Author's Note: I want to thank everyone for waiting for this update. I'm sorry it took so long, real life is getting in my way and getting to me, I've explained it on my profile.

Author's Note Two: This chapter includes my OCs. And next chapter two more cannon HP characters are coming. Both are lesser characters only mentioned a few times in each book, if mentioned at all. One is from Gryffindor and the other is from Ravenclaw. Feel free to guess who!

Disclaimer: I still don't Harry Potter or Hannah Montana. And my time masion is put on hold until farther notice.

Renewed Voices
Chapter Eleven: And They're Off

On August 15, Jay and Joy were up extra early, like five AM thanks to Sarah, and ready to go by seven since they had to be at the airport by nine. The airport was where the two siblings would find the plane taking them to school. The older students could arrive to school however they pleased as long as it was before the Sorting feast and first years had to take the plane with the others in their year.

While the Stewart siblings slowly and sleepily ate breakfast, Sarah loaded up her Jeep with their trunks and pets. Joy had her nine-compartment trunk, two bags: one with books and the other with her laptop and whatnot, and three pets: a crow named Victory, a golden retriever named Roger and a grey tabby kitten named Minnie from Aunt Minerva. Jay had his three-compartment trunk, his carry-on bag and two pets: a snowy owl from Dumbledore named Hedwig and a black puppy named Snuffles from Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.

Sometime later, the three were in Sarah's Jeep going down the highway and exiting the exit that directed them towards the airport. Once Sarah pulled up to the unloading zone, she jumped out of the driver's seat and ran to the back. Joy got out and grabbed two carts and Jay slowly made his way out of the Jeep.

Sarah quickly loaded each of the student's trunk and pets into one of the carts. Each Joy and Jay grabbed their bags and hugged Sarah goodbye.

"Bye, Sarah," said Jay as he gave her a quick hug.

"I'll miss you Sarah," said Joy as she hugged her bodyguard. "See you at Christmas."

"See you two," smiled Sarah as she watched them walk off. Once they were out of sight, she climbed back into her Jeep and sped off.

"Come on, H.I.J.," called Joy as she led her little brother over to the luggage check-in.

Since the school used their private jets, the students had to get their luggage checked by a professor. Joy led her little brother over to a woman with black hair and brown eyes in her early mid to late twenties. Behind her were a few piles of trucks and a holding area for pets.

"Professor Melissa," greeted the dark-skinned girl as handed the woman her trunk.

The black haired woman's glowed white as she scanned the trunk. She moved it to one of the building piles and Joy placed her crow, dog and kitten with the other pets. She grabbed her two bags and walked away. Jay rolled his eyes at her usual behavior.

"Here," muttered Jay as he placed his trunk in front the professor. Her eyes did the same thing as with Joy's trunk.

"I'm Melissa Daniels," she said. "I Head of Freedom Academy and I teach Dark Arts and English."

"Jay Stewart," stated the raven haired eleven year old. The two stood in silence for a moment before it was ruined by something . . . or someone.

"JAY!!!" yelled the annoyingly familiar voice of Mya as her head of blonde hair came charging towards them. Not too far behind her were Bri and Jesse.

"Mya, slow down," ordered Bri with a hint of a warning tone. As soon as the words left the redhead's mouth, the blonde stopped and waited for the other two to catch up to her. Once the three were rejoined they slowly made their way towards Jay and Professor Daniels.

"Hey Jay," greeted Jesse with a small smile.

"Sorry about my idiot cousin," Bri told Jay as she glared at the said person.

"Here," sighed Mya as she passed Professor Daniels her trunk. The professor made short work with all their trunks.

Together the four first years left the dark haired professor and made their way towards the private jet F.F. sent to get the first years and other returning students. The group of students made their way to and thru airport security without much of a problem.

"We need to go to Magical Farewell," announced Mya once they were out of security.

"What's that?" asked Jesse.

"It's the magical gift shop here," answered Bri. "It's hidden by spells and whatnot, so mortals don't see it. They have things from all over the world in the one shop. It's kinda cool."

"Let's go!" shouted Mya throwing her arms up into the air. She then looped her left arm through Jay's right and hauled him to the gift shop. The raven haired warlock found it was best not to struggle too much.

In a few minutes, Jay found himself in Magical Farewell with Jesse, Bri and Mya. Mya was at the candy and junk food, Jesse was at the spell books and Bri at the novels. Jay found himself looking at the various newspapers. The front page on The Dailey Prophet caught his eye. He grabbed it and read:

Off to School for the Twins-Who-Lived

By: Rita Skeeter

Rose and Justin Potter are off to Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry for their first year of magical schooling. The twins and their parents, Lily and James Potter, were spotted at Diagon Alley yesterday.

Back in July, Lily and James announced the twins would be attending Hogwarts in the fall for school. Together, the family and close family friends Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, decided which school the twins would attend. Rose and Justin receive acceptance letter from many magical schools from around the world. In the end, it was decided the Twins-Who-Lived would attend the same school as their parents.

Yesterday, the Potter family was caught leaving Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions with Molly, Arthur, Percy, Ronald and Ginerva Weasley. It's well known that Justin and Ron are best friends, so the two families are offend seen doing things together...

"Jay, ready to go?" asked the voice of Mya pulling Jay from the article. Mya noticed it and said, "It talks about the twins like they're the center of the world! It goes on about Lily and James, Hogwarts, the Headmaster and some of the professors and the Weasleys'. It's not really good for Skeeter's writing."

Jay nodded and put the newspaper back. He exited the shop and joined Jesse outside as they waited for the girls.

"Excuse me," said the voice of girl behind the male duo. They turned around and noticed two girls and a boy behind them.

"Yes?" asked Jesse with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you going to Founding Fathers?" asked one of the girls. She was Asia with short black hair, brown eyes and petite frame.

"Yeah," nodded the muggleborn boy.

"Who are you?" asked Mya as she and her cousin joined the group outside of the shop.

"Cho Chang," the Asian girl introduced herself.

"One should introduce themselves first, before asking others," replied the other girl. She had frizzy brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Mya Johnson," began the blonde Johnson heiress. "This is my cousin Bri Lovestone," she points to the redhead. "Jesse Jacobs," she points to the brunette. "And Jay Stewart," she points to the former-Potter.

"Hermione Granger," said the frizzy haired girl.

"Dean Thomas," muttered the boy. He was African with black hair and dark brown eyes.

"Can you help us find the plane?" asked Hermione.

"Sure," smiled Bri. "Let's get going."

The redhead grabbed a hold of her blonde cousin and led the way through the airport. They passed all the regular flights with people boarding or getting off. Bri took the group to the far end of the airport and stopped.

"What are doing here?" asked Jesse with a frown.

"To get to the run way you have to run through the wall," explained Bri. Jay nodded, Joy had told him the same thing many times. "Watch, Mya's going first."

Mya walked to the front of the group. She turned back and childishly stuck her tough out at the redhead before running through the wall. The group of first years watched as she went through it, instead of crashing into it. After Mya, the group went through one at a time.