YAY! my first South Park ans Style fic! i really think its cute, and i hope you do too.

there is a bit of language, but dont worry, nothing seriouse.

It's just a fluff, so if your looking for smut, go some were else.-----

The book they are reading is Romeo and Juliet, just so you know.

We were just sitting around in his room studying – or, at least he was. There was just something stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out of my mind. This one question that was burning a hole in my brain was taking away my focus in my English homework.

I peer above my book to look at him opposite of me on the bed.

He looks back at me with an eyebrow raised and I hastily turn back to my book.

A few minuets pass as I chew over what to do about this question, hoping he wasn't looking anymore.

I gaze up over my book again.

I watch him flip a page, wondering if I should do it or not. I just had to ask him! No, it seemed so stupid. He'd most likely laugh at me. Maybe I could find out without asking.

I didn't know he had noticed me staring until it was too late.

"What do you want?"

I gawk as I realize I was caught. My head races as I try to get an excuse. I try to say something, but nothing passed my lips but small stutters.

"Do you want help with your translations?"

I nod. It is all I could do. At least he didn't get it right.

Shit. He scoots over to me and peeres into my book, his hand resting on my shoulder, face right next to mine.

"I thought you could understand Shakespearean better than that. I don't see what you don't get. Their families feud, they fall in love, then die a few days later."

I don't hear him. I am staring at his face beside mine, trying to figure this out. I have to do it, now is my only chance. If I don't ask now, I'm going to be able to later.

I inch my face even closer, holding my breath so he doesn't feel it o his cheek. He is still talking. God, doesn't he ever shut up?

I lick him.

He jumps at least a foot in the air, making a high-pitched noise, and knocks me over the edge of the bed onto my back.


I look up from taking my place back on the bed to see his scrunched up face. He is all red and he is touching the cheek I licked. He had scooted back to the headboard, obviously in shock.

"what he hell?!" he yells at me with a bewildered look and a high pitched voice. He can't keep it stable, and I have to smile.

I scoot closer to him, making him go even redder, our faces inches apart as I look into his eyes with a similar blush on my face.

"I wanted to know what kosher tastes like."

I can't help but laugh as he curses me and blushes even more. I didn't know he could get so red.

Without realizing it, I give him a quick kiss and lick my lips.

"I actually like it." I smile even broader and pet his head gently, "My little Kosher Boy."

"God damn it Stan." A small smile tries to escape his lips as he struggles to hide it, "Get back to your homework."

Do you like it:3 pushe the button then, please review or i will cry!