And now introducinggggg….Another unfinished story…

Hermione wondered why her life had to be so complicated at times. People thought that she knew everything, and that her astoundingly perfect grades came naturally. They seemed to believe that even though she studied, it was not necessary. The truth was, Hermione wasn't all that different from any other student at Hogwarts.

I'm off to the library!" Hermione sang in a happy voice as she bounced out of her chair near the window in the Gryffindor common room.

"But you just came from the library Hermione!" Ron commented as he too rose from his chair and followed Hermione toward the exit. "You know, you study more than any other student at Hogwarts, and you could get the same grades even if you didn't study at all."

"That's true 'Mione" Harry commented from the great chair in front of the fireplace.

Hermione glanced backwards just before she reached the door and smiled at her two best friends as she climbed though the passageway.

Her shiny black shoes reached the red carpet of the hallway outside the painting of the Fat Lady. Away from any classmate, especially Ron and Harry, her smile faded into a slight frown. She knew that Ron and Harry were not trying to upset her, they didn't even know, but every time her smartness was mentioned, she was forced into a state of uncomfortable disappointment in herself.

She slowly walked down the corridors, running her hand along the side of the walls. Her fingertips brushing the sides of picture frames. These were the times Hermione liked best. When she could just be by herself and take in the safety and security that Hogwarts offered her, especially when she felt alone. She usually took her time traveling to the library for just this reason.