Disclaimer: I don't make money off of this story. I don't own Harry Potter and Co. I just like to play with them.

Notes: This is a sequel to "The Dare". This can be read as a stand alone piece, but it'd be best to read the other one first. Sirius is still alive, Dumbledore is alive, and they are 17...so basically non-canon. It's probably crap, sorry for wasting two minutes of your life, but review anyway, lol!

The Dare II:

The Potions Master

Even though the game was banned, that didn't stop Ron, Harry, and the twins to play it again later that week. They gathered at Grimmauld Place for another Order meeting in which they were not invited, despite being adults.

Harry tried to convince Hermione to play, but his efforts were in vain. She harrumphed and marched back inside her and Ginny's room, slamming the door in Harry's face.

"Well, she didn't take it too well," Ron snickered at Harry's bloody nose from where the door hit him.


"Don't be stupid, Ron." The twins chorused together.

"Okay, stop insulting Ron. We need ground rules, which means no more daring me to Riddle Manor," Harry said, glaring at Ron, who blushed red and ducked his head. "I say everything else is free game." The twins looked devilishly at each other, as if talking via mind-link.

"As the oldest,…"

"We will go first."

"One of you will…"

"Wait till the meeting is over…."

"And sneak up on Snape…"

"And cast a cheering charm on him!" Gred and Forge smirked.

Harry shook his head, but grinned at Ron, who was pale. Harry felt sorry for what Ron was about to do.

"And we want Harry to do it!" Harry looked up and Ron laughed hard.

"Go on, go on!" Ron shooed Harry out of the room. The rest of the group followed him out of the door, however Fred went to get the girls. Ginny had a grin worthy of her brothers, and Hermione looked quite put out since they were breaking rules, again.

They crept downstairs and waited for a few minutes, a few very silent minutes, full of grins and smirks towards a thoughtful Harry. He was sitting in his favorite chair, his back to the door to the kitchen; the others spread out on the other side of the room. They were facing the door.

Oh, he was going to do it. He was going to put his full strength into it also. Harry was determined to make that man suffer some humiliation for all of the crap Snape did to him. Maybe he could turn the man's cloak red and gold or something like that.

Harry grinned evilly at the floor. Ron nudged Ginny, who nudged Hermione, who nudged the twins, so that they all were looking at Harry's evil grin. Harry shook his head. His charms weren't as good as they could be and he didn't want to mess with Snape's life.

The doors opened, and the Order members came streaming out. They all stopped when they saw the kids, minus Harry, looking at them with big smiles.

"This can't be good," Remus whispered to Sirius. The wolf and the dog shifted to the side. They knew what those big smiles meant. It wasn't a 'oops, we cast a spell on Harry and how he fits in this matchbox' smile, as Molly was whispering to Arthur…it meant a surprise was lurking in the shadows.

Suddenly, Harry sprang up, casting a strong Cheering Charm on Severus Snape. There was a silence before Snape slowly started to smile. Harry could tell that he was trying to fight it, but in the end, magic won.

Remus and Sirius doubled over in laughter. Arthur, Dumbledore, and the rest of them were smiling or shaking their heads. Molly and Hermione had their hands on their hips – Molly was berating her sons, while Hermione was yelling at Harry, who was pale as a sheet that it actually worked.

"I hate you all." Snape said, still smiling, and left through the Floo.
