orange flavored licorice

"You almost killed me." I repeated through clenched teeth. "You almost damaged the car!" He scoffed as he waved his hands around the huge tank he referred to as a car. Oh I was going to show him some damage… REIDXOC.

a.n. -- another new one, I know I suck. but the plot bunnies wouldn't leave me alone. this one I'm just writing as I go with no idea to where it is going. this piece takes place during the summer.

Chapter One


I placed my hands on my knees as I took a deep breath. It was such a hot day that my bangs were matted against my forehead. Pushing my multi-colored hair out of my face I reached for a rubber band to tie it with. What I couldn't give to be in a nice air-conditioned room right about now…

"That I was weak!" Alex called out with a slight chuckle to his voice. He was trying to press my buttons. I knew that and I wasn't going to let…"Anyone can do that!"

Okay that was the straw that broke the camels back. I turned around and flipped off the two boys that were sitting on the sidewalk watching me. It had taken me weeks to learn that stupid trick. What was it called…oh yeah… backside-sliding thingie…

Yeah whatever… the point is it was hard as hell to do.

"Try a backside flip at least!" Conner, the pink haired heavy tattooed boy, yelled out to me with a smug expression on his pretty face. Damn him. It was obvious with that look on his face that he was daring me to do it.

Skateboarding wasn't really my thing. It was more like a thing I picked up from Alex… my boyfriend… well more like ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Complicated much… yeah I know. It was both the best and worst experience I have ever felt. But despite everything we couldn't change the way we felt about each other… even if his sexual preferences had changed.

"Come on any day now Laken." Conner snickered as Alex nudged him in the ribs. They both thought I wouldn't go through with it. Truth was I really didn't want to do it either… but I was going to do it. Stupid pride.


Putting one foot on the skateboard I gave the boys a victory sign. I was definitely mental but it wasn't my fault. I love these guys but they were definitely going to be the death of me.


Conner put his hand over my shoulder as he poked my forehead. "You suck!" I rolled my eyes. "Seriously dude I knew you were bad but," he paused to shake his head with laughter "…you really just suck."

"Thanks for the concern." I muttered as I looked at my arm. The bleeding had finally stopped coming out from the open wound but it still felt like it was on fire.

"Does it hurt?" His hand went to my arm and I immediately winced. He shook his head as he lightly traced a finger along my battered arm. "You should have just said you couldn't do it." Alex was patronizing me. I hated when he did that.

"I can do it." Pushing his hands away from me I stood up. Damn. My jeans had a couple of holes in them now due to my excessive falling. "I just need a couple more tries and…"

Conner started laughing loudly again completely cutting me off. "You couldn't get it right if you had a year."

"Wanna bet?" He nodded. I held out one finger and smirked. "One week."

"The stakes?" I thought for a minute and then noticed the grin on his face and it hit me. "Banana smoothie…"

"…chucky chocolate banana smoothie." I said snickering lightly at our similar train of thought.

"Come on you guys it's getting late." Alex said placing a hand around my shoulders and pulling me tightly to him in a brotherly way.

"Want me to walk you home?" Conner asked, hands in his pocket as he leaned his weight on one foot.

"Nah. I think I can manage on my own." Conner shrugged and gave me the peace sign before grabbing his board and turning away.

Alex nudged me and I looked up meeting his amazing olive eyes. "Call you later." I nodded and he leaned in to peck my quickly on the lips. Some habits die hard. "Conner wait up man!" he yelled as he ran over to the boy that was already making his way across the street. I smiled as I watched Conner hop on his skateboard to get away from Alex.

Ah those guys… I loved them to bits but now it was time for some much needed girl time. Besides is no way I'm going home this early. It's summer vacation for heaven's sake and I plan to spend as less time possible at home. Not that being home was such a terrible thing… but summer time was not about being at home.

Reaching in my pocket I pulled out my Ipod. The night is still young and so am I. Anyway I have to get that flip tricky right… at least be able not to fall on my face by tomorrow. Conner was so going to owe me a chucky chocolate banana smoothie.


"Ah man." I looked at my watch, 10:15PM. I am so going to be in trouble. Shit. Kicking the ground I could feel myself pout. "Way to be mature." Shaking my head I stepped up on my black and red skateboard. Looking up at the night sky, I smiled. The entire atmosphere at night was utterly amazing. Okay so maybe this was worth getting in trouble for.

The sky was beautiful on most nights, but tonight it was simply breathtaking. The way the clouds moved… I remember a time when I used to believe the clouds were following me. Heh… Cloud gazing was definitely one of my…

"SHIT!" My eyes widened as I noticed the speeding vehicle coming towards me. I held my breath as I awaited the impact. Loosing my balance on the board, I fell back and sideways and forward while my skateboard flew away from me. I closed my eyes in pain and I could hear the car coming to a screeching halt.

Looking up I saw the driver, some blond guy come out and I could him cursing slightly as he inspected the car and completely ignored me. Placing my hands on the ground I hissed. My hands were completely scraped from the concrete. I am beyond what can be considered as pissed off. Lifting myself up I walked over to him and gave him a shove.

"You almost killed me!" He gave me a surprised look and his eyes met mine. Damn blond boy had some nice eyes… icy blues to be precise. His eyes then moved to something else… namely my facial piercings and then further down. This guy had some nerve checking me out after almost running me over. I waved a hand in front of his first and caught his attention again. "You almost killed me." I repeated through clenched teeth.

"You almost damaged the car!" He scoffed as he waved his hands, which were covered in almost cute fingerless gloves, around the huge tank he referred to as a car. That chuck of metal was not a car by any standards.

Damaged? Oh I was going to show him what damage is. Grabbing my skateboard off the ground, he raised an eyebrow at me but I ignored it. Walking over to the passenger side window, I turned around and smirked before using my board to smash the window.

"There now it is damaged." I gleamed letting the skateboard fall to my feet. His expression went from a cocky one to one of pure horror in ten seconds flat. It was priceless. Those icy blues narrowed at me furiously and I shrugged.

"You are so dead." He grumbled as he took a step closer to me.

I snorted at his apparent threat. "You almost killed me so this –" pointing at the broken window, "-makes us even." Placing a foot on my skateboard I smirked as I skated myself to be right next to him. Damn. Up close he was even cuter… in an annoying kind of way.

"If you think we're even you…" I lifted my hand interrupting him. Being on my skateboard made me slightly taller but I still had to look up to meet his eyes. I licked my lips and his eyes immediately dropped to them. Honestly… boys and their one-track minds.

"I don't have time." I had a coy smile on my lips now. "Next time watch the road…pretty boy." I laughed at his stunned expression and skated off before he had a chance to react. I guess blonde wasn't used to being called pretty.


a.n. -- well did ya like it? i hope you like laken, which by the way you can see a picture of in my profile as well as the other two male oc's. oh and reviewers will get a sneak peek into the next chapter. yes that is a bib.