Hermione stood in the back of the store looking at Christmas ornaments with her bushy hair pulled back at the nape of her neck. Out of the corner of her eye she was watching Ron follow their children around, acting all the while as bad as the children, if not worse. She smiled and shook her head. She loved Ron with all her heart and knew she had made the best decision in her life when she had married him. As she picked out the ornament she wanted and began to walk back over to her husband and children, an older couple caught her eye. They were gathered around the "sugar free chocolate" section and were laughing as they looked at the boxes. Hermione dropped the ornament she had been holding a moment before and her eyes opened three times wider. The couple looked over at her and the woman smiled in a friendly way.

"Slip out of your hand?" she asked as she walked over to help Hermione pick up the broken pieces. Hermione nodded silently, her mouth agape. There was no way that this woman was standing in front of her…no possible way that she was back in England…

"What's going on?" Ron asked curiously with Rose on his hip and Hugo following mulishly behind the two. Hermione's hands found Ron's shirt and she grasped it with surprising strength. The woman was still picking up pieces of the ornament and talking cheerfully, unaware that Hermione wasn't talking back.

"Ron," Hermione said in a low whisper. She was feeling light headed and clutched his shirt all the tighter. Ron put Rosie down and gripped Hermione's hand in concern.

"What is it?" he asked equally as quietly. Hermione found her voice again and replied quietly, still in shock,

"Ron…my parents…these…are my parents."