sensed almost immediately that there was something wrong, that he was different. He had questioned Jack about it but Jack hadn't answered him. How could he? He could he tell the Time Lord that he was forever wrong? That time had been changed for him? It had been hard for the Doctor too look at Jack when the Captain had been in that same position. Jack didn't want to imagine how he was feeling. One thing was for sure, the Doctor would never forgive Jack once he realised what the ex Time Agent had done. And Jack couldn't blame him. After all, he couldn't forgive himself.


One softly spoken word was enough to bring Jack out of his self-pitying haze. He turned and smiled at the Doctor.

"Where's Martha?" His voice was so low, Jack had to strain to hear him.

"She went to her room to rest."

The Doctor nodded and then seemed to want to say something else but decided against it. He lowered his eyes back to the console. Jack followed his gaze and saw, to his further agony, that the Doctor had simply been tapping the console for the last - God only knows how long - length of time. He was staring at the central column, though his eyes weren't connecting with it. He was in his own little world.

His lips began to form words. Jack leant in to hear.

"What did you do to me, Jack?"

Jack swallowed hard. So, he knew then.

The Captain moved up behind the Doctor and placed a hand on his shoulder.


The Doctor let out a pained cry and leapt away from Jack.

"Don't touch me!" He snapped. "Don't you ever touch me again!" He backed away from the Captain, shaking.

Jack took a step towards him, his arms held aloft, causing the Doctor to flinch madly. "You did this to me!" He sobbed. "Why did you do it?"

"I'm sorry," Jack whispered, "I'm so sorry."

The Doctor's large brown eyes widened, he looked scared, confused. Jack's heart was breaking but what could he do? He knew what was wrong with the Doctor, knew he himself had caused the pain. And he had no idea how to put him right.

"Help me, Jack," the Doctor whimpered, tears in his eyes. "Get it out of me!"

Jack couldn't respond. He stared, horror struck, as with a shout of fury, the Doctor raced to the far side of the control room and began to thump the TARDIS wall as hard as he could. Jack couldn't seem to move as he watched the Doctor pound the wall with his fist, repeating the same word over and over again:


Jack shut his eyes and covered his ears, trying to block the Doctor out, trying to block out his own guilt. This wasn't happening.. he'd destroyed the one man he adored more than life itself. He couldn't stand it...

"JACK!" A female voice screeched.

Jack opened his eyes. The banging had ceased. He looked down to find Martha crouched beside the Doctor, who was now on his knees, cradling his beaten and bloodied hand in his lap. The medical student was attempting to see too the Doctor's hand. The Doctor didn't take his eyes off of Jack. Once she had finished, Martha cuddled the trembling Time Lord, putting her arms around him protectively.

"What were you doing?" Martha spat at Jack. "Didn't you hear him beating up the wall? Or are you deaf now as well as stupid?"

He had no reply. "I'm sorry.."

"Save it," she shot back. He could see she was furious, who could blame her?

She was staring at him now. With one quick glance at the Doctor, Martha let go off him, stood up and walked over to Jack. She placed a comforting hand on his arm.

"I'm more shocked than angry Jack," she told him, calmly, as if she had read his mind. "The Doctor's acting strangely enough as it is, don't you start losing it on me too, OK?"

He fought back tears. She smiled. "I need you and so does he."

Jack laughed unkindly. "He needs me gone!"

"He'd be dead if it weren't for you."

Another cruel laugh. "He'd prefer that."

"I don't believe that," she stated. "He's confused. Scared." She lowered her voice. "And I'm terrified for him Jack. But we have to keep going. We have to believe in HIM." Her eyes lowered to the floor. "It's not so long ago you said that to me."

He smiled. "Yeah, but then I destroyed him."

Martha shook her head. "The Master did that."

Jack's eyes narrowed at the mention of the name he detested. "He'll pay." He said, simply.

Martha nodded. She looked back over at the Doctor and was surprised to see he was sleeping.

"Take him to his room, Jack." She whispered, "He'll need a bandage for that hand, he's done a bit of damage."

"He heals fast," Jack told her.

She shrugged. "I know, but I'm still worried." She smiled. "Go on then, he needs some rest doesn't he?"

Jack hesitated. "What if the TARDIS.."

"I'll stay here and keep an eye on things. If our route changes or if I suddenly hear any ear splitting warning sirens, anything – I'll let you know."

He smiled, remembering entirely why he loved the young medical student. He walked over to the Doctor, stooped low and picked him up.

"I'll stay with him, make sure he's OK," Jack told Martha.

She smiled. "Try and get some rest yourself," she replied. He nodded and then exited the room, clutching his precious load. Martha watched him go, a sad expression on her face. She reached out and patted the console.

"You've caused some trouble, girl," she whispered.

Entering the Doctor's bedroom, Jack moved as quickly as he could to the bed and dropped the Doctor onto it. The Doctor sighed contently, a more peaceful look on his face.

"Pleasant dreams," Jack whispered and stroked the Doctor's hair away from his forehead.

Jack laid down beside the Doctor, never taking his eyes off of the sleeping Time Lord. He didn't want to sleep as he didn't want to be the first thing the Doctor saw when he woke up, in case that alarmed him again. Jack would keep his distance, if that was what the Doctor needed.

Unable to stop himself, Jack reached out and touched the Doctor's hand. To his shock, the Doctor instinctively grabbed Jack's hand and held on, murmuring in his dreams.

Jack smiled, enjoyed the contact.

"I won't leave you." He told the sleeping man. And then, he kissed him gently on his nose.

The Doctor didn't stir.