Chapter 6

A Rude Interruption

Sasuke and Sakura were embraced tightly, lips locked. And everything around them seemed to fade away.

Sakura felt utter bliss right now, and felt that nothing could ever bring her down from this high. At least that's what she hoped.

Sasuke suddenly went completely rigid, no longer giving anything to their kiss, him embrace around Sakura lax and his gaze was focused on something beyond Sakura. Craning her neck slightly, she saw a figure standing in the doorway.

"Aw~ how adorable… the Uchiha found himself a mate." The voice was unfamiliar, but Sasuke's look told her exactly who it was. Sakura turned and faced the doorway, and there stood one of the Suna transfer students. The youngest, he was about as tall as Sakura was, but had a feel around him that made him seem much taller.

His build looked similar to both Naruto and Sasuke, but he had a feel of darkness around him.

At the moment he wasn't flanked by his siblings, so Sakura figured he wasn't as much of a threat. But still…

"What are you doing here Gaara?!" Sasuke's voice held an immeasurable amount of malice. But Gaara didn't seem to be phased by it, he simply stood there, arms crossed, with a cocky smile on his face.

"How rude, Sasuke. Is that any way to speak to an old friend?" he asked mockingly, Sasuke's fists clenched tightly, "well, truth be told, I just wanted to see if it was true what Temari told me, that Sasuke Uchiha had found himself a new girl."

Gaara's eyes centered on Sakura and his smile faded, "hmm.. So this is your new toy eh?" his eyes seemed to follow up and down Sakura, taking in everything, "oh Sasuke, you really now how to pick them, don't you."

Sasuke pressed his hand to Sakura and motioned for her to get back, she knew what would come next, Sasuke was about to rip Gaara's head off, but it worried Sakura. Gaara seemed like he wanted that, that he wanted Sasuke to make a move and target him.

"Where are kankuro and Temari?" Sasuke asked, Gaara's smirk spread on his lips again, "well, Temari went off into the party, she wanted to find some guy she saw earlier, and kankuro, well he's trying to find the Uzumaki brat, they have business to take care of… just like you and I do." This worried Sasuke, he knew that Naruto could handle kankuro in a fair fight, but the sand brother didn't enjoy fair fights, so Sasuke knew he had to be quick and get to Naruto's aide.

Before Sakura could say anything against it, Sasuke rushed Gaara, fists at his side ready to swing, Gaara just stood there, anticipating Sasuke's blows, and all she could do was watch.

Naruto had brought Hinata to an empty room on the second floor. It was spacious with a large bed in the room, that's where Naruto had laid Hinata down.

At the moment, Hinata's mind was going nonstop, thinking about what was going to happen, if not for her control her face would have been a deep red by now.

Naruto had shut the door behind them, so she had a good idea of what he had in mind, but it made her anxious, thinking about it, thinking that after only a day he would be thinking of doing something like this.

While Hinata sat on the bed, Naruto had positioned himself on the ground at the bed's side. Simply looking up at Hinata. "Gomen ne, Hinata. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that." he said with a huge grin on his face, it seemed forced.

"Naruto… you don't have to worry," Hinata muttered, "it's fine with me…"

Naruto rested his chin on the edge of the bed, still on the floor, "I'm sorry for what had happened this morning, I guess I never really did apologize." Hinata had all but forgotten their morning incident, but now, she didn't see it as something to be mad about. "No, it's fine Naruto," she muttered again, that's when it hit her,

"I'm sorry!" she said, practically shouting, this caught Naruto by surprise. Not once had he heard Hinata raise her voice like that. "Ne, why are you apologizing?" Naruto tilted his head in confusion. Hinata realized he forgot about the "love tap" she'd thrown at him that morning. "For the slap," Hinata said, bringing her voice down again to a near mutter, "does it hurt?"

Naruto looked confused, until he realized what she meant, "oh that? No, it's fine. I get worse from Sasuke whenever I get him mad, you don't have to worry" he said, plastering that silly grin on his face again.

Hinata couldn't help but giggle at his silliness, she hadn't expected it, but she really was getting along well with Naruto. Instead of being nervous and shy the way she'd pictured it.

"Ne, Hinata, can I ask you something?" Naruto asked, his tone suggested he was second-guessing himself, but still. "What is it Naruto?" she asked, "well, I was wondering, I don't really know anything about you… so I was wondering if… if you could tell me about yourself."

Hinata felt kinda shocked, not many people had really ever asked about her, or her life. Most people assumed that she had a wonderful life. That her life was perfect since she was the "princess" of the Hyuuga family. But that was far from the actual truth.

Naruto rethought his question and panicked when he noticed Hinata was having a hard time talking about it, "eh…Hinata, you know what, it's fine, you don't have to tell me anything." He was talking quickly, and Hinata knew why, he must have noticed how hard it felt to talk about her life.

Without thinking, Hinata laid one finger on Naruto's lips, bringing him to a hush. Once he stopped talking, Hinata began to regale him with the tail of her life. "Well, I was born to be the heir of the Hyuuga family, and at a young age, I lost my mother when she gave birth to my younger sister…"

Sakura looked on in utter despair, they Sasuke, stood, bruising and breathing heavily, while Gaara hadn't batted an eye.

She was filled with a strong hate for the red-head, he was causing Sasuke so much distress, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

Sasuke mustered his strength and charged at Gaara once again, swinging his fists, hoping to get some contact. Gaara merely sidestepped his punch and in an instant was inches from Sasuke, bringing his knee up, he made contact with Sasuke's abdomen, knocking what little breath that was left out of his lungs.

And with a quick palm thrust, Sasuke was on the ground, beside Sakura, nearly four feet away.

Sakura was in complete shock now, seeing Sasuke tossed around like he was some kind of rag doll. As he laid at her feet, Sakura's eyes began to tear up, hot and burning they streamed down her cheeks, unable to stop them.

Before Sakura even noticed, Gaara was in her face, so close she could smell his breath. Before Sakura could think, she swung her arm at Gaara, she made contact with his cheek, but Gaara didn't even flinch. His skin felt cold and solid, like he had armor.

Sakura started to pull her arm away, when Gaara, with his unparalleled speed took hold of her arm, pulling her closer. She came in full contact of Gaara, his hand shot up and took firm hold of her chin, turning her face and looking her over.

"Hmmm… wow Sasuke, I take back what I said before, your choice in women has gone down since last time." Gaara said, bitterly.

Before Sakura could say something that would make a demon faint, she hears the sound of heavy footsteps along with a girl screaming, and not just any girl. Sakura noticed the voice that was screaming, the voice she'd heard for the last two years while living together. It was Hinata.

"Let go! Put us down!" was what Sakura heard, but couldn't see her friend, Gaara's grip hadn't relaxed, but the word us, stood out clear to Sakura. Hinata wasn't alone, and apparently she wasn't coming down the steps of her own free will.

Sakura ripped away from Gaara's grip and turned to face a stairway. Coming down the stairs was the Gaara's brother, the one named kankuro, he was large and strong, and at the moment he looked irritated. He entered the room carrying a struggling Hinata and to Sakura's horror a battered and bruised Naruto, above all he was as well, unmoving.

Sakura was facing away from Gaara at the moment, but she could hear the sick pleasure in his voice as he spoke to his brother, "Oi, Kankuro, where did you find that?" kankuro grinned at Gaara, "I found it laying around, look," he said raising Naruto, "I found a rat," with his other hand, demonstrating his immense strength raised Hinata, "and a mouse." Sakura looked back to Gaara, who was at the moment, laughing. "Well toss them, you have no idea where they've been."

Kankuro laughed, "you're right bro, I think I'll ditch the rat." With that, kankuro tossed Naruto out of his arms and dropped him at least five feet to the ground. His gaze moved over to Hinata, "but… I think I'll keep the mouse." He said, smirking, "I think she'll make a good plaything." Hinata had not once stopped thrashing about trying to get kankuro to let go, though he must not have noticed.

Gaara, on the other hand, had once again placed his gaze on Sakura, "hmmm.. I know what you mean kankuro. I think I'd like to hold onto this one." Gaara had gotten unnervingly close to Sakura, "what do you say little cherry-blossom. Wanna be mine."

Sakura was both terrified and disgusted. The only thing that really went through her mind was how horrible Gaara was. Without thinking, she pulled away from Gaara and gave him a shove. It must have been strong enough, because Gaara stumbled back.

It wasn't the kind of stumble that gave Sakura any chance of getting away from him though, it was just a step or two back from his original spot.

The look on his face said it all, the look that made Sakura realize her mistake.

In the blink of an eye, Sakura felt her head bang against the wall, and her throat close suddenly. Before long she was gasping for air.

She clawed at Gaara's arm which was what was clenching her throat shut.

With her no oxygen flowing into her, Sakura slowly began to pass out. Her vision began to slowly fade away as she drifted into unconsciousness.

Before that happened though, she saw a sight that she would never have thought would be pleasant. At that moment, a police officer had barged into the house and had spotted Gaara, strangling Sakura.

The officer raised his gun and pointed it directly at Gaara. "Drop her!" the officer shouted. Gaara was strong, but not strong enough to stand up to a gun. And without a second thought, dropped his hold on Sakura.

Sakura slumped down the side of the wall, as fresh air hit her lungs, it burned in her throat, but it was a relaxing and relieving burn.

She looked up and saw a familiar face of Konoha's finest. Ibiki Morino, head of the police department.

Before Sakura had a chance to even stand, she was pushed to the ground by an officer and handcuffed.

With her face pressed to the floor, her eyesight was limited, but from what she could see, beside her were Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata, all being treated the same way.

Around her she saw few other kids being handcuffed, the rest probably ran off, probably hearing the sirens of the police coming.

Before long, Sakura had been loaded into a squad car, with her three companions. The look on both Sasuke and Naruto's face was the same, down to the bruises on their cheeks. If Sakura hadn't been handcuffed still at the moment, she would have run her hand down Sasuke's cheek to see how badly it was bruised.

They both had a look of complete despair. They were both beaten so badly and the thought of something happening to either Hinata or Sakura wasn't something they wanted to think about, but it could have been a possibility.

"Ne, Hinata, I'm sorry for this." Naruto said, he tried to smile, even if it was forced, but failed from the pain of the bruises on his cheek, "Sakura. Please forgive me for letting that happen to you" Sasuke said, he couldn't even look Sakura in the eye. It was too hard for him.

"It's fine Sasuke, you don't have to worry," Sakura said, in a warm and soothing voice, "it'll be fine." But even Sakura had trouble believing that.

Finally! Sorry for the unbelievably long wait. The next chapters will hopefully be up quicker than this, but no promises. R&R! I still need ideas as to how this story will go. Thanks ^.^ Ja Ne.