Title: The Lost Saiyan Warrior

Disclaimer: I don't own the DragonBall Z characters or the Ranma characters. I'm only borrowing them. Zukira however is mine though.

Warning: Some characters might be O.O.C. Also this story is not for Akane fans or for Ranma/Akane fans.

' ' Means thinking.

A.N. I just want to point some things out before you read this chapter.

1. A few reviewers had kept asking why Zukira and Ryoga's girl-form had blue hair and taken the liberty to inform me that all pure Saiyans have 'black' hair. Well that much is true, most of the Saiyans we've seen on the show have black hair, but I have re-watched the DBZ series, the GT series, and the movies and noticed that some of the female Saiyans, that didn't really have a big role in the series or movies, do have different colored hair. In the movie Bardock, the father of Goku, Bardock's crewmate Fasha has brown hair, and when Bardock stumbles in the bar to warm the other Saiyans of Frieza's plot there was a female Saiyan in there and she had blue hair. In the beginning of the Saiyan Saga where Raditz is explaining to Goku and his friends about the Saiyans we briefly see a female Saiyan with blonde hair. And when King Kai is explaining the history about the Saiyans to Goku, in the flashback there's a female Saiyan holding a knife in her teeth and she has red hair. (At least that's what it looks like) Therefore I think that all the male Saiyans have black hair whereas some of the females have colored hair as well as black hair. But if it makes you all feel better I went back and changed their hair color to black. Happy?

2. Some of you have asked why I gave Ryoga a girl form. (Ch.5) Well for this story Ryoga needs a form that won't render him completely 'helpless' so to speak, even though I love P-Chan, the little pig had to go, sorry.

3. Finally, the whole thing about what happened between Raditz and Zukira will be explained later in the story. I know that Saiyans are very loyal to their mates once they've mated but there's a very good reason as to why they split apart, I just couldn't say why cause I can't give everything away all at once, where would the fun be if I did that? Also yes Ryoga is a pure Saiyan, not a half Saiyan, and he is Goku's nephew. If some of you have a problem with that… well T.S. cause I'm not changing it.

Zukira gazed lovingly at her son as he slept. The change had taken its toll on both her and Ryoga, for Zukira it felt like the after affects of the Great Ape transformation, leaving her sore and drained. For Ryoga, he was out like a light. The Hibiki mother declared that it was best to let him sleep it off. After her son was taken care of and placed in his room, the female Saiyan offered the Sons and Briefs to stay the night as opposed to staying in a motel. Even though it's very clear that there's a lot of tension between her and Vegetta.

After saying goodbye to Ranma and Ukyo, she showed everyone where they'd be staying and bade them goodnight.

Though it was late and she knew that she should be resting, she just had to check on her son before turning in for the night. She looked down at her son again, he was the perfect combination of both her and Raditz. He took after her in looks and inherited her hair style but he had his father's eyes, nose, and bits of his personality traits. Part of her couldn't believe that it's already been nearly eighteen years since she faked her death and escaped to Earth. Then months after landing on Earth, her son was born.

Then she thought about Raditz, Vegetta said that he died while on a mission thirteen years ago, that just made her heart clench. It's been eighteen years since she'd last seen Raditz. Eighteen long years. Yet despite everything that happened between them, she never stopped thinking about the long-haired Saiyan. How could she? He'd been her best friend since early childhood, her sparring partner, and her partner in crime when they were kids. He gave her strength to get through those hell-filled days on Frieza's ship and in return she'd do the same for him. They made sure to hide their feelings from everyone, even from Vegetta and Nappa, before and after they became mates.

She reached up and gently rubbed the back of her neck, a shiver went through her, 'Raditz. What happened between us? Was it something I did?' She'd asked that question over and over again and she knew that it will remain unanswered.

Her hand came down and touched her necklace, her thumb gently caressing the smooth surface of the gemstone that rested an inch below the indent between her collarbone. Her necklace was a beautiful deep purple gem that resembled her eye color with a gold chain. It was the one of her most cherished treasures, next to her son. She felt a nudge on her leg, she looked down at Checkers and smiled as she stroked the two-toned canines head, assuring the canine Hibiki that she was alright.

She gently brushed Ryoga's long bangs from his face just as she had always done and kissed his forehead, "My boy." She whispered, "My little Ryo-chan." Then Checkers started growling and her smile vanished, "You know, it's not polite to spy on people in their own home Vegetta." She said without turning around.

"Hmph, I see that you've learned to sense power-levels without a scouter." Vegetta commended standing in the doorway.

"I could always tell it was you even before I learned to sense energies. You tend to leave more than just an impression on people." She said.

Tension was already starting to build in the room between the two.

Vegetta stepped into the room behind the Saiyan mother while ignoring the growling dog, "I can't believe that you've been alive all this time and you've been living on Earth this whole time."

"You're one to talk, Vegetta." She countered looking over her shoulder, her tail slowly twitching behind her, "You're the last person I would've thought to want to live on Earth after Frieza was finally gone. What's the matter, traveling through deep space proved too much for you or did you just get sick of it?"

Vegetta grimaced, "My reasons are mine alone."

"Of course they are." She said calmly. She gently patted Checkers on the head which ceased her growling but the dog watched the Saiyan Prince carefully while keeping herself between him and her masters.

"Speaking of Frieza, how the hell did you know that it was that clown Kakarrot that defeated Frieza and not me?" Vegetta asked abruptly while keeping his eyes on the female Saiyan.

"What does it matter how I knew? Frieza's dead and in Hell where he belongs, along with the rest of his lackeys too."

"But how do you know he's dead when you weren't even there?"

Zukira chuckled softly, "You wouldn't believe me even if I were to explain how I knew."

Vegetta was getting annoyed, "Just answer my question woman!"

"Keep your damn voice down! Are you trying to wake the dead as well as my son?" Zukira grimaced at the Prince, "If you really must know, I saw it happen."

The Prince's eyes widen in shock, "What do you mean you 'saw it happen'?"

"As in I foresaw it happen before it happened, I had a vision in a dream, I had a premonition, whatever you want to call it. What the hell do you think it means Vegetta?"

"Don't be sass with me Zukira." He warned.

"Or what? What're you gonna do? You gonna threaten my life with death? Are you going to 'assend' and show me why I should'nt sass to the 'Prince of all Saiyans'?" She said calmly, "You can threaten me all you want Vegetta but it still won't change anything."

Vegetta gave the Hibiki mother a dirty look. He never liked being spoken to like that by anybody, but he took a calming breath to calm himself from retorting. He knew that if he were to say anything then he would never get his answers from the stubborn female. He'd learned that from his wife during their marriage. In his opinion Saiyan women and Earth women were no different in that department, "And what did you 'see' exactly?" He asked through clenched teeth.

Zukira took a calming breath herself, "I saw Kakarrot, all grown up, facing Frieza on another planet with green skies and blue grass lands. Then I saw Frieza facing that which he'd feared the most, a golden haired Saiyan warrior surrounded in a brilliant golden light with power that surpassed his own. A Super Saiyan. And then I saw them fighting on a dying planet before it exploded." She turned towards the Saiyan Prince, "So am I wrong?"

Vegetta didn't answer. The way the Hibiki mother had explained what she 'saw' was just how it had happened on Planet Namek all those years ago, but how was that possible, "How did you…"

"How did I know?" Zukira finished for him, "And I guess your next question would be 'why haven't I mention this before?' Well the answer to both of those questions is that I received the vision after Dodoria left me for dead after he tried to kill me, right after I discovered that I was going to be a mother." She looks over at her son and smiles.

"But why did you choose to come to Earth?"

Zukira shrugged, "I don't know what made me decide to come to Earth. All I know was that after I had that vision I had to make everyone believe that I was dead so that Frieza wouldn't think to look for me, because going back wasn't an option and I wasn't going to let that murderous bastard take my son. And I certainly wasn't going to call you for help because I knew that if Frieza didn't kill me then you were gonna kill me yourself as soon as you found out that I was pregnant."

Vegetta grunted softly and looked down to the floor. He couldn't deny that she spoke the truth, in the past he would've killed her without hesitation, he also would've justified it as a lesson to her for overlooking her betters at the time.

"So you chose to run and hide, and not only that but you also had a monk place a spell on you and your brat to further hide yourselves only to spend sixteen years wandering aimlessly on Earth until it was broken." Vegetta said bluntly.

"Well forgive me if the choice I made to protect my child isn't what our people would've done." She said sarcastically, "After Ryoga was born I wanted to make sure that neither Frieza nor his lackeys, or even you could find us. To make it impossible for them to track us down even with their precious scouters. That's why I went to the temple on Mount Fuji because the Monk said that he could help me." Then she frowns looking down to the ground, "Unfortunately I got what I asked for, as an added 'bonus' it also made it so that we couldn't get to where we needed to go." She tightened her hands into fists, "If I had known that the end result would be us losing our sense of direction until the charm broke, I never would've done it in the first place." She paused and took a breath, "It was a stupid decision, I'll admit that but I had lost everything that was dear to me, my family, my friends, my home, and the man I love so much. I couldn't lose my son as well."

"Why didn't you look for Kakarrot when you landed on Earth?" Vegetta asked, "Surely he would've helped you, given that what he's known for."

Zukira didn't miss the sarcasm in the Prince's voice, "If I had known that he was here I would've."

Vegetta blinked in surprise, "You mean to tell me that you didn't know that Kakarrot was sent to this planet to conquer it?"

"No." She said, which was true she hadn't known where her brother-in-law had been sent to when he was sent out as an infant, "All I knew was that Kakarrot was sent out before Frieza destroyed our home planet, I just didn't know where."

"Raditz never mentioned it to you?"

"No cause he didn't know that Kakarrot was still alive until I told him."

"And why didn't you mention that you knew that Frieza blew up out home planet?"

"You already asked me that question and I already told you why."

"Well you still should've told me anyway." He said firmly, "As the Prince of all Saiyans I have the right to know the truth."

"Like you would listen to a third-class like me?" She sneered, "Considering that you didn't seem to care that our entire race was destroyed, leaving only a small handful of us left, and that you were more than eager to take on whatever tasks Frieza gave you without question."

"You know as well as I that none of us had a choice in that matter Zukira. It was kill or be killed, you know that."

Kill or be Killed, you either kill your opponent or you end up getting killed. That was the quote that the Saiyans had always lived by, whether it was before or after Frieza arrived nobody knows, and in the end they met their end by Frieza who was afraid of the Saiyans becoming too strong to control and turning on him.

"And FYI you weren't the only one who despised Frieza. And did you really think that you were the only prisoner on his damn ship?"

"Well you sure had me fooled Vegetta, with the way you were always bowing and kneeling before that disgusting lizard happily accepting his orders and commands. 'Yes Master Frieza' 'Of course Master Frieza' 'As you command Master Frieza'. What was I supposed to think, hmm?" She asked giving Vegetta a hard look.

Vegetta clenched his fists, "I was biding my time. I wasn't strong enough to take on Frieza yet. So I had to take on those tasks to build up my strength so that when the time was right I would face Frieza and defeat him once and for all."

"Would that be before or after Frieza destroyed the entire universe and us along with it?" Zukira rubbed her chin, "Oh wait, I forgot. You don't give a rat's ass about anyone or anything but yourself. And when Frieza was out of the way, you would just pick up where he left off and we'd be right back where we started, in yet another unending cycle of death and destruction."

"What would you rather have me do then if not that?" He demands.

"Oh I don't know, maybe search for other surviving Saiyans to form a rebellion and avenge your father and our people who died at the hands of that monster. That would've been a good start but no, you decided to follow the same exact path that led our race to destruction because strength was the only thing that mattered to you. I seem to remember those being your exact words Vegetta."

"If that's what you think should've been done then why didn't you start a rebellion yourself?"

"Even if I had gone through with that plan myself and had found other survivors, who would believe a word a lowly third-class like me would say?" She counters back, "No matter how much truth my words held, who would believe me? Because of the bigotry held against low-class warriors done by your father and all the elites, we're seen as nothing but a waste of space and Saiyan blood. Nothing we did was ever good enough and no matter how hard we worked to please either your father or… Frieza, we were still looked down upon and treated like trash." She said bitterly.

Her mind went back to when she was a child, she remembered how she, Raditz and the rest of their group were always being put down by other Saiyans, young and old, because of their ranks. Then she thought about Bardock, her mentor and Godfather. The memory of when he tried to warn the other Saiyans of Frieza's plan to destroy them and they just laughed at him.

Sensing her distress Checkers nuzzled her left hand to offer the Hibiki mother comfort. Zukira gently rubbed the two-toned dogs furry head and smiled. She was glad that she allowed Ryoga to keep the dog when he brought her home as a little puppy.

Vegetta stares at her, "You think that I would do that?"

"Without a doubt, because it's what you've always done." She answers without hesitation, "The only difference was that you claimed that when you 'defeated' Frieza, you would take your 'rightful' place as Ruler of the Universe or whatever stupid name you wanted to call yourself, like any other pride-driven, egotistical, power-hungry moron, with me by your side as your breeder to rebuild the Saiyan race." She crossed her arms over her chest, "That's one of the reasons why I left because I refused to see history repeat itself again and be part of it."

"And what made you think that it would've gone that way under my rule?"

"Do you really want me to answer that Vegetta?"

"Hey is everything alright in here?" Vegetta and Zukira turned and saw Goku standing in the doorway, "I could feel both of your energies spiking now and again, so I thought I'd check and see if everything was okay."

The Saiyan Prince and Hibiki mother looked at each other before turning back to the Earth raised Saiyan, "Everything's fine Kakarrot."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Kakarrot, we were just having a… heated discussion." Zukira looked over at her son's dresser, the clock read eleven fifteen and she was exhausted, "Look it has been a long tiring day and I'd like to go to bed because I have things to prepare for my son's day tomorrow. If you don't mind?" She directed her gaze to Vegetta as she said it.

She and Vegetta walk out of the room while Checkers and her pups stayed. Goku quietly shuts the door but before she turns to leave, Vegetta stops her, "Hold it, there's one more thing I must know."

Zukira sighed, "What is it?"

"Why did you choose him? Why did you choose that weakling Raditz?" He demanded calmly, his dark eyes drilling into her.

Zukira blinked, "You're kidding right?"

"Does it sound like I'm kidding woman?"

Goku could tell right away that things were heating up again, "Uh Vegetta, I don't think now's the time for…"

"Shut up Kakarrot."

"You mean to tell me that after all this time, you still haven't figured it out?" Zukira asked, finding it a bit amusing.

Vegetta growled, "Stop playing games and answer my question!"

Zukira's violet eyes narrowed, "I'm not playing anything, but if you really must know it's because Raditz possessed the exact qualities that I prefer in a mate. You may be the Prince of all Saiyans Vegetta but that's nothing but a stupid title that you continually boast about. It means nothing to me, it never meant anything to me. I don't care about ranks, I don't care about class, I don't care about any of those things that elites all seem to care about. Hell you and I could've been the last living Saiyans in the whole universe and I still wouldn't have chosen you."

Goku stood there in silence while Vegetta was speechless to say the least, finally he said, "So you'd rather our race go extinct than mate with an elite warrior? Is that what you're telling me?"

"Yes. Besides it's not like you really cared anyway. You and Nappa only saw me as a way to repopulate the Saiyan race as well as a third-class weakling. So why would being your mate make any difference?" She demands, she glanced at Goku then she took a slow calming breath before saying, "I chose Raditz because I love him, I've always loved him even when we were young. He was my first friend, my partner, my strength and my first and only love. And nothing would change that, not you, not even Frieza."

Vegetta was stunned by this, not only by Zukira's explanation about her choice but also by her choice of words she just used. Even Goku caught it, "You still love him don't you Zukira? Even after everything that's happened you still love him?"

"A woman never forgets their first love Kakarrot." She said calmly, "No matter how hard we try to, we just can't. And in a way, we don't want to forget." She looks up at Goku, "So yes, I do still love him."

"And knowing now of what the outcome would be between you and Raditz before you two got together, would you still have chosen to be with him?" Vegetta asked.

Zukira says nothing as she contemplates Vegetta's question, then she says, "Yes." She admits quietly, "Yes I would." And with that she turned and headed towards her room leaving two stumped Saiyans staring after her.

Tatewaki Kuno sat waiting inside a local coffee shop with his arms folded, he had sent a letter of meeting to the home where his beloved Akane Tendo lived. Unfortunately it wasn't his beloved Akane that he was meeting in this, as he and his twisted sister have put it, hovel of a restaurant. No he was waiting for someone who he still couldn't believe has blood relation to his beautiful Akane Tendo. He glanced up at the clock hanging behind the counter, it was five minutes to eight and his 'somewhat' accomplice still hasn't shown up yet. Though he wrote in his letter to meet him here at 8 A.M. sharp, he hated waiting.

"Curses! Where is that woman?"

"You called Kuno-baby?" Came a sly female voice from behind.

Kuno turned and scowled, "Nabiki Tendo, I have told you countless times to never address me in such a way."

Nabiki scoffed softly, "You can tell me again and again all you want Kuno-Baby but that doesn't mean that I'll do it. That is unless you make worth my while." She said in a sly tone.

"I despise you, you know that." Kuno said hollowly.

"Ooh you're breaking my heart." Nabiki said coolly taking a seat in the opposite chair across from Kuno. A waiter came to the table and Nabiki ordered her usual coffee drink but made it a triple with a breakfast muffin, "So care to explain why you called me to meet you at a coffee shop at eight in the morning on a Saturday."

"Very well then." He said calmly, he may 'despise' Nabiki but she is that best at what she does, "It would seem that the God of Love Cupid has pierced me again with thine sweet searing arrows of love, for he has sent an angel from the Heavens above whom has captured my heart."

Nabiki couldn't help but roll her eyes yet at the same time she was interested, who was the un-lucky girl who has caught Kuno's attention now, "I see, so now you have three girls that you're madly in love with. Which the other two concedes of my sister Akane and the Pigtailed-girl? Correct?"

"Indeed." Kuno nodded, "Tis but a blessing and yet a curse to be favored by the Gods above. To be gifted with three gorgeous women in which all three have captured my heart. But how can one such as I choose between each of them when I love them all!?" He asked loudly. Luckily no one paid them any attention, either that or they've learned to completely ignore the out-spoken Kuno when he or his sister was present.

Nabiki was only half listening to Kuno while she enjoyed her coffee, making sure to use her good hand and keep her injured one hidden. She'd heard his dramatic speech before when he first became interested in her sister Akane and again when he discovered Ranma's girl form, and in truth it meant nothing to her except taking more photos of her sister and Ranma-chan and that meant more money in her pocket.

The only reason she ever agrees to meet Kuno anywhere was to get what she can from him financially through free meals and selling him new photos of her sister and Ranma-chan for however much he was willing to pay for them. Of course she had another reason for meeting him today but now she was interested to know who this 'new girl' is that's caught Kuno's attention. She may have to add another to her list.

"So this 'angel' of yours, does she have a name?" Nabiki asked between sips.

"Alas, I have yet to know her name for our meeting was very brief, but as they say 'destiny works in many mysterious ways'." Kuno said.

"Of course it does." She said in a bored tone, "So how'd you meet her?" She asked sipping her coffee.

"I was out patrolling the streets searching for that coward Saotome when I heard that he'd fled the school grounds before the day had ended, when I spotted my beloved Pigtailed-girl, but she wasn't traveling with Akane Tendo as she so often does. No, this time she was accompanied by a mysterious raven-haired angel whom of which I have never seen before." He smiled, "I introduced myself and she requested a challenge with me and I, being the compliant gentleman that I am, obliged without hesitation."

"Uh-huh." Nabiki replied, 'In translation he made his 'Blue Thunder' or whatever speech and then issued his 'if you beat me I'll allow you to date me' speech, and wound up getting his stupid butt sent into orbit by whoever this girls is.' She thought to herself while continuing to sip her beverage and listen to Kuno's continued babbling.

"During our battle she displayed an incredible show of strength and agility the likes of which I've only seen from both Akane Tendo and the Pigtailed-girl, but her strength, I dare say, surpasses that of Akane Tendo and her agility matches the Pigtailed girl. Truly this Umbrella-wielding Bandanna girl is a fierce warrior yet she possesses the majestic beauty and grace of an angel." He says dramatically.

An image of Ryoga-chan appeared in behind Kuno, wearing a flowing white gown with gold trimming, she wore gold arm bracers with a matching chocker and tiara on her head. Her shimmering silver wings spread open behind her as she opened her eyes, revealing a beautiful pair of violet colored eyes that sparkled like diamonds.

When Kuno gave a description of his new love interest, in his own special way, it didn't take long for Nabiki to put two and two together and when she did she expressed her shock by spraying a mouthful of coffee in Kuno's face and began coughing, 'Umbrella-wielding… Bandanna girl?!' She repeated in her mind wiping spilled coffee from her chin, 'Kuno's mysterious angel is… Ryoga's girl form?!' Before she could press the matter further she noticed that everyone in the Coffee Shop was staring at her and Kuno, and more importantly her beverage had been spilt, "Now look what you made me do." She said calmly.

Kuno made a disgusted face and opened his eyes, "What I made you do Nabiki Tendo?" He reached for his napkin and wiped the spewed coffee beverage mixed with saliva from his face.

Nabiki couldn't believe it, though she didn't know why she couldn't. She knew at some point that Kuno would add Ryoga's girl side to his list of 'beloved goddess' or whatever he calls it but she'd hoped to plant the seed first. Oh well, all it meant was that her job just got a lot easier. She quickly regained her crafty poise and grinned. She could already see the mountains of yen coming her way now.

'Just you wait Hibiki. I'll be collecting payment from you yet, with interests as well.' She chuckled softly, but first she had to get a refill, "Another triple shot caramel hazelnut mocha latte with extra whipped cream and chocolate syrup. And give me a couple of those fruit-filled Danish things." She called out before turning to Kuno, "Kuno baby, you just made my day worthwhile this morning." She grinned.

"Hah-choo! I know that's not a good sign." Ryoga sniffed. He stared back at his reflection in the mirror in his bedroom and no matter how he looked in the mirror the result was the same.

When he woke up the first thing he noticed was that he was in his bed in his room, though he couldn't remember how he got there, and it was morning. The last thing he remembered was being in the living room with his mother, Ranma and Ukyo along with some people that'd he'd never seen before and his mom telling him that they were aliens and that the reason for their no sense of direction was because of a charm his mother had a Monk place on them when he was a baby.

For a moment, he believed that it had all been a dream but then when he felt an odd sensation coming from his backside as well as an odd tickling feeling on his back, he soon realized that it wasn't.

Looking in the mirror he noticed some definite changes. His black hair was longer, thicker, spikier, which explained the tickling sensation he felt earlier on his back, and it reached past his rear. His muscles were bigger, more cut and he wasn't sure but he looked taller too. And to top it off he now had a furry monkey-tail growing from his backside.

'So this is me? This is how I'm supposed to look?' He wondered and he had to admit that he really didn't look too bad.

Then he heard a noise outside his window. Ryoga looked outside his window and spotted a small black and white bird perched on a branch next to his window. For a moment the bird just sat there, occasionally preening its feathers and tilting its head to one side, then it flew away. Ryoga could hear the loud 'fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh' of its wings through the closed glass.

He could also hear chattering coming from downstairs. He heard voices but not ones he was familiar with, he heard footsteps which meant that he and his mother weren't alone in the house, and he could feel strong powerful energies, stronger than anything he'd ever felt before coming from more than one person.

He shook his head but as he did he started to tilt to one side, "Whoa whoa…" He tried to steady himself but in the end he fell to the floor on his butt, "Oww!"

"Having some trouble there?"

Ryoga looked to his right and found Goku standing in the doorway of his room, "Oh it's you. Kaka…rot, right? Or is it Goku?"

"It's Goku." He said, "Even though Vegetta and your mom call me by my Saiyan name Kakarrot, I prefer to be called Goku. It's just the name that my adopted grandfather gave me."

"Um… okay." Ryoga says standing back up while using his dresser to steady himself, "So what're you doing here?"

"Your mom asked me to check on you to see if you were awake and to see how you were doing while she and my wife Chi-Chi are making breakfast." Before Ryoga could reply he starts to lose his balance again, "Whoa easy there. Here why don't you sit back down?" Goku leads him back to the bed and then took a seat beside him.

"Thanks. I don't know why I'm having a hard time standing up right."

"It's because of your tail." Ryoga looked at him oddly, "From what your mom said last night after the Monk placed the charm on both of you she removed both yours and her tail so that you'd both fit in better. But now that the charm is broken you both have your tails back it's throwing off your balance. But don't worry, you'll get used to it. It just takes practice."

"If you say so." The young Hibiki said unsurely. He looked down where his new tail lay beside him, for some reason the tail didn't seem to bother him one bit, in fact it started bringing back distant memories that he'd long since forgotten about. Then he looked back to his uncle and asked, "Speaking of tails, where's your tail?"

"My tail was removed a long time ago." Goku said nonchalantly, "But believe me I had some trouble myself when I lost my tail the first time." He watches his nephew's tail twitch on the bed. It moved the same way Raditz's tail moved when he revealed it to him.

"So you're my uncle from my dad's side huh?" Ryoga asked.

"Yeah." Goku nodded, "I'm not what you expected am I?"

Ryoga shrugged, "Actually I didn't really have any expectations. Even though Mom told me that I have an uncle on my Dads side, I didn't think that I would ever meet him… or you… anytime soon."

"Yeah I remember you mentioning that at the restaurant yesterday." He smiled, "Who would've thunk, right?"

"Yeah." Ryoga smiled a little.

"So how're you feeling this morning?"

"Uh… okay, I guess. I mean physically I feel great, really great, like I just woke up from a very long restful sleep." Then he looked down to the floor, "But…"

"But?" Goku echoed.

"I… I dunno… this whole thing about mom telling me that she, my dad, and I are aliens, the reason behind our sense of direction and why we get lost all the time and everything that's happened last night. Plus finding out that I'm not really a Hibiki and that the people that I've known as Grandma and Grandpa are not really my grandparents makes me wonder what else do I know that isn't true. And those stories that mom used to tell me about the Saiyans when I was a kid, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it."

"Well we don't want that now do we." Then Goku asked, "Uh Ryoga, how much did your mother tell you about the Saiyans?"

"Pretty much everything, that they were warriors that had tails and love fighting, how they lived, and how they were being ruled by an evil tyrant named Frieza. Who made them destroy and conquer planets for him, up until he betrayed them and only a handful of the Saiyans were left." He ran a hand through his long hair, "I thought that they were just stories and nothing more." Ryoga sighed, "You know a small part of me doesn't want to believe it, that this all a crazy dream and I'll wake up any minute now. And yet the rest of me looks back at everything that's happened in my life and suddenly it's all starting to make sense to me now."

"How's that?"

Ryoga took a deep breath and sighed, "Well even as a kid I've always known that I was different. I've always been physically stronger than all of the kids my age, and I still am that I know of, my senses and reflexes are beyond that of a regular person, and not to mention that I can eat more food than a dozen hungry sumo wrestlers when I haven't eaten in a long while and not even gain an ounce." Goku couldn't help but chuckle, "But I just thought that it was the result of my Martial Arts training and that's why I'm able to do all those things. I never thought that it's because I'm an alien space fighter." He said resting his chin on his hand.

"But that's not what's bothering you, is it?" Goku asked.


"Then what is bothering you?"

"It's just that… growing up with no sense of direction was pure hell. Pardon my language." Goku nodded, indicating no offence taken, "Constantly lost all the time, most of the time in the middle of nowhere in unfamiliar territories, never getting to where I need to go when I needed to, being mocked at by people all around, and never knowing when I'll be home again. I even got lost in my own home, I'd be trying to find the bathroom or my own bedroom and the next thing I know I'm standing outside in the middle of a jungle somewhere, or next to an ocean or whatever and I have no idea how the hell I even got there."

Goku blinked in shock, "You're kidding."

Ryoga scoffs lightly, "I wish." He looked down to the ground, "I often wondered what my family had done that was so heinous that the Fates decided to punish our entire family line with having no sense of direction." He took a calming breath, "But now hearing the reason behind the directional curse… I… I don't know what to think."

Goku didn't say anything but he understood how his nephew felt. He'd felt the same way when he finally discovered the truth about his Grandfather Gohan's death while fighting Vegetta in his Great Ape form, that the 'monster' that trampled him to death… was him. It broke his heart when he realized the truth but what shocked him even more that his friends knew about it the whole time and no one told him. But he didn't hold it against his friends, he couldn't because he knew that their hearts were in the right place, just like he knew that Zukira's heart was set on protecting her child. Like any loving mother.

"Ryoga, your mother was only doing what she thought was right and I can tell that both of you had suffered a lot because of her decision to keep you and her hidden. But if she told you everything about Frieza and everything that he'd done, can you really be angry at her for wanting to protect you from a cold ruthless monster like Frieza and for doing her duty as a mother?"

Ryoga took a moment to think about the other Saiyan's question but at the same time he already knew the answer, "No and I understand why she did it." Then he glanced at his Uncle, "But I still wish that she'd told me the real reason behind our no sense of direction instead of telling me that it was hereditary."

Goku couldn't help but smile, "You know I have to say that you're taking this very well."

"I don't think fainting in the middle of a restaurant is considered 'taking it well'." Ryoga said dryly.

"I guess not." Goku says sheepishly, "But it's true though." He looks at the young Saiyan, "Look I understand that this is a lot to take in, believe me I do, but it's not that bad."

"How do you figure that?"

"Because I went through the same thing you're going through." He said, Ryoga turned to him, "Remember when your mom said that I was sent out as a baby before Frieza destroyed Planet Vegetta?" Ryoga nodded, "Well I was sent here to Earth. I was supposed to conquer this planet but I had an accident when I was very young and I hit my head so hard that I forgot about everything, who and what I was, where I came from, and my mission. Since then I grew up on Earth, never realizing that I was really from another planet. Then 20 or so years later, when my eldest son Gohan was a little boy, I find out that I'm a Saiyan warrior, a planetary space pirate. Of course I didn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it, but then after a while I started to accept it. It wasn't easy but then again nothing ever is."

Ryoga nodded, "You got that right."

"It also made me realize that this doesn't change who I am. I'm still the same person as before, I still love fighting and training and I'm always ready to face the next challenge that comes along, I just now have a better understanding about myself." He turned to the younger Saiyan, "And this doesn't change who you are either Ryoga, you're still the same person you were yesterday only now you know what you are and what you choose to do with this knowledge is entirely up to you."

Ryoga said nothing as he thought about what Goku had said. The two Saiyans continued to talk for a while longer, until Ryoga's stomach made itself heard.

Goku chuckled, "Sounds like someone's hungry."

Ryoga's face flushed, "I guess so."

"Well c'mon let's go see if breakfast is ready."

"Wait I've got one more question to ask you."

"Okay, what?"

"How'd you find out that you're a… a Saiyan? Did that Vegetta guy tell you?"

"No I didn't meet Vegetta till a year later after I found out." He said, "It was Raditz who told me." He said slowly.

Ryoga's eye widened, "My… Dad?" Goku nodded, "You mean he was here?"

Goku nodded again, "Raditz came to Earth over 13 years ago looking for me. He uh…" He sighed, this was going to be tricky to explain, "He came to Earth to recruit me but when he learned that I didn't complete my mission because I forgot it and that I lost my tail, he was furious. And let's just say things didn't really pan out so well between us in the end." He cast his eyes to the floor, "And there are times that I wish that things had gone differently than the way it did between us."

Ryoga could hear remorse in the elder Saiyans words and at that moment it dawned on him as to what happened between him and his father, but he would save it for another time.

At that moment Zukira appeared at the doorway, "Hey look who's finally awake. Is everything alright?"

Goku nodded, "Yeah everything's fine. Is breakfast ready yet?"

"It will be in a few more minutes." She saw Goku's shoulders slump slightly and chuckled, "Kakarrot could you give us a minute please?"

"Huh? Oh sure. See you guys down stairs." He stood up, "Oh by the way, Happy Birthday Ryoga."

Ryoga almost forgot that today was his birthday, "Thanks… and uh thanks for the talk… Uncle Goku." He smiled. Goku returned the smile and left the room.

The Hibiki mother turned to her son, "How're you feeling sweetie?"

"Uhh… good. Really good actually." He rubbed the back of his head, "Although it feels like my senses are cranked to the max ya know." He looks up at his mother and noticed of the physical changes on her. Her hair was now spiky like his, she wore a furry brown belt around her waist and her eyes were now dark violet, 'Hm well that explains why girl-form has purple eyes.'

"That's to be expected." Zukira said, "Your body's adjusting to the changes. You'll notice some changes in your other senses as well as your strength and reflexes, but that's perfectly normal. I went through this before after the first change."

Ryoga nodded then he turned to his mother and asked, "It's all true isn't it? Everything you said last night about us being Saiyans, about Frieza, and everything else. It's all true?"

Zukira's smile faded "Yes. It's true."

"And the stories you used to tell me about the warrior Bardock and his crew, they're not just true but… Bardock... he was my Grandfather, wasn't he?"

Zukira was silent for a moment before nodding, "Yes. Bardock was your paternal grandfather just as Tora, my father, is your maternal grandfather. Bardock was not only my father's best friend, he was also my mentor and he's the reason why I'm still alive."

Ryoga nodded, he remembered her saying that last night.

"I'm sorry Ryoga." She said quietly, "I'm so sorry about everything that's happened. I just wanted you to have a better life than the life your father and I had. I didn't want you to grow up like we had to grow up and become what the Saiyans had become. I thought it'd be better to wait till you were older to explain everything, that way it'd be easier to understand when the Monks charm was broken." She gently stroked his cheek with her fingers, "I know that you're upset with me for not telling you Ryoga but I did what I had to do to make sure that neither Frieza nor Vegetta could find you. I wanted you to be safe." Tears started filling her eyes, "You're all I have left and I couldn't stand the thought of losing you to that monster when I've already lost everything that mattered to me, including your father."

Ryoga could hear the sorrow in her words and the sight of her tears made all of his anger evaporate. She'd lost everything and was held captive for years by the same tyrant that ruled over their people and made them do his dirty work for him and then killed them in the end because they were becoming too strong. He'd always told Ranma that he'd been through hell because of the bad events in his life, but now after hearing everything last night about what his mother had been through, he realizes that she'd been the one who'd really been through hell and that his troubles were nothing compared to what his mother had endured throughout her life. And yet despite all the pain, it never stopped her from doing her duty as a mother.

Goku's words came back to his mind and after what felt like an hour or so of silence he embraced his mother, "I'm sorry mom, I had no idea. And now I understand."

Zukira could feel more tears building as she hugged her son back. The fact that he now understood her actions lifted a huge weight off her heart.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too baby. More than anything." She said and kissed the side of his head while stroking his long hair. The Hibiki mother and son held each other for a while until they heard Chi-Chi scolding Goten and Trunks about nibbling before everyone gets to eat.

"You up for some breakfast Ryoga?" Zukira smiled.

"Yeah I'm famished." His stomach made itself heard again.

Zukira chuckled, "Well get dressed and come down stairs. I made your favorite pancakes this morning."

"Homemade strawberry pancakes with honey butter and maple syrup?"

"That's right, your favorite."

"Great!" He said and stood up only to fall back onto the bed again, he folded his arms over his chest and grunted, "How am I supposed to do this without falling on my face and my butt?"

Zukira tried not to laugh, both at how cute he looked making that annoyed pouty face and that he was struggling, "Try wrapping your tail around your waist like a belt. It'll not only help you with your balance but it'll also keep others from stepping on or grabbing your tail."

Ryoga looks at his mother before doing as she suggested and wraps his tail around his waist. Once that's done he stands up slowly and takes a step, then another, then another. When he didn't fall over he gave his trademark fanged smile. He threw on a pair of forest green pants, making a hole in the back for his tail to slip through, and a gold sleeveless shirt. Once he was dressed he followed his mother out of his room and down the stairs to have breakfast.

A.N So sorry for the long update, and no I'm not dead. I just lost my momentum to write my stories plus nothing was coming to me, but now I got it back and I intend to finish this story, Demon ½, and New Allies, no matter what. Thank you all for your patience, hope you enjoy this chapter.