Author's Note: So, who's enjoying this whole double-episode thing? Yes, I know it was only one week and there's only one more like it but still. The fact that Bones won it's time slot by a freaking landslide on a night that wasn't it's regular night? Oh, and by the way, actually had more viewers than, say, Lost?...Yeah.

Basically, this is post-ep for 'Cinderella in the Cardboard'. I was going to do one for 'Mayhem on the Cross', but honestly? It's freaking perfect and amazing the way it is. (Oh and also, there will probably be an episode titled 'The Heart of the Matter' eventually, if not sooner.)

Brennan sighs as she stares deep into Booth's now almost empty bottle of scotch. She laughs. "Sorry, I..." She picks up the bottle from her lap and waves it at him.

Booth gives a shake of his head. "No, it's fine." He replies, holding up his glass. "We shared."

Nodding, Brennan leans her head back against the couch and closes her eyes. The effects of the day, coupled with the effects of the alcohol, begin to wear her thin.

He feels his breath catch in his throat, and he finds himself fighting the urge he's been finding himself fighting a lot more frequently; the one where he just wants to reach out, wants to brush that stray hair way and maybe, just maybe...his hand could dip just a little further, and she'd act like she didn't mind. Booth grabs his glass in both hands, his fingers leaving behind their imprints.

Brennan sighs before opening her eyes and attempting to stand. "Well, it's late. Thank you for the company and your insight. I can only hope that, in time, your theory will prove to be true."

"Bones, wait." Booth says, his hand reaching out and clasping her arm. He feels something kin to electricity flicker through him. "You should stay here."

Surprise flashes through her eyes. "Booth, you've already done enough for me." Brennan replies as she fidgets on the edge of the couch, fully aware that Booth had yet to remove his hand from her arm. "I couldn't ask you to let me say."

"That's the thing, Bones; you didn't ask, I offered." Booth replies with a smile. "It's late, we've been drinking, you're tired. Just stay."

Brennan sees the warmth in his eyes, the genuine concern for her, and it's enough to make her eyes well up. She knew he had concern for her, that he worried about her, but she still finds herself surprised by it every time. His fingers cause tingly-like feelings, a warmth that comes from something more than just physical contact, and she knows in that moment she can't possibly turn him down. "Fine, but don't even bother acting all...chivalrous. I'm sleeping on the couch."

Booth smirks at her slight slurring of words. "It's better than me worrying about you trying to drive home."

"Why do you always worry about me when you know I am perfectly-" Brennan pauses because she can't quite remember what she was trying to say, just that there was a reason for it. "I can take care of myself."

"Because I-" Booth stops, his hand freezing still against her arm. A few seconds tick by, and he knows if he doesn't say something soon they will be in very uncomfortable territory. "I'll go grab you a couple blankets."

Brennan finds a pair of pajamas she actually isn't that surprised to find she has there. It isn't the first time she's stayed the night, after all. Her mind is slightly clouded, but she finds herself a little struck by the domesticity of it all. Where there would normally be a slight avoidance to anything of the sort, she realizes she feels almost comforted by the idea.

Booth lets her have the first shower, not because she asked but because he felt it was the right thing to do. He ignores the voice in his head that sounds like Sweets that asks him why he feels that way. After getting out of the shower, he walks into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. On the way back to his room, he stops near the couch when the sight of Brennan sleeping catches his eye. He's seen her sleep before of course, numerous times, enough that he knows the way her brow creases as she sighs or the way she sometimes bites her lip. The blanket slips from her shoulder as her sleeping form changes position, and he takes the last few strides over to tuck it back in place. He pulls back, Brennan's face framed perfectly between the pillow and the blanket, and Booth catches himself staring at her again. It's not as if he wants to exactly, or even that he likes the way his heart starts beating faster any time they're this close, he isn't quite sure what it is. Actually, if he's honest with himself he knows exactly what it is. But that speech she gave? It's proof she's not quite there yet.

A sigh exits Brennan's lips before the bottom one is drawn in, her head tilting to the side and resting against her curled palm.

Just like that, Booth knows he's willing to wait, regardless of the time it takes. "Night, Bones." He whispers before placing a kiss on her cheek, letting his lips linger for a few seconds longer than he would if she were actually awake.

"Mmm, that feels nice." Brennan whispers, a smile curving the corners of her mouth.

For a moment, Booth stands there wondering if she's awake, and if she is what exactly he's supposed to do next, because there really is no explaining that one away. When she doesn't say anything more, he stands up straight before picking up his glass from the coffee table. She's asleep, or at least pretending to be so, and he's willing to give her that. It takes all of his restraint, but he eventually finds himself walking back to his own room in search of a night's sleep.