A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first fanfic, so please bear with me even if I don't seem to grasp the concept of writing a good story. No Sons yet in this chapter, but this is just an intro. So please read and review. Suggestions might be nice too because i really haven't thought of a good plot yet, just some ideas.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Covenant characters.

Dylan Han yawned as she looked at the scrawny little girl standing before her. She looked terrified and was shaking a bit. Poor little girl. She doesn't have a chance.

"What can you do?" someone asked from the middle of the table where Dylan was seated. It was Kira Snider. She looked like she was about to melt the poor girl with her heated staring.

"Uh.. I can split." The girl stuttered. She was shuffling her feet, unable to look any of them in the eye.

"Honey, every girl in Spenser can split," piped in Brittany Irons. "Just ask their boyfriends." Everyone at the table sniggered at her snide comment except Dylan and Kira. Finally Kira held a hand up to silence the room.

"I suggest you do something else besides splitting," said Kira coolly. "Either you have a routine or not. This is not a college interview. Either dance or get the hell out of here." Kira was always a bitch. Always have been, always will be.

The terrified young girl quickly ran to Dylan with her CD. Dylan popped it in the boom box and the Abba's dancing queen came on. The girl started popping her hips in every direction while waving her hands in the air. She looked like a lunatic. After a couple of repetitive steps, she ended the routine with a, wouldn't' you know it? Split.

As she did so, they heard a distinct crack. Everyone broke out laughing except Dylan. Kira was in on the laughter too, cackling like a witch. The girl didn't look like she was in any pain but Dylan noticed she couldn't get up. She ran over to the girl and pulled her off the floor. She was crying hysterically, obviously from the embarrassment and shame. The others were still laughing as Dylan walked the girl over to the bleachers.

"Is that a no?" asked the girl quietly. Dylan shook her head. No matter how sorry Dylan felt for the girl, she just wasn't Dreamer material. This was the Spenser dance squad. They performed for the school and competed with others. They couldn't afford to accept just anybody. Vanessa Fox, the former captain, recently graduated and left Kira Snider in charge. Now, all they needed to do was find new dancers to replace the Dreamers that graduated.

The girl ran out of the gym crying as the laughter died down. "What the hell do they think this is? Special needs try-outs?" said Kira snidely as she shuffled the application forms in her hand.

"Next!" yelled Brittany. Dylan returned to her seat just as a short girl with long blonde hair came in wearing a track suit.

"Well, look what we got here?" snorted Kira. "Didn't think you were still around, public?" A series of sniggers and jeers erupted from the table.

"I'm here for the try-outs" stated the girl calmly. Dylan recognized her as Caleb Danvers' girlfriend. They said she was from Boston Public. No wonder Kira was being bitchier than usual. Caleb was her ex but she cheated on him with Aaron Abbott. How Kira chose Aaron over Caleb, she'd never understand. Still she didn't appreciate anyone else chowing down on her left-overs.

"Do you have a CD?" asked Dylan before Kira could make any more comments. The girl nodded and handed her the CD.

"Wait!" objected Kira. "Who said she could try out? I'm the captain here! I decide!"

"Your job is to make sure our roster's filled," snapped Dylan. "Or would you rather I take it up with our adviser that you refused an audition due to your petty conflicts of interest?" Kira snapped her mouth shut. Their adviser Ms. Jenkins would have sided with Dylan. She and Kira didn't get along as well but Ms. Jenkins gave them an ultimatum that if they let their issues affect the squad, they'd be kicked off.

"Well, we'll see about that," declared Kira. "It's a group decision and I'm sure everyone else will side with me on this one." Almost everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let her dance first, Kira." Dylan demanded. "Then will see." The music started and the girl started dancing. She stepped and kicked and slid while added some distinctive new steps that were surprisingly good. Everyone else looked like they were going to give this girl a chance. Only Kira looked displeased at what they were seeing.

"Thank you…" Dylan couldn't remember her name. Ciara, was it?

"Sarah, Sarah Wenham." The girl answered through gasps.

"We'll call you" said Dylan. Sarah nodded and promptly stepped out the room.

"So I guess that's a yes?" Dylan asked the squad. Everyone reluctantly nodded. Kira fumed as she stomped out of the gym.