The young woman watched the old couple sitting in the corner of the small tavern. They were lost in each other's eyes, completely besotted with each other, despite the drunken ruckus going on around them. The man reached over and brushed a stray hair off of the woman's face. She smiled and leaned into his touch. They looked peaceful and happy together.

The young woman sighed and brushed invisible dirt off her apron. She hated to interrupt their tender moment, but she knew if she didn't her boss would yell at her that she wasn't serving her customers, especially ones as important as they were. So she straightened up and walked over to their table.

"Hey folks," she asked, balancing a serving tray on her hip and nearly yelling over the noise. "Can I get ya anything?"

The man looked up at her and smiled, and for a moment the young waitress was jealous of the old woman.

"Just some of the house brew for me," he replied. "Do you want anything, bao bei?" He directed his question to the woman at his side. She smiled at him as though he was the universe to her. Which, the young waitress couldn't help but think, he probably was.

"I'll have the same," the woman replied, this time directing her smile to the waitress. The young woman smiled in return and headed back to the bar to get their order, bumping into a drunk patron on her way.

"Hey! Lookie here!" a young man, drunk off his rocker, stumbled his way over to the old couple in the corner. "It's General Reynolds! Leader of the Inn'pen'ents!" He raised his glass to the couple, who nodded and smiled indulgently.

"Three cheers for the General!" the drunken man cheered. The rest of the patrons joined in his cheer, toasting the person who led the movement for change across the universe. The waitress brought their ale over and set it down in front of them. She joined in, cheering her childhood hero. The old man thanked her and wrapped his arm around his wife. He lifted his glass in toast to her.

"Three cheers for the General," he repeated, kissing her soundly on the mouth. "Happy Independence Day, River."