Chapter One

It was a cool morning as the dawn of the second quarter of High School began. It was a clear night to begin with, and a young man with longish dirty blond hair sat on top of his home, watching as the stars disappeared behind the morning sky's blanket. He was always up to see the sunrise before school, it always prepared him for the day.

However, he knew full well that there was one girl in school that would dampen his spirits. Malon Lotteta, his ex-girlfriend, continues to haunt him, had even once come to his house and demanded to have sex with him, which he promptly, and quickly, told her to get lost. It was the forceful demands that broke them apart, and he just wanted to get on with school. If it was not for his football friend, Sheik Black, he would probably be stuck with her. Though, it did not stop her still wanting to be with him.

With a sigh as the sun appeared, Link Hyrule, decedent of the lost, ancient Royal Bloodline, got up and entered his home. He lived alone, after being given the house when his parents died three years ago with enough money in his account to keep himself fed and the house paid for. Although large in size, Link only used a small portion of the home, thus saving on electricity and heat, using a wood stove to keep what little he uses warm. After a quick breakfast, Link leaves his home to get to school early so he can do some minor things around the place, such has hanging up notices of school events.

Autumn's view had come and gone, as he drove down the road he looked at the trees, most of them had lost the vibrant colors of autumn, many were bare and the cool air of the nearing winter breathed down everybody's neck. Not many people were up this time of morning, except for some teachers who showed up early as well. He had seen the school open as early at six in the morning; one of the teachers prefers to show movies without wasting class time.

Parking his truck in the school lot, Link enters the school and stops by the office to see if there was some stuff to hang up. He smiled as he picked up notices for a school dance that Friday and started to walk around the school with some tape in hand, taking down old papers and putting up the new ones. The school was large, and it took him nearly an hour and a half to get everything up.

As the eight o'clock hour approached, Link entered his homeroom silently. When he entered, his teacher steps forward and hands him a piece of paper. Looking down, he sees his schedule, but under someone else name.

"Mrs. Shadows, what does this mean?" Link asked, looking at his homeroom teacher.

"That's the new student, Mr. Sage wants you to see him once you got this."

"She's in my classes?"

"Same class, same credits needed, they found no better place then with your classes, it makes it a lot easier."

"Yeah, I suppose," Link muttered, turning. "I might not return," he stated.

"That's alright, I've got you marked." Mrs. Shadows said as he walked out.

Walking down the hall, pushing his way past some people who decided to take it all up, he headed back to the lobby at the entrance. Stopping by the Honor Roll list, he spots his name once more at Highest Honors, and he smiled as he entered the Principal's office, where he spotted someone in a black cloak sitting there.

"Ah, Link, welcome," Rauru Sage said. The Principle was a small man, always seen with an orange robe on with a rope around the waist. One of the things Link liked about him was he offered a casual wear with all staff and student body, giving a friendlier environment. "I'd like you to meet our newest student, Zelda Sayre." Link glanced down at the schedule before him and spotted the very name spoken.

"Here, Zelda, this is your schedule," Link said softly. "We have the same classes, so don't worry about getting lost." A subtle nod came from her as she grasped it with a gloved hand, and Link frowned slightly. Soon announcements started, and the two remained there until they were over. "Let's go, then."

She stood up slowly, adjusting her hood so that its shadow remained over her face. Link thought little of it as he led the way to his locker and pulled out his books for math before heading to the math room. He spoke quickly and quietly to the teacher, Darbus Rock, about Zelda and requested that no big announcement about her arrival was made. Mr. Rock nodded and he led her to where he sat, and she silently sat next to him. It did not take long for Malon to find him.

"Hey Link, got any time today after school?" she asked before school started.

"For the last time, leave me be," Link hissed, not happy to have to deal with her for another day. How he so wished for the end of the year to show up.

"C'mon, you have to have time to hang out."

"Like I want to hang out with you," he replied with clench teeth. He was trying hard not to use vulgar words in school.

"Oh, you're saying that your gay friends are more important than me?"

"Malon, that's quite enough," Mr. Rock said. "Please leave Link be and stay focus on your school work, you didn't do good last quarter."

"Yes sir," she said sarcastically. She sat down next to some of her friends in the back of the room. Link rolled his eyes and pulled out his notebook, spotting that the shadow next to him was tapping a note-less beat on the table, waiting for the class to start.

How can she be so, detached? Link wondered to himself as he opened to a new page in his notebook. Twirling his pencil in his left hand, he listened in as Mr. Rock began his lesson.

...Painting Scars...

"Lunch time!" a jolly voice sang out, " I smell pizza!"

"Pizza..." a whisper of a voice came, and Link turned to Zelda. To him, the voice sounded resentful, or full of displeasure. He figured she once liked pizza, but no longer.

"Do you like pizza?" he asked innocently, however. Her head turned to him slightly, but he got no response. Link looked behind him to see the owner of the voice walking calmly forward. "How's your day been, Sheik?"

"Easy, in science I just sat around 'cause I had already finished my test, and in English we watched a boring movie, I nearly fell asleep." Sheik said. The boy also hid his face, but he was of the Sheikah bloodline, and he said his parents wanted him like this until he turned eighteen. His red eyes shined warmly as he looked past his blond locks. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is Zelda, she's new." Link said, "If you see Zant or Midna, let 'em know, and no one else."

"Sure thing, I see them next in math." Sheik said as they got to the cafeteria. Link was stopped by Mr. Sage, who pulled him aside. Zelda stopped where she was and waited for Link, her only way of knowing where to go.

"Just for this week, can you pay for her lunch?" Rauru asked.

"Yeah, I can manage," Link said. Rauru thanked him and Link walked back over to Zelda. Letting her know, they both walked into the lunch room. Link grabbed a slice of pizza while she made herself a salad. Paying for their lunches, they headed over to a table and sat down to eat. Sheik joined them, the Sheikah pulling out a notebook and a pencil. "Writing again?" Link chided, opening his milk.

"Dude, Mrs. Forest wants me to write her a damn novel for my final where everyone else gets to write a 10 page essay." Sheik replied.

"But you don't have writing class this semester."

"I know, she saw I was in her class and knows how I love to write," Sheik muttered, taking another bite of pizza. "The thing is, I don't know what to write about."

"I'm sure something will come..." Zelda spoke softly, putting her plastic fork down and sitting back a little bit.

"You're not much on words." Sheik said, watching her. He was not surprised when she did not answer, instead took care of his trash in the nearby trash can. "See you later Link." Link nodded as Sheik left the cafeteria.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Link asked, not wanting to push her too much.

"Not yet," she replied in a low whisper.

"I've got spare rooms at my place, I can lend one to you."

"Will you parents mind?"

"Mum and Dad passed away a few years ago," Link said.

"Oh... I guess I can stay then," she mumbled. Link got up and took care of his plate and waited for Zelda to follow him. Soon they left the cafeteria and walked the halls

"Oh crap, I nearly forgot," Link mumbled, smacking his forehead. Zelda glanced over at him. "Don't mind waiting after school a bit? I've got basketball practice today."

"No... I'll just work on homework."

"Okay," Link sighed in relief.

The rest of the day went by quickly and uneventfully. Link led Zelda up to the Art room since that is where he goes for his study hall. The art room was largely different, full of life and color with various paintings on the ways and quite a few students working on projects. Zelda followed, and notice two people that Link sat down with.

"That must be Zelda," the male said. He wore a black robe with green lacing on the sleeves. The girl next to him glanced up briefly before turning back to her painting. Zelda sat down and grasped a blank sheet of paper and a drawing pencil. "Name's Zant, this is Midna," he said. Zelda merely nodded.

"How was your weekend, Zant?" Link asked, taking a seat at the table.

"Boring, I'm grounded so I can't see Midna outside of school."

"Which, you ask me, is a good lesson." Midna said, "I can't be with you all the time."

"I know. I'll tone it down." Zant muttered, "How 'bout you Link, how was yours?"

"Typical, quiet." Link replied.

"Hey Link," Midna asked after a moment of silence, "How does this look?" she lifted up the painting she was working on. The painting itself was of the different faces of the Hero of Legends, to the right, half the face of the Hero of Time was visible. To the far left, half the face of the Hero of Winds was visible. In the center, the right half of the face was the Hero of Twilight while the Left half was the Wolf of Twilight, one in the same person. Around the neck was the gemstone that allowed for the hero to change. Running horizontally, with the handle starting at the Hero of Time, the Master Sword scaled the background.

"Flawless, if you ask me." Link said, "Especially the Master Sword."

"It still doesn't feel like my best," Midna muttered.

"Eh, your opinion, you know the teacher will think otherwise."

"Teach says all my work is better than the last, even sloppy ones." Midna said, and rolled her eyes.

"You do know it's because the teacher isn't a good art teacher, right?" Zant asked, and Midna nodded.

"Ugh... excuse me." Zelda muttered, pushing the paper away. She got up and exited the room, the group figured she needed to go to the bathroom. Zant's eyes wandered to the paper she was drawing on, and his mouth dropped.

"Hey Link, isn't that man on the news, the wanted one?" Zant asked, turning the paper so Link could see properly.

"Dragmire? Why would she draw his face?" Link whispered so no one in the room could hear.

"Perhaps we might never know," Midna said, taking the paper. "I'm gonna hold onto this, my artist gut is telling me to."

"That gut hasn't been wrong so far," Zant said. "Hey Link, see what you can do about getting her to trust you, 'kay?"

"Already planned on it," Link said. "She has taken the offer of a room at my place."

"Don't forget about practice," Zant said, as he and Midna got up to leave.

"She said she was gonna work on homework while waiting, don't worry, I wouldn't miss it unless I missed school," Link called to them before they left.

...Painting Scars...

Link dropped his bags in the back of his truck as practice ended. Zelda was already sitting the passenger seat, staring idly out her window. Getting behind the wheel, Link pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road, the cab empty of music and voice, only the hum of the engine. After ten minutes, Zelda reached for the radio and turned it on to a station.

"Marin, great singer," Link whispered when the voice came through.

"I know... I once had all her CDs," Zelda said, "but that was back in 5th grade."

"What happen?" Link inquired carefully, he could tell with her tone of voice she didn't trust him.

"A fire destroyed the home," she replied.

"Hey, least you got out," Link said. "Your life is more important than a few CDs."

She simply made an agreeing sound before falling silent and listening to the music playing. After a while, Link pulled into his driveway. The duo climbed out of the truck and entered the house. He opened up a room next to his, and let her inside. After saying he was going to cook up some supper, he let her be. He sighed softly as he pulled out some steaks.

"This is going to be a long process," he muttered, "but I've got to get her to trust again."

A Thanks to Lady.Zayriah for looking this over, and the revised version of the following chapters.