Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genesis Trilogy: Prophecy
Summary: The Dead Sea Scrolls predicted 4 Nephilim: Tabris, Tabrias, Azela, and Azrael. They would protect humanity against the Angels. But in order to do so, one would destroy everyone. Is Shinji Ikari really Azrael, the Angel of Death? And what exactly is Instrumentality? How does it differ from Third Impact?
Disclaimer: I don't own Evangelion. This story takes place after the initial storyline (after Koaru's death).
Book of Kyoko
A fist landed next to Misato's eye, stunning her momentarily and allowing the red-haired girl to escape her grasp as she continued to flail about. She was spared another strike from Asuka by Ritsuko's quick hand, but together they still couldn't restrain her. Still, they persisted, trying to stop Asuka from hurting herself as her body shook uncontrollably. Unfortunately, the more they struggled to hold her down, the more she fought against them.
Finally, they were both blown backward as an AT Field manifested itself in a cocoon shape around Asuka, who curled up in a ball and didn't move.
Misato turned to Ritsuko, "Any ideas as to what is going on?"
Ritsuko shook her head as she stared at the Field. Shinji approached causiously, lightly placing his hand on the glowing boundary.
Wake up, Asuka…
Go Away! I don't want to see anymore!
You can't keep running away from your problems like this, Asuka.
So shoving them down my throat is supposed to help?
The answers to your problems are in your memories.
I Don't Want To See Them! Stop Showing Them To Me!
Then you'll never move on. Don't you want to know the truth?
… … …
… Yes. I do.
Then I will use my powers to enhance your memory, and show you.
To Asuka, it was as if her life was playing backwards on a tape. She saw her worst memories flash before her eyes, including being strangled by her mother. But as she continued to go backwards, she noticed something.
Who are they?
The image froze as she looked at that particular memory. She could see her mother, still healthy, talking to an older woman who had a small boy and girl hiding behind her leg. There was also a very old man there, who had another small boy standing next to him with an odd smile. Their names came to her instantly.
Mama, Yui, Shinji, Rei, Keil, Kaoru.
I knew them. I knew them all.
Now the memories started to move forward. She saw herself playing with the other children, being watched by a woman who had blue hair streaked with silver. She saw a sweet memory when she fell and skinned her knee, and Kaoru stayed with her in the Nurse's Office until she felt better.
I forgot all about them, because I didn't want to remember what happened to Mama. I pushed all my memories back.
She saw more memories play before her. Her constant teasing Shinji and Rei. Listening in on the Adults as they talked behind closed doors using a cup against the wall. Trying to teach Rei to play with dolls.
Wait! I liked dolls?
Making a doll of herself, and giving it to her mother.
So that's where she got it.
Sneaking into her mother's lab and stealing a vial of something. Running away and hearing footsteps behind her. Panicking and thinking she was caught. Swallowing the fluid and throwing the vial away to try and remove all evidence. Becoming sick for several weeks and being hospitalized.
That was stupid of me.
Then, one final memory flashed before her.
A three year old Asuka crouched next to the door, placing the cup against the wall to hear inside the room.
"How does it look."
"Not good, Kyoko. I'm sorry."
"How bad is it, Yui?"
"Mental Degeneration. It's genetic, but with the chemicals you were exposed to, you probably won't last another two years. I'm really sorry, Kyoko. Not even Gendo would want you stuck in here for the rest of your life."
"What's going to happen between the two of you?"
There was silence before Yui answered, "I filed for divorce."
Asuka heard her mother gasp, "Oh no! Yui, don't do that just because of me!"
"It's not just that."
"Don't say that! I know I was married to him and distraught over his divorcing me to marry you, but that's no reason to…"
"I caught him cheating on me."
Another gasp, "With who?"
"Yes. It's not enough that I gave birth, he still has to be 'satisfied', and because I'm not around to do it, he gets someone else."
"And to think I asked him for his genetics for my child. What have I done to my poor Asuka?"
"Don't worry, Kyoko. Everything will work out."
"And if my Mental Degeneration is genetic, what will happen to her."
"She won't suffer from it, since she stole the sample and ingested it."
"Which means she'll have to pilot it?"
"Most likely."
"What about your AI experiment?"
"Keil says that even if it doesn't work, he still wants it installed on every Eva. But the one that will be in Unit 01 will be the most powerful."
"Will it work though, so that older people can pilot them?"
"I don't know. I hope so, but the Scrolls say that only Nephilim will fight."
"Not my Asuka. She'll be going through enough pain as it is!"
"I don't want her fighting any more than you."
"By the way, do we know anything about the stolen sample?"
"Nothing, though I think Gendo has it."
"He's been searched three times!"
"I know which makes me dislike him all the more. He's hiding something, and whatever it is, I don't like it."
At that moment, Asuka sneezed, and the adults paused. Then her mother said, "That could be Asuka listening in again."
"I'll look."
Asuka quickly dashed down the hall and around the corner. The last thing she really wanted to do was be caught by Yui Ikari.
Now things make sense! Things are not always what they seem to be! I need to look at all the possibilities together! That's why I couldn't get beyond that first possibility!
So she tried again. This time, it was different. A massive, white giant hovered in a red sky, a red sea beneath him. Massive wings of energy spread from his back, radiating power that bordered on absolute.
Then one, two, four, five Eva's appeared, each with wings of their own, circling the massive giant. She saw her Unit 02 open its mouth and speak:
"Oh filthy hypocrite, he who tried to be a god incarnate, how low you have fallen. All your abominations destroyed, and none to defend you. Here and now it shall be decided, and we shall triumph and restore humanity. You can't cause a Fourth Impact, and your attempt at a Third failed. Now you shall finally pay the price for your Second Impact, Adam."
The giant growled, and the battle was joined.
And the vision vanished.
"Asuka?" Shinji asked again, hoping to get through to his roommate. Asuka's eyes slowly opened as large, white feathered wings unfurled from her back. She smiled standing as her AT Field dissipated, now completely under her control. Her eyes lost focus, and she teetered. Thinking quickly, Shinji caught her before she could fall, and was surprised to feel her embracing him with her arms and her new wings.
"Thank you, little brother," she whispered, before promptly falling asleep.
Rei Ayanami continued to stare at the ceiling of her apartment. There was nothing else for her to do for now. Her homework was done, and she had no duties at NERV for the time being.
"I am not needed," she thought aloud.
I would not simply assume that, my child.
She sat up in shock, "Who's there?"
You know who I am. Listen carefully…