Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto! Onward with the da story ! 

Summary: Once 6 girls get expelled they go to Konoha high with their brothers in tow. As soon as they arrive they catch the eye of the hottest boys in school. Too bad they can't have them. They were off limits for the girls own personal standards. Yeah I know its crappy but I don't care P.S. any one got any sum sudgestions? Greatly appreciated on with the story.

Thinking Inner Lyrics Flashback Normal


I woke up groggily and rolled out of bed. Standing up I checked my self out in the mirror. I looked like shit. I sighed and clutched my head, patrone is good but damn if you drink forty-two glasses you wake up with one hell of a hangover. I hopped in the shower and washed up in about an hour I was fully dressed so I headed downstairs.

" Hey people's." I said as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I heard mumbles of hey's and what sup's. I went and sat down at the table.

" Hey do any of you know how to cure a hangover without Tylenol and painkillers?" I asked. Every shrugged but then Deidara spoke up.

" Actually the Uchiha's are suppose to have a mega cure for hangovers with only taking one pill." He said. I smiled and said I was going. Sakura volunteered to go with me but the other girls said no and said they would call so we can go to the mall. Sakura and I nodded and we went out the door.

We got the directions to the Uchiha's house using our Garmen (sp) and arrived in ten minutes.

" Wow." Sakura murmured. I agreed. The exterior of the Uchiha's house was amazing it was pure white and it was huge! With delicate designs all over the house. It was beautiful. I motioned for her to follow me and we went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A maid answered the door and smiled sincerely.

" Hello, how may I help you?" she said. We smiled back and Sakura said.

" Hi, I'm Sakura Haruno and this is my sister Yuki Haruno. Were friends of Sasuke we just dropped in for a visit." The maid nodded and told us to follow her. We followed the maid thru a maze of beautiful rooms till we got to what I assumed to be the kitchen door. The maid knocked on the door and spoke.

" Sasuke-sama, Itachi-sama. You have guest here to see you." She said

" If it's Naruto tell him to go away." Sasuke's voice said thru the door. Then I heard Itachi voice.

" And if it's anyone from the akutsuki send them away."

" Um, no it's two girls they claim to be friends of you Sasuke-sama." The maid said.

" It's probably just some lying fan girls. Tell them to go away." Sasuke said.

" Hai." The maid said. She shook her head apologetically and was about to say something but I cut her off.

" Geez, Uchiha. Last night you were hinting that you wanted me but now you just practically shut the door in my face. Gawd I was right you were a jerk." I said. I rolled my eyes knowing he couldn't see me. " Come on Sakura lets go." I said. Just like I expected the doors the doors flew open in less than a second. Sasuke was sitting down on a stool and Itachi was looking thru the fridge. We smirked at the two.

" Why so desperate to see us?" Sakura asked casually.

" Yeah, yeah you're a conceited little girl ya know that?" Sasuke said.

" Why thank you!" Sakura chirped. I giggled and walked over to a stool and sat down.

" So why are you two here?" Itachi asked

" We wanted to check out your crib." Sakura said.

" Stop lying Sakura. A little birdie told us that you have the best cure for hangovers." I said. They nodded.

" Itachi already made some but take a Tylenol or something with it. Only one tablet." Sasuke said. We nodded and I pulled some painkillers out and hastilly drank the smoothie. My iphone started ringing so of corse like any other human being I answered it, it was Hinata.

" We are here okay so get your but over here!" Hinata said.

" Okay we'll be there so sorry for being late. Our trip took a little more time than expected thanks to someone." I said.

" Oh, and bring the Uchiha's because we ran into the other guys and bribed them to come with us by saying that they were here okay! Bye!

" Bye chika!" I chirped. I ended the call and slip the phone back in my purse and asked Sasuke what time it was

" 2:00 why?" he said. Sakura's eyes widened

" AWWWWW MAN! Were late!" she whined. We got up and headed towards the door. We were about to walk out but I whispered to my sister "play along". She whisper back alright. I spun on my heel so I faced the boys again.

" I just remembered we don't have our car! Sakura wanted to take the buss! The buss left ten minutes ago! NOOOOO" I screamed. She spun around also to face them. She grinned sheepishly at the boys and said

" Um, can we get a ride pleez? We will be forever in your debt. Oh and if you say no then I will bug the hell out of you till you say yes" she said. Sasuke sighed and said he would take us.

" Itachi, all my other cars are in the shop I only have my bike. Yuki's your problem now." He said as he and Sakura walked out of a door that I assumed to be the garage.

" What the hell do you mean problem get your chicken ass hair back here!" I screamed. Itachi shook his head and motioned for me to follow in. He led me into the garage and said, pick a car. I went straight over to the Porsche. He smirked at me and grabbed the keys. We hopped in and he started up the car.
" Where to?"

" We are supposed to go to the mall." He nodded. We rode in silence for a little bit but he noticed my bored face and asked if I wanted music. I nodded and he turned up the radio. I hummed softly to all the songs that were playing and before I knew it we were there. I gave him a small smile and said

" Thanks for the ride Itachi-san!" I gave him a peck on the cheek and got out. I went inside hoping that my plan would work. You see I 'accidentally' left my bag in his car and I used my other phone to call my real phone so he would notice my purse. It worked like a charm. I picked up my pace, and turned into a lingerie store partly wondering if he would follow me. Apparently he was not paying attention and followed me in.

" Yuki!" he hissed. I spun on my heel ready to put on my act. I lifted my hand as if I was going to slap him and nearly did just for kicks but he grabbed my wrist stopping me.

" Who the hell-" I cut off. " Oh its just you." I said he let go of my wrist and just stared at me blankly. I sighed gave him the 'what do you want' look. He handed me my bag and I noticed that women were staring at him. I pulled him close to me.

" What in fukin hell do you think you are doing Haruno." He growled. I wrapped his arms around my waist and hissed at him.

" Just play along or do you want your 'image' to be wrecked and labeled a pervert for the rest of your life!" Then I cooed louder." Haha your so sweet Itachi-kun." Most of the woman relaxed and fangirls that were buying some stuff to impress their honorary turned my way and glared at me. At least the Itachi fangirls. (i.e. like Itachi or Sasuke, the people the fan club is for). Desperate poor girls. He glared at me but no one could really see it. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the store, leading him to the rendezvous spot. I saw everyone there including the guys, and I wondered how Sakura got Sasuke there. All the guys were very um, unhappy I should say.

SakuraPOV (A/N were going back to when they are in the garage kay!)

I walked out of the garage and he came to his bike. I stared at it wearily.

" I'm not getting on that death machine." I said. He smirked at me.

" The wittle baby scared of the motor cycle." He said as if he were speaking to a child. I sent a glare his way and pouted.

" SO what if I don't want to get on you should go fuck yourself!" I snapped. I crossed my arms kept glaring at him.

" Look do you want to go or not?"

" Yes I want go! What kinda question is that!" Then an idea popped into my head. " SO Uchiha wanna make a bet?" I asked. He shrugged so I took that for a yes. I smirked.

" So get on with it and hurry up!" he said.

" Alright if I can go the whole way without screaming once you will be my slave for the day and vise versa if I loose kay?" He looked really amused so I assumed that the ride there was gonna be hell. I sat down and wrapped my arms around his waist and he took off. Held onto him tighter no one was on the road so he took advantage off it and shot down the street. I nearly screamed but I held back.

" Where to?" he asked turning his head back to me.

" The mall and watch where you going!" I scolded. He sighed, I guess he was trying a way to get me to loose the bet. He took a sharp turn that could of thrown us off and I screeched at him. " what the hell are you trying to kill us?" He gave me that very annoying cocky smirk and said.

" Hn. Just you." I glared at his back and I heard him mutter a long string of incoherent words. He sent me a death glare and muttered something under his breath. I smirked I had a good guess why he was so pissed off. I cupped my hand over my ear like people do when the can't here (A/N I never really get why you do that. If some one knows please tell me) and said.

" What was that?" he glared even harder if possible.

" I said where here damnit!" he snapped. I giggled and jumped off the bike and screamed letting out all of the inter tension I had. " Come hither slave" I said in a bossy tone he just rolled his eyes and followed me around like a little puppy following his mother. I arrived at the meting place and he saw the whole gang there minus my sister and Itachi. He sent a glare at me again.

" You didn't forget you car did you." He said accusingly. I gave a small grin and said our Ferrari was at his house. Guess what, he went ballistic and looked like he was about to kill.

" Slave calm down or I will think of an extra cruel punishment. You lost the bet so now you need to live it out." I snapped. Damn could this boy get on your nerves or what! He shrunk and sat on the ground pouting. I giggled, if you haven't seen Uchiha Sasuke pout it's so cute and funny. He stopped poutting for a moment and he glared at me.

" What's so fukin funny Haruno." He snapped once again. I just sent him a cocky smirk while saying

" Is that any way to talk to your master?" The other guys looked thoroughly amused.

" Master." Neji said. Sasuke nodded and said.

" Lost a bet." He nodded his head in comprehension. Then my sister popped up out of no where with Itachi.

" Well Lets go shopping!" Ino screamed.

Hello my peeps Kara here! Now sorry for updating so late but I was grounded again for like three more months well I can't remember anymore but lets say a long time! I am working on the next chapter so it should be up soon. Being a bad ass is so much fun but if your caught you get yourself in deeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppp trouble. Thanx for reading. I luvs u alls. The one and only – Rina-hime