Desert Tracker.

All the Naruto characters belong to Massashi Kishimoto. Cassandra and everything else not in the Naruto world belongs to me. This story is written in play form, from Cassandra's point of view.

The storyline has been changed a bit, to suit my purposes. I hope you enjoy. Tobi X Oc (Cassandra).

Everything in italics is the characters action or thought.

Chapter 1. Finding Home.

Many years ago, in the middle of the desert, twenty miles away from the Sand Village...two mysterious cloaked figures came across a small, skinny girl whose leg was caught in a bear trap. The two men were none other than Sasori and Deidara of the Akatsuki, on their way home from a mission. That girl was me, and this is my story.

Deidara: Hey, Sasori, what's that over there?

Sasori: Not our concern.

Deidara: Awww, c'mon Sasori un! I wanna go check it out!

Sasori: sigh Fine.

Deidara: Look Sasori, it's a

Sasori: Girl...a dirty, scraggly one, but a girl none the less.

Deidara: What's your name huh?

Cass: is Cassandra.

Deidara: Why are you sitting out here then?

Cass: I'm waiting for my Father and Uncles. They said they would be back to get me if I was a good girl.

Sasori:...Did they put your leg in that trap?

Cass: Yes Sir.


Cass: I was bad, and it hurt a lot at first, but not so much now. I can't really feel it at all.

Sasori whispering to Deidara It's obvious she's being abused. Just look at her. She's emaciated, and has bruises and cuts all over her. What kind of people put a child's leg in a bear trap? It's inhumane.

Deidara: whispering back Should we take her un? Pein may not like it much, but...

Cass: I lean my head towards them and whisper...Why are we whispering?

Deidara: We were deciding what we should do with you un.

Cass: Why would you do anything to me Mister?

Deidara: Oh, my name's Deidara un, and that's Sasori.

Cass: bows head It's nice to meet you.

Sasori: Would you like to come with us Cassandra?

Cass: Father wouldn't like that very much.

Deidara: How would he know un?

Cass: Because he's coming now. I point to three figures running towards us My Uncles are with him too.

Sasori: Well, we can either walk away, or you come with us and we run. What would you like to do?

Cass: I look at him with hollow blue eyes Please, Mister Sasori, if you could undo the trap, I could take care of them.

Sasori: How could you possibly take on three grown adults? How old are you, 7, 8?

Cass: I'm 10 Sir, please, let me do it. I wouldn't feel right if you just took me.

Deidara: Oh, let her do it Sasori. I know I'd like to mutilate anyone who treated me so badly un.

Sasori: Fine. He undid the trap and I weakly stood up. By now the three men are only a few feet away from us

Cass: Thank you. I turn to face the men Hello Father, Uncle Jasper, Uncle Darios.

Jasper: You're in big trouble Cassandra! Darios, Goki, take care of these two jokers.

Cass: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Goki: Cassandra, shut up!

Cass: Make me Father.

He and Jasper charge at me. I feint to the left and kicked Jasper in the groin with my injured leg. As he falls to the ground in pain, I send two quick punches to my Fathers face. Darios, seeing his brothers fall so quickly, rushes me from behind. He gasps as I flicked my wrist and run a clawed hand through his abdomen. I quickly finish him and Jasper off and turn to my Father. With hate burning in my eyes I spit on him and slice his throat with the kunai in his hand. Sasori and Deidara observed me with interest.

Sasori: Deidara, was it just me, or did she just grow claws?

Deidara: No, I saw it too un, but they're gone now. And her chakra was off the charts for a moment there. I'm scared un, what if she's a demon?

Sasori: What if she's one of the tailed demons Deidara? That would be excellent. I guess we will have to wait and see. I'll give her this, she's smart. Look at how she's burying the bodies and hiding the bloody sand. No one will ever know what happened.

Cass: I come over to them and bow my head Thank you for letting me go.

Sasori: So I take it you're coming with us?

Cass: I would like too, if that's ok.

Deidara: Yeah, it'll be fine un.

Cass: I smile brightly at them Thank you so much! Are we travelling far?

Sasori: To the Rain Village area. It will take a few days.

Deidara: Unless we fly un!

Sasori: face paling I'm sure that Cassandra wouldn't want to...

Cass: Are you serious? You can fly! That's awesome! How? How? How? I wanna see!!!!

Deidara: Heh heh heh. I guess that settles it then un.

Deidara performs his clay bird jutsu and manifests his large flying bird. My eyes are as big as tires staring at him. Sasori looks less than fact, he looks a little sick. Nonetheless, we all hop on the bird and take off into the sky. I love the way the air rushes across my face, and how the landscape blurs as we go by. This is truly amazing. However, I soon fall asleep, and the next thing I know, Deidara is gently waking me up.

Deidara: Cassandra, we're here un.

Cass: Oh. What's that sound?

Deidara: That would be Sasori retching. He hates to fly, even though it's faster and safer than walking.

Cass: I dig in my pocket and pull out some wilted leaves. Sasori, eat these, they'll make you feel better.

Sasori: Ugh...what are they?

Cass: A medical herb called 'moons root'.

Sasori: I've heard of it. He takes the leaves from me and eats them Thank you.

We walk through a cave entrance and go down a corridor until we get to a large open area. Deidara puts his hands on the wall and unleashes a seal of some sort. suddenly, the wall splits in two and opens. We walk inside down many more confusing corridors until we get to a very large, open room.

Sasori: This is the entrance hall. Konan! We're back!

A woman with sky blue hair appears in front of us

Konan: Yes, I know Sasori. I could hear you retching. Why did you have to fly back, were you being chased? How was the mission, was it successful? Did you get all of the information? Did you dispose of the informant like I told you to...Who's this?

Cass: I shyly bow my head My...n-name is Cassandra.

Konan: Sasori, Deidara, explain yourselves!

Sasori: puts a protective arm around me We found her Konan. Her family left her out in the desert, with a bear trap attached to her leg.

Deidara: We're going to keep her un.

Konan: Are you two mad? Do you not understand the responsibility of raising a child? We're not exactly running a day-care service here you know! We can't have kids running around here! Pein!

There is an orange flash and Pein appears

Pein: What?

Konan: Look! she points at me

Pein: What's that?

Sasori: A child.

Deidara: We found her un.

Pein: Where on earth did you find a child?

Deidara: In the dessert, she had a bear trap on her leg un. They were abusing her!

Pein:...A...bear...trap? turns to me what's your name?

Cass: C-Cassandra s-Sir. I'm shaking in fear. Sasori tightens his grip on me

Pein: Did you ask to come with these two?

Cass: Yes s-Sir. They s-saved me.

Deidara: Oh don't be modest! Pein, you should have seen her, when her family came and attacked she was all like Wham! Kabam! Puch! Whack! Pow!

Pein:...Thank you for the voice affects Deidara.

Sasori: It's true. I freed her from the trap and she took out her Father and two Uncles. Then she covered her tracks. Quite well I would say.

Pein: How old are you Cassandra?

Cass: Ten Sir.

Pein: Why did you kill your family?

Cass:...They...they...did bad things to me Sir.

Pein: What kind of bad things?

Cass: They would beat me a lot...a-and I wasn't allowed to eat until all the chores were done and they had not much was left...and they...they...t-touched me s-sometimes...Sir.

Sasori: holds me closer to him. I'm crying Well Pein?

Pein: sigh You may keep her. Misery likes company, right? And we're the most miserable bunch of people on the planet. Go get her fed, and Konan will make her some clothes. Then I'll call a meeting to introduce her.

Deidara: Thank you Pein-sama.

Pein: smirking So...which one of you is Mommy, and which one is Daddy?


Pein: laughing as he walks off The meeting will be in 20 minutes. Hurry up.

Sasori takes me to the kitchen to get me some food. I gobble it down, and then Konan takes me to get a bath and new clothes. She then takes me to a room filled with people. I go sit between Deidara and Sasori. I guess I'm adopted now...

Pein: Alright guys, settle down. As you can see, Sasori and Deidara picked something up on their way back. Cassandra, stand up. I do, and look around nervously Ok, from left to right we have Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kukazu, Konan, Zetsu, Tobi, Sasori, Deidara, and me. Everyone, this is Cassandra.

I heard a general mumble that I suppose meant 'hi'.

Pein: Good, now that that is over, Sasori and Deidara are the girl's foster parents. I suggest you treat her as you wish to be treated...yes, Hidan?

Hidan: Why? What could a scrawny little brat do?

Pein: While I wasn't there to witness, I have been told that she recently killed three fully grown men.

Hidan: Civilians I bet.

Cass: No Sir. My Father was the head of the clan, and he and my Uncles trained me as a ninja.

Hidan: sneering What clan would that be?

Cass: The Hakatanma Clan.

Hidan: Never heard of them.

Pein: raising his eyebrow They are well known throughout the Land of Wind. The Hakatanma, or Jackal Clan.

Hidan: Still not impressed.

Pein: You'll still have to be civil around her.

Hidan: And I'll yet again ask why.

Deidara: Because I'll beat the snot out of you, you arrogant pompous filth.

Sasori: And I'll gladly pitch in.

Pein: That...and she will be taking over the cooking around here.

A collective cheer went up among them, and Hidan's protests were silenced. I looked at Pein apprehensively. I could cook, I suppose, but...

Pein: Don't worry, compared to what we've been surviving on, you'll do fine. Alright, any more questions? Tobi?

Tobi: Tobi will just make it known that I WAS HERE FIRST AND YOU WONT MAKE IT IN AKATSUKI BEFORE ME!!!!!!

Cass: I looked at the oddly masked person yelling at me and mumbled softly... Um...What's the Akatsuki?

Pein: Oh, that's right. Well, we are the Akatsuki. We are all S ranked criminals trying to take over the world.


Pein: Because I was bored one day and decided to see how far I could take it. We are also a refuge to criminals, who in turn help us in our goals.

Cass: How are you going to take over the world?

Pein: By amassing great amounts of money and power. I would tell you more, but you aren't a member.

Cass: Oh.

Pein: Are you sure you want to live with us instead of going back home?

Cass: I don't have a home to go back to...and Deidara and Sasori saved me, so...if its ok...and I'll work really hard, I promise.

Pein: Then Welcome to the Akatsuki.

Tobi: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pein: Relax, Tobi, she isn't a ring member. She's about on your level...and age I suppose. You're what, 10, 11?

Tobi: Tobi is 12 and Tobi doesn't like her because she got here so easily. It's not fair!

Cass: I'm sorry to hear that.

Tobi: Why?

Cass: Because you're mean to me for no real reason.

Tobi: No! Tobi is not mean, Tobi is a Good Boy!!!

Cass I looked at Pein for an explanation, but he just shook his head. Was Tobi...mental perhaps? ...Well, if Tobi is a Good Boy, then he won't hate me without a reason.

Tobi: Ok! Tobi won't hate you unless you get in the Akatsuki before me...or take off my mask. Ok, friend?


Tobi: Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!

Pein: holding his head in his hand Ugh. Anyone else have anything to say? Good. I will assign her to help with the daily chores as well as the cooking. If you need her for something, just ask. Dismissed.

They all get up and leave. Deidara and Sasori show me to their room. Five sets of clothes are laid out on the bed for me.

Sasori: You will stay in here with us until we can get you your own room. The small chest at the foot of that bed is yours to put things in. Konan already got you a brush, a toothbrush and clothes. Ok?

Cass: Yes, and thank you.

Deidara: No problem un. Well, it's really late, so goodnight.

Cass: Goodnight.

We all went to sleep, but a few hours later I wake up from a nightmare. Frightened, I climbed into Sasori's bed. He makes room for me and goes back to sleep. I would continue to sleep in either his or Deidara's bed for the next few years. I felt comfort there.