On our last chapter, the group was joined by two new scouts from the Sand Village; Hinako and the shy Ryu. The group then left the village in hopes of reaching the Hidden Glass Village and finding the Akatsuki.

"This is such a boring mission!" the group has unfortunately had to listen to Naruto whining like this for quite some time now. They had all left the Sand Village at about noon and it was getting on dusk now. "Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about your boredom right now, Naruto-kun, but we will have to stop for the night, because the Sand Plains are a terrible place to get caught at night" Hinako had, apparently, been able to overlook Naruto's whining for the last few hours. "There is a small abandoned town coming up where we should be able to stay." The whole time the group had been walking, no one had heard Ryu speak except for when Gaara introduced him, so it would come as no shock when almost everyone (except for Sasuke) turned and stared at him. This set his face off like fireworks at night.

They arrived in the town just as the last few rays of twilight fell behind the horizon. The building they chose for a hideout was one that was run-down and looked as if no one had been in it for years. It didn't have rooms, but there were sections in the walls such as that for a kitchen and living room space. Kakashi took Sakura out to survey the area while Sasuke and Hinako were to start coming up with a strategy for when they engaged the enemy. Naruto and Ryu were to see if they could gather anything together for a meal.

This seemed to Naruto to be the perfect opportunity to stretch his legs and get some training done. "What about our job?" Ryu had asked when Naruto said what he intended to do. "I always carry some Ichiraku ramen with me, so I'm fine. As for the rest of them, they can find food for themselves, they're not kids." Ryu had decided to go with Naruto to see if he could help in any way, or maybe just find out what type of jutsu the strange boy used. Upon seeing Naruto's "Shadow Clone" jutsu, Ryu proceeded to train with him. The two had actually become friends quickly, despite the fact that Ryu didn't talk much.

"So, your name is Ryu, huh?" The two had stopped sparring to take a ramen brake and the silence had been driving Naruto crazy. "Hmm-mmh" Ryu could barely get a breath in because he was slurping soup and noodles. "I thought all Sand ninjas were supposed to be "detached" or whatever, but you look like a nice person, a little weird, but a nice person." Ryu stopped eating and put his bowl down. An awkward silence passed between the two. "I'm sorry," Naruto noticed the sadness on Ryu's face and immediately felt bad, "I didn't mean to offend you or anything."

"..uto!, Ryu!" the two companions just barely noticed that their names were being called into the night before the calling stopped. "I guess they are looking for us." Ryu got up and started picking up his equipment." "Oh here," Naruto started towards Ryu with out stretched hands, "let me help you with that." Ryu turned just as Naruto stumbled and fell towards him. The two accidently kissed, and immediately Ryu's face turned bright red. Naruto stood there, half-fallen, on Ryu's lips, held in his uplifting position, while coming from the camp, Sakura witnessed the scene with a small gasp.